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  1. Introduction. This course is about Computer Architecture. We start by explaining a few key terms. The General Purpose Digital Computer. How can we define a ‘computer’?

  2. Jul 11, 2019 · Overview. Creating a Pipelined Y86 Processor. Rearrange SEQ Insert pipeline registers Deal with data and control hazards. Pipelining is an optimization to the implementation. Like any other optimization, it should not change the semantics.

    • 573KB
    • 24
    • Basic Computer Instructions : A simple understanding of Computer. Issues in Computer Design. Computer System Level Hierarchy. Computer Architecture and Computer Organization.
    • Instruction Design and Format : Different Instruction Cycles. Essential Registers for Instruction Execution. Machine Instructions. Instruction Formats (Zero, One, Two and Three Address Instruction)
    • Computer Arithmetic : Computer Arithmetic | ALU and Data Path. Computer Arithmetic | Set 1. Computer Arithmetic | Set 2. Difference between 1’s complement and 2’s complement.
    • Microprogrammed Control : Micro-Operation. Microarchitecture and Instruction Set Architecture. Types of Program Control Instructions. Difference between CALL and JUMP instructions.
    • What Is Pipelining?
    • What Is throughout?
    • What Is Latenecy?
    • Advantages of Pipelining
    • Disadvantages of Pipelining
    • Conclusion

    Pipelining is an arrangement of the CPU’s hardware components to raise the CPU’s general performance. In a pipelined processor, procedures called ‘stages’ are accomplished in parallel, and the execution of more than one line of instruction occurs. Now let us look at a real-life example that should operate based on the pipelined operation concept. C...

    It measure number of instruction completed per unit time.
    It represents overall processing speed of pipeline.
    Higher throughput indicate processing speed of pipeline.
    Calculated as, throughput= number of instruction executed/ execution time.
    It measure time taken for a single instruction to complete its execution.
    It represents delay or time it takes for an instruction to pass through pipeline stages.
    Lower latency indicates better performance .
    It is calculated as, Latency= Execution time/ Number of instruction executed.
    Increased Throughput: Pipelining enhance the throughput capacity of a CPU and enables a number of instruction to be processed at the same time at different stages. This leads to the improvement of...
    Improved CPU Utilization: From superimposing of instructions, pipelining helps to ensure that different sections of the CPU are useful. This gives no time for idling of the various segments of the...
    Higher Instruction Throughput:Pipelining occurring because when one particular instruction is in the execution stage it is possible for other instructions to be at varying stages of fetch, decode,...
    Better Performance for Repeated Tasks:Pipelining is particularly effective when all the tasks are accompanied by repetitive instructions, because the use of the pipeline shortens the amount of time...
    Pipeline Hazards:Pipelining may result to data hazards whereby instructions depends on other instructions; control hazards, which arise due to branch instructions; and structural hazards whereby th...
    Increased Complexity: Pipelining enhances the complexity of processor design as well as its application as compared to non-pipelined structures. Pipelining stages management, dealing with the risks...
    Stall Cycles:When risks are present, pipeline stalls or bubbles can be brought about, and this produces idle times in certain stages in the pipeline. These stalls can actually remove some of the cy...
    Instruction Latency: While pipelining increases the throughput of instructions the delay of each instruction may not necessarily be reduced. Every instruction must still go through all the pipeline...

    Pipelining is one of the most essential concepts and it improves CPU’s capability to process several instructions at the same time across various stages. It increases immensely the system’s throughput and overall efficiency by effectively determining the optimum use of hardware. On its own it enhances the processing speed but handling of pipeline h...

  3. May 11, 2023 · Computer architecture refers to the end-to-end structure of a computer system that determines how its components interact with each other in helping to execute the machine’s purpose (i.e., processing data), often avoiding any reference to the actual technical implementation.

  4. add r2,r3 r1 sub r1,r4 r2 or r6,r3 r1. Write-after-write (WAW) Output-dependence • Dependence is property of the program and ISA. • Data hazards: function of data dependences and pipeline. • Potential for executing dependent insns in wrong order • Require both insns to be in pipeline (“in flight”) simultaneously.

  5. Branch Target Buffer (BTB) As before: learn from past, predict the future. Record the past branch targets in a hardware structure. Branch target buffer (BTB): “guess” the future PC based on past behavior. “Last time the branch X was taken, it went to address Y”.

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