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    • To Silvia (XXI) Silvia, do you remember. those moments, in your mortal life, when beauty still shone. in your sidelong, laughing eyes, and you, light and thoughtful,
    • The Infinite (XII) It was always dear to me, this solitary hill, and this hedgerow here, that closes off my view, from so much of the ultimate horizon.
    • The Evening Of The Holiday (XIII) The night is sweet and clear, without a breeze, and the moon rests in the gardens, calm on the roofs, and reveals, clear,
    • To the Moon (XIV) O lovely moon, now I’m reminded. how almost a year since, full of anguish, I climbed this hill to gaze at you again, and you hung there, over that wood, as now,
  1. Oct 12, 2019 · "Canti" di Giacomo Leopardi. Edizione di riferimento: Rizzoli, Milano 1974. Versione e-book tratta dalla serie di CD-ROM "La letteratura italiana Einaudi" (o "La grande letteratura italiana Einaudi") del 2000, parzialmente pubblicata come biblioteca online sul sito, realizzato da in collaborazione con ...

  2. Mar 17, 2008 · Leopardi, Giacomo, 1798-1837 Publisher New York, Russell & Russell Collection americana Book from the collections of Harvard University Language English; Italian Item Size 18018248

  3. Sep 19, 2006 · 142 downloads in the last 30 days. Project Gutenberg eBooks are always free! Free kindle book and epub digitized and proofread by volunteers.

    • Leopardi, Giacomo, 1798-1837
    • The Poems of Giacomo Leopardi
    • English
    • Townsend, Frederick
    • TO ITALY
    • See horse and rider bite the dust and die, See fallen tents and wains
    • TO ITALY
    • Those great immortal names’ infinite band, And weep and of thyself think bitter shame ;
    • Our ill-starred race’s consolation sole, Intent in her dire day
    • I know for thine own sake this cannot thee Elate, for no more firm than wax or sand,
    • Shall be in one same page
    • 1 Turn to thine ancestors, degenerate race ; Gaze on these ruins round,
    • Phyllis and Daphne ’neath
    • There was a time — nor does Ionian song
    • How oft plebeian voices cheerless fell On my expectant ear, my blood too froze,
    • 0 lonely thrush, sad thou dost sit and sing
    • ^ Dear sweet, vvho me with deep,
    • TO MY LADY
    • And stolen glances ye, In melting wayward eyes, Thou love that never dies,
    • That tower into the azure sky, and which
    • Thou swayer of my mind’s profoundest sphere ; Most dread, but yet most dear
    • What but weak wishes vain
    • Proclaim thou’rt given to be my endless lord. Other delusions sweet
    • 4 Whom the gods love dies young 1
    • By its dread, awful might,
    • A SPA SI A
    • SPA SI A
    • The whole creation yearns
    • Proud, senseless age, come look Upon thine image here, Which hast the path forsook
    • In one confederacy against all harms,
    • Again basks in Heaven’s light and sunbeam’s ray ; And from the Forum lone

    v tinction of another Trelawney to another equally ill-starred Byron. Leopardi died at his friend’s house in Naples rather suddenly on June 15, 1837, a few days before the completion of his thirty-ninth year. Besides the precocious works mentioned and the canti here translated, we have from Leopardi a con...

    should be left behind in an honest attempt at least to in- terpret the great Italian classic of the nineteenth century to a wider public in this country than those who can approach him in the original. It has been my aim in this translation that it should not be in the remotest sense a paraphrase, ...

    My native land ! thy walls I still behold, Thy arches, columns, monuments, and waste Lone towers our fathers manned ; But not thy glory, nor The laurel and the sword with which of old Our sires were girt, I see. Now thou defaced, With naked brow and bared breast, dost stand. Ah me ! thy wounds so so...

    Impede the beaten foe’s inglorious flight ; And midst the first to fly The tyrant, woe-begone, bewildered, pale. Barbarian blood, lo, stains Greek hands and brows, and dripping from them runs With havoc fell the Persians they assail, Till, overcome by wounds and loss of blood, They rear aloft the glorious ...

    In war for Greece may lose, Some modest fame yet may Your Bard amongst posterity secure, If Heaven this not forbids, Which shall, like yours, till time's no more, endure. II

    ABOUT TO BE SET UP IN FLORENCE Though Peace, as with a pall, Her snow-white pinions round our country wraps, Italian breasts shall ne’er Shake off their ancient heavy slumber’s thrall, Unless the spirit of our sires of yore Imbue this land, a prey to dire mishaps. O Italy, to thee Be’t dear to honour t...

    For what can grief avail without shame’s thrill? Turn thee, awake, and of thyself feel scorn ! Let our sires’ mem’ry fill Thy heart and thoughts of ages yet unborn ! The stranger of a different genius, clime,

    And tongue, the Tuscan land once wandered thro’, If haply he might learn Where he lay dead whose song was so sublime That now the bard Maeonian has a peer, And heard (O shame on you !) Not only that in ban of stranger earth, Since that lugubrious day, His bleached bones lay and ashes cold and sere, ...

    In this dear scheme have shown of brain and hand? What words shall I address to you to fire Your heart, as with a brand, And with a spark divine your soul inspire ? Your lofty theme shall inspiration prove, And with keen goads your ardent souls impel. Who shall express the flood And passion of your ...

    Of ruin, Italy’s high praise to extol ! too with ardour strong Our doleful mother to revere desire, And bringing what I may, mingle with your labour this my song, Here where your chisel shall make marble live. thou of Tuscan song illustrious sire, If word may reach that land IO ON THE MONUMENT TO DAN...

    Compared with thine undying glory’s ring, Are bronze and marble ! If thy mem’ry we Have e’er forgot, or do not ever keep, Let our misfortunes grow, if they can grow, And let thy country weep, By all despised, in everlasting woe ! I ask thee not to joy for thine own sake, But thy poor country’s, if e...

    ii Of fate, who didst not see such horrid woes, Nor Italy’s fair dames Beheldst in barbarous soldiers’ foul embrace ; Nor yet her ruined towns and fields a prey To hostile spear and rage of foreign foes ; Nor sawst dragged far and wide Beyond the Alps her works of art divine To vile captivity ; nor y...

    Nor did I die to avenge thy direful fate ! Hearts swell with pity deep, with anger hot ! Full many of her children drew their swords, And fought and fell, but not For dying Italy — for tyrant lords ! Father, if such woes rend Thee not, thou’rt not he once on earth thou wast ! On the Ruthenian plains A...

    Enroll’d with cowards and dastards ! Yet rest ye In peace, brave hearts, altho’ your grief and pain Be infinite ; let this thought comfort you That neither in this age Nor in a future shall ye comfort gain! Upon the bosom of your boundless woe Sleep ye in peace, leal sons of her whose last Misfortune...

    Shall limit ne’er be found ? I, while I live, to all shall loud proclaim :

    These volumes, temples^ painters’, sculptors’ art Think of what soil thou treadst, and if the glow Of such ensamples cannot fire thy heart, Why waitst thou ?— rise and go ! This land, the fost’rer of great souls, not meet Can be for such a vile, degenerate brood ; If’t be of cowards the seat, 'Twere be...

    ON HIS DISCOVERING CICERO’S 4 DE REPUBLICA* Thou bold Italian, wilt thou never cease To summon from the tomb Our sires, or tire of luring them to teach This age nigh moribund, sunk in the gloom Of slothful lethargy ? How now doth reach So oft and so appealing to our ears Our fathers’ voice that slept...

    To our old sires doth give, Thou thinkst of them — thou whom Fate doth inspire So bounteously, that once more seem to live At thy behest those days* when from their dire Oblivion old upreared their lofty head, With Learning erst entombed, The ancient seers, with whom Nature conversed, Her veil unraised, o...

    Disgust has girt, and Nothingness calm sits Beside our crib, and o’er our tomb she flits. But thy life then was with the stars and sea, Liguria’s daring son,* When out beyond the Pillars and the shore Which seems to hear waves hiss, when dips the sun At eve, thou, launched into the infinite roar Of w...

    Be ’t thine to know, O youth of generous blood, The siren voice and smile Of fame, and how superior manly zest Is to effeminate sloth. Rouse thee awhile, Stout-hearted champion, if from the flood Of rushing years thy valorous soul would wrest Renown’s eternal prize — rouse, rouse thee, stir Thy heart to h...

    Nor did the envied palm and wreath, so deep Desired, e’er fire his blood. Perchance they dipped In pure Alpheus’ stream the dust-stained flanks And manes of their victorious steeds — those men Who Grecian standards and Greek lances bore Amid the panic-stricken, pallid ranks Of worn and routed Persians : wh...

    When now Italian chivalry, laid low In dire destruction, bit The dust of Thrace, and for the verdant meads And vales of Italy, and Tiber’s banks Fate now the tramp of the barbarian steeds Prepares, and summons from those forest wastes, Banned in the frozen north, The Gothic hordes to crush Rome’s might, ...

    (If ye indeed in Phlegethon reside, Or ’bove the clouds), to you a laughing-stock And gibe is man’s sad race, From whom ye temples claim ; and men a law On trickery based doth jeer. Does then terrestrial piety excite Celestial hate so far ? dost thou protect, Jove, impious men ? and when storm-clouds c...

    Divine could courage such as this ne'er move. Perchance these playful gods our toils and pains, Bitter experiences and ill-starred love Decreed as sport unto their leisure hours ? free life in the woods And innocent, not fraught with guilt and ills, Had Nature for us found, Goddess and Queen awhile. Now ...

    That blood of ours doth dye ; Thy searching beams the night unpeaceful flood, And that field fatal to Italian might. The conqueror tramps on foe of kindred blood, The hills bewail the Rome of old down hurled From her proud pinnacles ; And canst thou rest so calm ? Thou sawst the birth Of the Lavinian...

    Not I Olympus’ or Cocytus’ kings Stone-deaf invoke, nor yet Base earth, nor dying night, with piteous wail ; Nor thee, last hope to which the dying cling, Praise of posterity ! Can sobs avail To appease proud tomb ; did ever deck it words And gifts of rabble vile ? The times are out of joint ; degener...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

    139 THE GENISTA Directly at the base Of rows of lopped-off colonnades, The stranger long upon the twofold cone And smoking crest doth gaze, (Which And in to the the horror sprawling of the ruins dark still n ght’s threats gloom doom. Through empty theatres, And temples mutilate and broken porch And hall, whe...

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  6. Sep 9, 2016 · Giacomo Leopardi, the greatest Italian poet of the Nineteenth Century, was, born at Recanati, a town of the March of Ancona, on the twenty-ninth of June, 1798; the eldest son of Count Monaldo Leopardi, and Adelaide, his wife, daughter of the Marquis Antici.

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