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      • a form of deliberate mockery in which one says the opposite of what is obviously true sự mỉa mai His playful sense of irony adds much to his performances as a comedian. seeming mockery in a situation, words etc sự trớ trêu The irony of the situation was that he stole the money which she had already planned to give him.
  1. Wikipedia tiếng Việt là phiên bản tiếng Việt của Wikipedia. Website lần đầu kích hoạt vào tháng 11 năm 2002 và chỉ có bài viết đầu tiên của dự án là bài Internet Society. Wikipedia tiếng Việt không có thêm bài viết nào cho đến tháng 10 năm 2003 khi Trang Chính ra mắt.

  2. irony /ˈɑɪ.rə.ni/ Sự trớ trêu. Trạm cứu hỏa bị cháy là một tình huống trớ trêu.

  3. Jun 11, 2023 · Irony and irony vary, depending on the context. The difference is that the higher degree of "unusual" of the word ouch; Therefore, when things happen, people will get angry, which can lead to uncontrolled work.

  4. Irony is best described as the outcome of an action being the opposite of the intention. For instance, if I put up a scarecrow to keep crows away and it attracts crows to it, that is irony. It is usually construed as humorous and is often confused with coincidences.

  5. C2. a situation in which something which was intended to have a particular result has the opposite or a very different result: The irony ( of it) is that the new tax system will burden those it was intended to help. Bớt các ví dụ. With inevitable irony, it was Smith who scored the winning goal against his former team.

  6. noun. / ˈaiərəni/ plural ironies. Add to word list. a form of deliberate mockery in which one says the opposite of what is obviously true. sự mỉa mai. His playful sense of irony adds much to his performances as a comedian. seeming mockery in a situation, words etc. sự trớ trêu.

  7. Phép dịch "irony" thành Tiếng Việt . sự mỉa mai, giống gang, giống thép là các bản dịch hàng đầu của "irony" thành Tiếng Việt. Câu dịch mẫu: See, the irony here is, you're kind of fascinating. ↔ Nghe này, sự mỉa mai ở đây là, cậu khá là hấp dẫn tôi.

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