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  1. Stoicism in the Philosophy of Education, the focus turns to the philosophy of education found in the Stoics’ teachings. By referring to different philosophers and theorists, this chapter presents secondary literature that elicits the philosophy of education found within Stoic texts,

  2. Jan 20, 2023 · Stoic philosophy was, from Zeno onwards, conceived of as comprising three parts: physics (phusikê), logic (logikê), and ethics (êthikê). Each of these parts includes a wide array of further topics nowadays dealt with separately.

  3. This chapter will offer a clear, succinct and up-to-date discussion of four main topics: (1) the Stoic theory of desire; (2) the complex taxonomies of desire offered by the ancient Stoics; (3) the arguments, educational strategies, and practices the Stoics recommend to discipline our soul and extirpate our irrational desires and nally (4) a. fi.

    • Daniel Vázquez
    • 2020
  4. Jul 24, 2020 · This chapter will offer a clear, succinct and up-to-date discussion of four main topics: (1) the Stoic theory of desire; (2) the complex taxonomies of desire offered by the ancient Stoics; (3) the arguments, educational strategies, and practices the Stoics recommend to discipline our soul and extirpate our irrational desires and finally (4) a ...

    • Daniel Vázquez
    • 2020
  5. Stoicism. Traditions and Transformations. Stoicism isnow widely recognized asone of the most important philo-sophical schools of ancient Greece and Rome. But how did it influ-ence Western thought after Greek and Roman antiquity?

  6. By referring to different philosophers and theorists, this chapter presents secondary literature that elicits the philosophy of education found within Stoic texts, as well as contextualising Stoicism within the history of the philosophy of education.

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  8. 1. Are purely theoretical riddles worth the wrinkles in our brows? Is it over matters such as these that philosophers have grown long beards? Are such concerns worthy of teaching our children with faces grave and pale? Why do our philosophers abandon the magnificent promises made?

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