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  1. In the New Testament "iniquity" stands for anomia equals properly, "the condition of one without law," "lawlessness" (so translated in 1John 3:4, elsewhere "iniquity," e.g. Matthew 7:23), a word which frequently stood for `awon in the Septuagint; and adikia, literally, "unrighteousness" (e.g. Luke 13:27).

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · Question. What is iniquity according to the Bible? Answer. The Bible uses words such as iniquity, transgression, and trespass to indicate levels of disobedience to God. They are all categorized as “sin.” Micah 2:1 says, “Woe to those who plan iniquity, to those who plot evil on their beds!

    • Definition of Iniquity
    • Iniquity in Biblical Context
    • Distinguishing Iniquity and Sin
    • Exploring Sin and Iniquity
    • Iniquity Unveiled: A Gateway to Unchecked Sin
    • Conclusion: Navigating The Complex Landscape of Iniquity

    Iniquity, as articulated in the Bible, encapsulates the fallen nature of humanity, describing a disposition that is inherently wicked or immoral. It's not merely an action but the character of that action, as emphasized in Psalms 32:5with the phrase "the iniquity of my sin." To provide further context, Merriam-Webster draws parallels, stating, "The...

    The Bible, a reservoir of wisdom, paints a nuanced picture of iniquity. Ezekiel 18:20delineates the principle that the soul who sins shall bear the consequences individually, free from the burden of ancestral iniquity. Meanwhile, Exodus 34:7highlights the divine balance, where steadfast love forgives iniquity but doesn't absolve the guilty. Jeremia...

    The Hebrew language, rich in expression, employs three key words—Chattah, Awon, and Pesha—to convey the nuances of "sin, iniquity, or transgression." Chattah, akin to missing the mark, corresponds to sin. Awon, reflecting inner character, points to intentional deviation from standards. Pesha, symbolizing willful rebellion, is synonymous with transg...

    Meaning of Sin: Missing the Mark

    Sin, etymologically rooted in "missing the mark," encompasses actions against God or others. It encompasses doing the opposite of what is right, leading to adverse consequences. In the Old Testament, even unintentional sins found redemption through divine sacrifices, showcasing the gravity of falling short of God's glory (Romans 3:23).

    Meaning of Iniquity: Conscious Deviation

    Iniquity, however, signifies a conscious decision, a deliberate deviation without repentance. Micah 2:1 condemns those who plan iniquity, emphasizing the gravity of intentional wrongdoing. David's plea in Psalm 51:2reflects the profound plea for cleansing from both sin and iniquity.

    While God forgives iniquity upon genuine repentance (Hebrews 8:12), unchecked iniquity morphs into intentional sin devoid of fear for the divine. The metaphorical "cup of iniquity" depicted in Revelation 17:4 warns of the perilous progression toward shameless sin. Nations forsaking God exemplify the growth of shameless sin, leading to a degenerate ...

    Iniquity, a profound concept embedded in the fabric of biblical teachings, transcends mere definitions. It unveils the intricate relationship between human frailty and divine redemption. As we dissect the layers of sin, iniquity, and transgression, we uncover not only linguistic nuances but profound insights into the human condition. The journey th...

  3. Apr 5, 2019 · In the Bible, iniquity is a type of sin that includes a conscious decision to hurt someone else or to rebel against God’s law. From an etymological perspective, scholars relate the Hebrew word עָוֹן (avon) meaning literally "crookedness," "perverseness," i.e. "evil regarded as that which is not straight or upright, moral distortion."

    • Penny Noyes
  4. Aug 21, 2023 · Iniquity refers to a premeditated choice; to commit iniquity is to continue without repentance. David’s sin with Bathsheba that led to the killing of her husband, Uriah, was iniquity (2 Samuel 11:3–4; 2 Samuel 12:9).

  5. Feb 24, 2023 · As the story unfolds, the biblical authors use language like “sin,” “iniquity,” and “transgression” to explain this corruption and the harm it causes. So let’s take a closer look at what these words mean so we can understand the authors’ perspectives.

  6. Iniquity is more than just sin; it’s a moral corruption that penetrates the heart. In biblical terms, it represents a deep-seated perversion or deviation from what is right. In both Hebrew (avon) and Greek (adikia), the word for iniquity refers to injustice or wickednessa state of inner corruption that leads to persistent unrighteous actions.

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