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  1. Quick-Reference Scripture Guide By: Allan McNabb 1 Quick-Reference Scripture Guide Abortion, fetus is a child Ps. 139:13-16; Matt. 1:23; 2:1-2

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  2. Bible Cross References. About 340,000 cross references identify commonalities between different parts of the Bible—chains of similar themes, words, events, or people. Enter a Bible Verse to Search for Cross References

  3. What you'll find here is a complete outline for each book of the Bible. The format follows a very simple, easy to read "section headings" list. Reading through these outlines can give you a bird's eye view of the whole Bible.

  4. Wastrel explaination from Webster's Dictionary. (1): (n.) Waste land or common land.(2): (n.) A profligate.(3): (n.) A.....

    • What Is A cross-reference?
    • Why Cross-References?
    • Types of Cross-References
    • How I Use Cross-References
    • Bonus Tips
    • Put It to Use

    At its simplest, a cross-reference is a marker in the text pointing the reader to related content. When speaking of the Bible, cross-references point you to passages containing related words and themes.

    Though there are many ways to study the Bible, interpretation is best when we let the context of passages speak for themselves. Some refer to this as “using Scripture to interpret Scripture.” We use a similar phrase: using cross-references. Cross-references are a study tool used to point the reader to related content which may define and contextual...

    If you’re going to make use of cross-references in your study, you need to know about the different types and how to use them. For our purposes today, we’re going to utilize the ESV cross-reference system and explain its setup. To learn about the cross-references for your Bible translation consult its front matter. The ESV’s system identifies six d...

    Now that we’ve covered the different types of cross-references, let’s talk about using them in your studies. While it might seem like a complicated system at first glance, in practice their use is straightforward. Here are the steps I follow when studying a passage. 1. Read the Passage.Focus only on the text at hand. Read and re-read the passage. T...

    As we wrap up, here are a couple bonus tips for you. The more you read the Bible, the more familiar it becomes. When this happens, sometimes you will read a passage and another will come to mind that’s related. Most times, when you glance at your cross-references it’ll be there. If it is, fantastic, your Bible knowledge is growing! But, on the rare...

    Now it’s your turn. Your challenge this week is to use nothing more than your Bible and its cross-references in your studies. Use the steps outlined above, and only consult other tools as a last resort. See where the cross-references take you and let me know about it! [*] Jerome H. Smith, The New Treasury ofScripture Knowledge: The Most Complete Li...

  5. A Bible concordance is an alphabetical listings of words and phrases found in the Holy Bible and shows where the terms occur throughout all books of Scripture. With cross-references for verses, concordances make it easy to understand the meaning of terms and the context in which those words are used. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance is the ...

  6. Search our collection of popular Bible dictionaries for the meaning of words found in the Bible. Our comprehensive dictionary combines definitions and proper names for Biblical words with online verse reference, allowing users to define and analyze Scripture.

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