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  1. Sep 15, 2022 · If you’re a filmmaker or indie producer, now’s the time to acquaint yourself with independent film distributors. That is, if you want eyes on your film. Without an indie film distributor, no one will see your film but you and your family. Get familiar with this list of independent film distribution companies to find the right partner ...

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  3. Mar 14, 2024 · There are tons of independent film distributors out there, each with all their own pros and cons, plus there’s the wide world of self distribution to explore. Let’s break down some of the different options for independent filmmakers looking to distribute their movie.

    • Two Common Film Distribution Strategies
    • The 6 Steps to Self-Distribute Your Indie Film
    • Step 1: Funding Your Indie Film Distribution Campaign
    • Step 2: Prepare Your Independent Film For Distribution
    • Step 3: Decide on Online and Streaming Release Strategy
    • Step 4: Target The VOD Distribution Platforms
    • Step 5: Determine Whether You Want A Theatrical Release
    • Step 6: Promoting Your Independent Film
    • That’S A Wrap!

    1. Bidding War At A Film Festival

    In the past, the “success story” went like this: have your film festival premiereat Sundance, Cannes, or SXSW. This is followed by a million-dollar bidding war by top distributors. Next comes a full buy-out of your movie. Again, this is the dreamy success story scenario. Do bidding wars still happen? Sure, but it’s uncommon. In days gone by, filmmakers would run the film festival circuit to generate buzz around their film to attract distributors. With the arrival of VOD platforms, such as Ama...

    2. Sell Movie to Streaming Platform

    With over 150 million subscribers, scoring a film distribution deal with Netflix is a dream come true for indie filmmakers. Of course, securing a distribution deal with the handful of other top dog distributors, such as Lionsgate, Universal, Paramount, or Warner would be equally exciting. However, as with Dream Scenario #1, selling film rights to a distributor is a long shot. The process involves research, intimate understanding of your film’s audience and its potential position in the market...

    In his SXSW 2015 keynote speech, legendary indie filmmaker Mark Duplass offered this famous, albeit a painful piece of advice: “The Calvary is Not Coming.” Is your indie film unique and entertaining, able to grab audiences by the throat? Quite possibly. However, even if you have the next Citizen Kane on your hard drive, it may never see the light o...

    Use Crowdfunding Platforms to Your Advantage

    Most filmmakers turn to crowdfund sites such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo during pre-production. Those interested in funding their self-distribution journey using a crowdfunding platform may find themselves in an enviable position. Having already proven your salt as a filmmaker that gets stuff done, asking for funds to bring your product to larger audiences is an admirable goal. When writing your personal story and film synopsis, be sure to highlight that you’ve already proven your metal – yo...

    Formats Required for Theatrical Distribution

    Since 2002, the industry has standardized the way films are screened at movie theaters. To the chagrin of hardcore film lovers, most theaters no longer project 35mm film. These days, digital screenings are standard. Whether you’re “4-walling” your film (renting a movie theater for a flat-rate) or preparing your indie film to screen at festivals, you’ll want to put the following on your list of to-dos:

    Formats Required to Distribute a Film Online

    Although you have a bit more leeway in terms of film format for online distribution, you still want to shoot for encoding in the highest quality possible.

    Subtitles and Closed Captioning for Your Indie Film

    Many international film festivals prefer submissions to have English closed-captions or translated subtitles. If accepted, English-language films may need to have subtitles in the host’s native language. For example, films invited to the Berlin International Film Festival’s International Competition must have German subtitles. Here at Rev, we have a team of dedicated subtitle translatorsto create foreign subtitles for independent films. In addition, video-on-demand platforms also require clos...

    To distribute a film online to a VOD platform, you have two paths: by way of a third-party aggregator or DIY.

    As previously mentioned, finding a distributor right out of the gate to invest their time, money, and energy to distribute your film is unlikely. Fortunately, indie filmmakers have plenty of avenues to find their viewership via the various VOD platforms. But before you dive in and submit your film to the various VOD platforms, let’s introduce the e...

    Despite the various online channels available to filmmakers today, sometimes nothing says “I made a movie!” more than a theatrical release. If you’re intent on getting your film on the big screen, there are some things to consider: 1. Pricey! 4-walling your film at a theater can be expensive. Essentially, you work with a theater to “book” a showing...

    Building audiences for your film is key to generating buzz. If you can tap into a niche audience who will get behind your movie and act as ambassadors, you can plan for crossover into broader audiences. Volumes have been written on promoting films. In a nutshell, it comes down to a few key ingredients:

    While the road to self-distribute an indie film may be a long one, it’s certainly worthwhile. By breaking down this complicated process into 6 easy steps, we hope you now have a handle on what needs to get done. Whatever happens, remember this: the skills and connections you make on your journey to securing a film distribution deal will serve you i...

  4. Apr 7, 2023 · Got an independent film you want to distribute? Lucky for you, there are now a multitude of options to distribute your films, whether you plan to do so yourself, or seek out a company to distribute for you.

  5. A leading independent film distributor for nearly 20 years, Magnolia Pictures is the theatrical and home entertainment distribution arm of the Wagner/Cuban Companies. Recent releases include two-time Oscar nominee COLLECTIVE, Alexander Nanau’s jaw-dropping expose of corruption at the highest levels of government and France’s Official Oscar ...

  6. Aug 17, 2023 · Welcome to the ultimate guide to film distribution! For independent filmmakers, getting their films in front of an audience is one of the biggest challenges they face. While making a great film is certainly an achievement, it's only the beginning of the journey.

  7. 5 days ago · A movie distribution company aims to get films from producers and directors into viewers’ hands. From small independent productions to big-budget Hollywood blockbusters, these companies ensure that film audiences across the globe have access to various cinematic offerings.

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