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  1. Attend Eucharist at a Church of England Cathedral and you may hear Anglican settings by English composers such as Stanford, Darke or Howells or Roman Catholic settings by William Byrd, Mozart or Schubert.

  2. For the vast majority of Anglicans, the Eucharist (also called "Holy Communion", "Mass", the Divine Liturgy, the "Lord's Supper", or The Great Thanksgiving), is the central act of gathered worship, the appointed means by which Christ can become present to his church.

  3. Oct 23, 2018 · According to the Catholic catechisms or canon law, is it ever canonically acceptable or lawful for a Roman Catholic to take of the Anglican communion?

  4. Jan 26, 2024 · Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby celebrated an Anglican liturgy this morning in the Catholic Basilica of St. Bartholomew, located on Tiber Island in Rome’s Tiber River. At the beginning of the...

    • Entrance
    • The Liturgy of The Word
    • The Liturgy of The Sacrament
    • Exit

    Opening Acclamation

    The opening Acclamation states the entire journey’s destination: the Kingdom of the Triune God (Schmemann, For the Life of the World, 29).


    The Processional, though not mandated in the BCP2019, begins the enactment of the journey: following Christ, represented by the processional cross, God’s people enter God’s presence. They are only able to approach the altar by virtue of the sufficient sacrifice of Christ himself. On their own, they are impure and unfit for worship (Rom. 3:23).

    Collect for Purity

    Through the Collect for Purity, then, the people ask for the Holy Spirit’s cleansing to enable proper worship.

    Praise, Prayer, Lessons, and Sermon

    After singing praises to a holy and merciful God (Ps 5:11), and being gathered together in prayer (Matt 18:20) by the Collect of the Day, the people are ready to hear the Word of God, first read aloud in the Lessons, and then proclaimed and exposited in the Sermon(1 Tim 4:13).


    The Church then responds to God’s Word by confessing the Nicene Creed as a summary of its faith in both God and His Word.

    Prayers of the People

    If heard correctly, God’s Word should bring concern for God’s world, for which the community then intercedes in the Prayers of the People(1 Tim 2:1).


    The transition now complete, the Liturgy of Holy Communion begins with the Offertory, in which God’s people offer Him their very selves, symbolized by the bread, wine, and money as the fruits of human labor.

    Great Thanksgiving

    Then comes the Great Thanksgiving to God, in which, at the phrase “lift up your hearts” (sursum corda), the anaphora takes place as the Church itself is lifted up, as an offering, into the heavenly sanctuary (Chan, Liturgical Theology, 142).

    Sanctus and Benedictus qui venit

    Along with the angels in heaven, the Church praises God for His holiness in the Sanctus (“Holy”; Isa 6:3; Rev 4:8), and welcomes Christ’s presence in the Eucharist through the Benedictus qui venit (“Blessed is he who comes”; Ps 118:26; Matt 21:9; 23:39).

    Post-Communion Prayer, Benediction, and Dismissal

    In the Post-Communion Prayer, the people thank God for his provision and ask for His blessing as they are sent back out into the world – a blessing which they then receive in the celebrant’s benediction (Luke 24:50; John 14:12), before beingsent out into the worldto serve Christ (Matt 28:16-20).

    • Joshua Steele
  5. Jan 25, 2024 · The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, preached today at Anglican Eucharist held at San Bartolomeo all’Isola on Tiber Island (Sanctuary of the New Martyrs), a ninth century Basilica in Rome.

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  7. May 4, 2012 · In this environment of mystery, Anglicans have cherished a broad range of sentiments from near memorialism (symbolic remembrance) to consubstantiation (Christ is with and under the bread ­and wine), while avoiding an overly technical theology of Eucharist.

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