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  1. After breaking up with an unfaithful partner, a jealous contestant is persuaded to seek revenge by flirting with someone else. The two teams must search Area...

  2. Total Drama World Tour's fifteenth episode, "The EX-Files" in FULL HD quality!0:00 - Recap0:28 - Intro1:28 - Episode

    • Overview
    • Personality
    • Total Drama Island
    • Total Drama Action
    • Total Drama World Tour
    • Total Drama: Revenge of the Island
    • Total Drama All-Stars
    • Total DramaRama Season 3
    • Appearances

    Heather was a camper and the main antagonist of Total Drama Island as a member of the Screaming Gophers. She later returned as a cast member in Total Drama Action on the Screaming Gaffers, and was one of the finalists in Total Drama World Tour as a member of Team Amazon. She was seen with the original contestants on a yacht in the first episode of ...

    Heather was Total Drama's first antagonist. Famously manipulative and vicious, Heather knows what she wants and exactly how to get it. Her strategic smarts have proven effective, eliminating a record amount of contestants. She competes with her sights only on the prize money and not on making friends or finding love, using others at her advantage and only being kind when she may ultimately be benefited. This makes it difficult to differentiate her original, mean girl ways from her true heartfelt moments. Such an example is in Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island, when a tearful Heather tells Harold that she doesn't like "being mean all the time" and it's not fun "being the one everyone hates". Hawaiian Punch, in which she becomes ecstatic at the thought of being the "good guy", confirms that there is at least some truth to her lament. However, even romance is not enough to tame Heather's desire for victory, as shown by her relationship with Alejandro. Over the course of the series, though, she has progressively gotten nicer, from trying to warn others about a greater threat, to sympathizing with others, and even feeling awful for accidentally causing someone's life-threatening injuries.

    One of Heather's fatal flaws, at least in the beginning of the series, is her vanity. Portraying as a stereotypical rich and spoiled girl, Heather refuses to partake in any activities that may result in ruining her good looks, especially her hair, which earned the ire of one of her biggest rivals, Leshawna. Instead, she had other people do her work for her. One could say that until Lindsay's elimination in That's Off the Chain!, Heather shows little involvement in most of the challenges. This trait has since vanished after season one and she becomes more determined to win challenges by herself.

    Much to her dismay, Heather learns that she will be spending her summer at a camp and tries to leave the competition, only to find out that she can never leave due to the fine print of her contract. Heather is placed on the Screaming Gophers and immediately finds herself in conflict with most of her teammates, especially Leshawna and Gwen. Heather refuses to jump off the cliff in Not So Happy Campers—Part 2 because she does not want to ruin her hair. This leads to an argument between her and Leshawna which culminates in Leshawna throwing her off the cliff. Heather vows to get back at Leshawna, but in the final moments of the challenge, she insincerely apologizes to her. When Lindsay questions her motives, Heather simply reveals that her intentions were to keep Leshawna's guard down, emphasizing the importance of "keeping your friends close and your enemies closer".

    In order to achieve her victory, Heather convinces Lindsay and Beth to form an alliance with her in The Big Sleep, promising that she will get them into the final three with her. In reality, she is simply using their naivety to further her own goals. During the challenge, Eva accidentally drops her MP3 player, which Heather steals, knowing that Eva would throw a fit and turn her teammates against her. The plan works, as Eva trashes the Bass cabins and is eliminated. With the help of Beth and Lindsay, Heather easily takes over leadership of the Gophers, despite being disliked by many. In addition, the two are required to follow all of her orders, including doing her chores. Heather, however, has a problem controlling Lindsay's growing attraction to Tyler and repeatedly scolds her whenever she sees them together. When Lindsay goes on a date with Tyler during Dodgebrawl, Heather angrily throws a kayak at Tyler to keep them apart.

    Heather's most notable enemy on the island other than Leshawna would be the goth loner Gwen. The two have had a long, complicated rivalry that has intensified over the course of the series. Gwen is the primary victim of Heather's torment, and though the conflict is mostly verbal, with Heather calling Gwen "weird goth girl", they sometimes get physical. Although the two didn't get off to a good start on their first day, their rivalry begins in Not Quite Famous. After telling Lindsay to distract Gwen, Heather sneaks into the cabin and steals Gwen's diary. During the talent show, Heather reads the contents of Gwen's diary to the entire world, including her secret crush on Trent. Her actions disgust everyone, including Chris and Courtney. After her team loses, Heather knows she would be the first target for elimination, but is spared by convincing her alliance, Izzy, and bribing Owen with a cake to vote Justin out instead. Gwen then gets back at Heather by dumping Harold's red ant farm in her bed during the night. In the next episode, Heather vows to eliminate Gwen the next time they lose, until she is calmed down by Trent.

    As Heather continues to run her alliance like a dictator, Beth slowly comes to realize Heather's true intents and begins to rebel against her. After risking her life to steal a bag of chips for Heather in Paintball Deer Hunter, Beth finally loses her patience. She deliberately disobeys Heather's instructions and eats the chips herself. Later, Beth confronts Heather and quits the alliance, causing a massive paintball fight between them and Leshawna. Watching their fight from afar, the Killer Bass use this opportunity to shoot them, leading to the second consecutive loss for the Gophers. Heather chooses to eliminate Beth for her betrayal but she is spared. Still angry over her betrayal, Heather continues to torment Beth in If You Can't Take the Heat... As before, Heather appoints herself as team leader but her constant bossing eventually makes Leshawna snap and lock her in the freezer. When her team loses again, Heather discovers Beth's Tiki idol that she took during their previous trip to Boney Island and realizes that she is responsible for their losing streak. Because of this, Beth is eliminated, much to Heather's satisfaction. With Beth leaving the alliance, Lindsay is the only ally of Heather left in the competition.

    For the next few episodes, Heather suffers from misfortune during the challenges. In Who Can You Trust?, she fails the second part of the challenge she participates in due to Lindsay, which lands her in the infirmary. In Basic Straining, she is among the last three members of her team left during the challenge but quits in order to escape from Owen's gas, only for Owen to fall on her moments after she landed. In X-Treme Torture, Heather volunteers to drive the jet ski for the Bass. Heather tries many attempts to shake Harold off, but the latter manages to grab all the flags despite losing his skis. As they slowly approach the finish line, Heather tries one final attempt to make sure the Bass doesn't win. She attempts to cut the rope Harold is holding onto, but a tree branch snags her top and completely exposes her to the camera. Despite the humiliation, Harold still fails to reach the finish line after being entranced by Heather's breasts.

    When the teams are divided into boys and girls in Brunch of Disgustingness, Heather attempts to convince Bridgette, the sole female Killer Bass remaining, to join her alliance, but her attempts are thwarted by Leshawna. Heather tries to act friendly towards Bridgette throughout the episode, including sharing her make-up, but ultimately, Bridgette decides to side with Gwen and Leshawna. Soon the teams are merged and Heather faces a returning foe, Eva. Fortunately for Heather, Eva has not discovered her actions that lead to Eva's earlier elimination. Heather initially decides to vote for Leshawna, but since she has immunity, she decides to vote off Eva again due to her temper.

    Heather is forced to suffer the consequences of her antagonistic behavior in the previous season. She is still hated by the majority of the cast, with virtually nobody trusting her, with the only exception being Harold. And to add to her suffering, she spends the entire season bald, losing her beauty and vanity from last season. Jokes are made at her expense, she is endlessly hated by her peers, and Heather learns a thing or two about humility. Heather, along with the rest of the cast, debuts to Total Drama Action in Monster Cash, with the same wig she has in The Very Last Episode, Really!. As soon as she steps off the bus, she immediately is at odds with Gwen, who she had a strong rivalry with her last season. Everyone shows that they have not forgiven Heather for her actions last season, as she is forced to work alone during the challenge. When the monster catches her and throws her in the bounce house, her wig comes off. This becomes a running gag. Later, no one wants to share a bunk with her at the end of the episode. When the girls draw Lindsay's makeup brushes, they decide that the one who draws the shortest brush has to share a bunk with Heather. However, they have their math off, and Heather ends up getting a bunk all to herself.

    In Alien Resurr-eggtion, Heather still has no allies, especially due to the lack of teams. Once again, Heather has to participate in the challenge alone, since no one else wants to be with her. Lindsay and Beth also discuss Heather in the confessional, and how much they distrust her due to her manipulation over them last season. She ends up grouping up with Owen, Izzy, and Harold. She is separated from them when they encounter Chef Hatchet, and Izzy tells them to make a run for it, as Izzy herself confronts Chef. Afterward, Heather is looking around when Chef ambushes and chases her, claiming that he is getting revenge on her for putting laxatives in his food in last season's finale. Heather is shot and her wig falls off and through the grates in the floor, becoming upset that her precious wig is lost forever. In the confessional, Heather talks about how, back home, she has tried many methods to grow her hair back. She talks about how she tried "traditional Burmese medicine", but spits it out, yelling "Loser Shaman!" At that night's Awards Ceremony, Heather receives her first Gilded Chris Award.

    When the time comes to choose the teams in Riot on Set, and Gwen and Trent are in charge of picking the teams, Heather believes that she will be picked very soon. To her shock, she is not. She begins to lose hope that she won't be the last one picked. Gwen, not sure who to pick, is reminded by Leshawna to "keep her enemies close", and tells Gwen to choose Heather instead of Izzy, which she reluctantly does, much to Heather's surprise. She is placed on the Screaming Gaffers. When the challenge begins, Heather believes that they should hand each other the supplies in relay fashion. Her team disagrees, and get her to be quiet. Harold comforts Heather, telling her to write down all her ideas and discuss them in the next team meeting, but Heather treats him rather harshly, calling him "trout lips" and telling him to jump in a lake. When her team fails to get their trailer to the top of the hill, Heather wonders how they are going to do makeup without proper vanity lighting. She ends up getting stuck on the cable of light, and Harold helps her down. Heather considers forming an alliance with Harold.

    In Beach Blanket Bogus, Heather continues to be shunned by her fellow castmates, bar Harold, who is the only one who attempts to reach out to her. Despite this, Heather coldly rejects Harold. She takes her breakfast, and smiles at Lindsay and Beth. However, they give her the cold shoulder, which forces her to find a new place to sit. Later, as Duncan bullies Trent, Trent throws some salt back to get rid of any bad luck. This salt ends up getting in Heather's eyes, becoming temporarily blinded. She then sneezes uncontrollably when she gets pepper up her nose, running away screaming. While she is not seen participating in the surfing challenge, Heather is seen working hard in the sandcastle building challenge, and even admiring Harold's work, the "Taj MaHarold". After her team loses and Chris forces the castmates to find firewood, Heather is the only one to question why they had to do so in the first place, because Chris already had made fire, only for Chris to show Heather his manicured hands.

    In 3:10 to Crazytown, Heather is bogged down by the intense heat, just like everyone else, and shares an umbrella with Leshawna for shade. Heather and Leshawna end up having to break the tie for their team. Both climb the ladder to jump onto the horse while insulting each other. One of the insulting topics thrown between each other is Heather mocking Leshawna for her weave, which poofs up due to the humidity. They also insult each other's fashion choices while climbing up the ladder. In anger, Leshawna pushes Heather off and is pulled down too because Heather grabs hold of her arm, but they both land on a roof ornament and hang by their pants. Leshawna's pants rip on the weather vane and she falls off, but she still misses the horse, while Heather is left hanging off the plank. Both teams are then tied with three points each. During the second challenge, Beth manages to successfully rope Heather when the Killer Grips play as the cowboys, and the Screaming Gaffers play the cows. After the challenge, when the castmates bathe in the barrels, Heather glares at Owen when he implies that he wants to use the bathroom inside the barrel before she bathes in it.

    Heather is brought up a few times in The Aftermath: I, during Geoff, and Bridgette's argument. As they discuss the Gwen and Trent drama, Bridgette states that Gwen stabbed Trent in the back and had him voted off to cover her own butt, and Geoff brings up Trent kissing Heather in Search and Do Not Destroy. Bridgette says that Heather tricked Trent into doing so, and Geoff calls Heather the "hottest girl" on the show, and claims that Trent would not have to be tricked into kissing her for that reason. Sadie brings it up again, when she states her reason for switching to "Team Gwen". In The Chefshank Redemption, Heather, among the rest of the girls, is surprised to find out that they are locked in their trailer. After Heather complains that the trailer is "as small as the space in between Lindsay's ears," she then gets talked into slipping through the roof by Gwen, who uses one of Heather's weaknesses: Shameless flattery, saying only someone as thin as a toothpick could fit through. She says that "surely the most athletic of us would want to show off her natural sleekness!"

    In Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 1, it is made clear that Gwen and Heather still hate each other. Heather appears to have returned to her old cruel self. In the jet's cockpit confessional, Heather complains about Alejandro and Lindsay looking like real threats and states that she sees right through Alejandro's game. However, after Chef interrupts her confessional several times, she storms off. She then explains in the porta-potty confessional, that since she needs an alliance and nearly everyone hates her, her only option is to become friends with the "new girl". She tries to interact with Sierra a lot during the episode, she asks her opinion in which way they should go to reach the exit of the pyramid. She teams up with Cody and Sierra to get through the pyramid. At some point in the challenge, Sierra accidentally steps in a trap that shoots some spears at them, to which Heather notices and pushes Sierra down, along with herself. Sierra apologizes and Heather, trying to not lose control, accepts her apology with a fake smile. She even hugs Sierra and Cody at the end of the episode in a "group hug", although she seemed reluctant to do so. When Cody asks where Gwen is, Heather just looks at him. Heather also claims to recognize Alejandro's tactics during a confessional earlier in the episode and ends up on Team Amazon, along with Gwen, Izzy, Cody, and Courtney.

    In Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 2, after Gwen talks about how shocked she is about Duncan quitting, Heather tells her that he probably can't sing, where Courtney corrects Heather saying he can do anything he sets his mind to. She gets really happy knowing this episode's challenge is a camel race and that they are the only team with a camel. Also, she's the first one to get on the camel and starts to boss her team remembering that it's a race in order to make them get ready faster. Cody is humiliated by her after he tries to impress Gwen. Heather begins to question herself about Alejandro, saying "he is just so... perfect", but quickly corrects herself. Heather and her team get lost during the challenge, but Izzy's communication with their camel got them to the third challenge. Heather sticks her tongue out at Alejandro, after Chris approved of Sierra switching sides with Izzy, and is shocked when Alejandro blows her a kiss back. After Gwen and Courtney see the benefits of having Sierra on their team, Heather tells them that they should listen to her next time around, but they just laugh at her and tell her that she has to do a lot more to win their trust. Unfortunately, she and her team weren't able to get the camel on the boat, until Alejandro, to make it fair, ordered Izzy to help the other team. Then the camel entered in their canoe and they crossed the Nile river, singing Rowin' Time. Team Amazon is the first team to cross the line and they spent the night in the first-class cabin.

    In Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan, Heather tries to remind Courtney that she isn't the only person in Team Amazon and says that her "friend" Sierra needs to have her opinion considered as well. But right away she almost gets sick, after seeing Sierra sniffing Cody's shoe, making her ask for a barf bag. Heather has a few solos in Before We Die. For the first challenge, she suggests that Gwen does it, since, as Heather stated, "Gwen's face could use some remodeling". Gwen responds by asking Heather to turn her "witch switch" back to off. Cody and Sierra ended up doing it, but they lose. Because of this, Team Amazon is the last to choose the props, which the team is unsatisfied by. While looking for props for their commercial, they catch a brief glimpse of Ezekiel's silhouette with glowing red eyes, which Heather is terrified by. Team Amazon wonders if it is really him, but he immediately disappears. Heather's idea for the challenge is for the candy fish to be swimming in the fish tank, before breaking out and playing basketball. Gwen and Courtney have different ideas and they start fighting, which ends in the three storming off. Despite this setback Team Amazon wins the challenge, thanks to Cody and Sierra finishing the commercial, containing the ideas from the three other girls. Sierra is delighted by this, and calls for a group hug, only to order everyone to "back off" so that she can just hug Cody.

    In Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better, Heather is sleeping (and drooling) in the winners' cabin. She gets angry with Chris when they reach the Yukon, and asks for jackets, to which he answers that he ordered them and that they would be ready in a couple of weeks. During the challenge, Heather and Courtney were the first two of Team Amazon to get across the ice, but since Courtney's name comes before Heather's name, Courtney has to pull the sled. Heather uses a whip on Courtney to make her move faster, and also because she thinks it's funny, much to Courtney's dismay. Heather's team came in last place, but since Bridgette isn't with Team Victory, Team Amazon comes in second place, while Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot comes in first.

    In Broadway, Baby!, Gwen and Courtney are both willing to vote off Heather when the time is right, so Heather resorts to gaining Cody and Sierra's trust. Alejandro also tries to secure Sierra's trust, but Heather blows him off. Sierra appears to go along with Heather but secretly reveals she's aware of Heather's true intent having watched the past seasons many times. Heather also tells Sierra that she thinks that she should decide who goes up first on the ropes to climb the Statue of Liberty. Heather gets the carriage at the top to prove she is a good team member. Later, when Sierra pushes Chris too far, Heather realizes it is Alejandro's doing and gets back at him by swapping his team's carriage for a real baby carriage. This gives Team Amazon the win and makes Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot come in last. At the reward ceremony, Heather receives a meat grinder but throws it off the plane believing it to be a booby prize, despite Courtney's suggestion to keep it.

    In Slap Slap Revolution, Heather talks with Sierra in first class, where Sierra tells her that Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot will start having troubles in the competition. Heather begins to notice that Alejandro is charming Leshawna, and she is disgusted by it. Later, before the meat-grinding challenge, her team (mostly Courtney) are angry at Heather for throwing out the meat grinder in the previous episode, which could have given them the upper hand. Also, due to them running low on meat due to Sierra, Heather has an idea to use the little meat they had and stomped on it to form a meat-snowboard. It worked until they went off a ledge and fell down the hill. During the second part of the challenge, Heather tries to warn Leshawna that Alejandro is trying to manipulate her, but she is ignored. During the first round of the dancing challenge, Heather goes up against Owen, which ends up being an easy victory for her. In the second round, she goes up against Leshawna, who ends up slapping her in frustration. She ends up with a bruised eye and missing tooth after the event. After the challenge, Heather confronts Alejandro to find out what he is up to, but he does not tell her and only flirts with her, to which she storms off in anger.

    In Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!, Heather appears on the yacht with the other veterans. She is at the bow of the yacht, held in the arms of Alejandro (who is still in the Drama Machine), with an annoyed look on her face. Her hair is also back to its original length, which signifies that some time has passed between the third season and the fourth season.

    In Up, Up and Away in My Pitiful Balloon, Heather is first reintroduced at the beginning of the episode, disembarking from the massive blimp as Chris introduces her to the new cast. She seems dissatisfied when first meeting Zoey, labeling her as a "loser" and refusing to talk to her. She is promptly used to demonstrate the challenge for the day; flying through several flaming hoops, much to her dismay, before she crashes into the ground.

    Later, as the cast puts the finishing touches on their vehicles, Heather uses one of Chris's Gemmies to knock both Chris and Chef out of the blimp that they are in, then hijacks it and steals the million-dollar case claiming that it was rightfully hers. Chris is visibly irritated and changes the next part of the challenge to stopping Heather and saving the case. The contestants' attacks by throwing eggs at the blimp prove to be completely useless and Heather retaliates by throwing more golden statuettes out the blimp at the contestants.

    Eventually, Lightning crashes through the blimp's front windows and begins fighting Heather for the briefcase. Heather fakes a surrender at first but quickly starts beating Lightning down with the case. The two begin to struggle for the case, but Lightning eventually lets it go, since he saw Cameron's rocket heading straight for them. However, Heather doesn't see it coming and remains aboard the zeppelin when the rocket crashes into the cockpit and explodes. She apparently remains aboard the zeppelin during the explosion and while the zeppelin crashes into the lake (Although she lived through said explosion).

    Heather returns in Heroes vs. Villains, as she is one of the seven original contestants competing the season. She is placed on the Villainous Vultures and is proud of her villain status. Throughout the episode, she is annoyed by the Drama Machine that is also on her team whenever it tries to get close to her. What she didn't know is that the robot actually contains her former flame, Alejandro, who is still recovering from his injuries at the end of season three. Upon finding out that Alejandro is in the robot suit, Heather screams in horror. With his body finally recovered, their love to hate relationship continues where it left off at the finale of Total Drama World Tour.

    Because of her overbearing and controlling personality, Heather immediately bumps heads with a fellow teammate; Jo who also wanted to take charge of the team. Things between the two get more tumultuous in Evil Dread when they incessantly argue about who should be the team leader, and how they should maneuver the challenge. It eventually gets physical between them when Heather drops one of their puzzle piece on Jo's foot, who retaliates by pushing Heather into the crab pit. After their team lost, the two spend the night arguing about their loss and blaming one another for losing the challenge in Saving Private Leechball. Heather grows to be even more displeased with Jo because their team would have benefited from Lightning in the leech shooting challenge. Meanwhile, in order to secure her own safety, Heather decides to pull her long time rival, Gwen into forming an alliance with her before either Jo or Alejandro could, knowing that "where Gwen goes, Duncan follows". In the end, their team loss again and Heather is in the bottom two with Jo but she is ultimately declared safe while Jo is eliminated.

    Things have not been any easier, and any less complicated with Alejandro during her duration in the season. Both are irritated that the other did not contact them between seasons, and she starts to feel bad when she believes that her past actions have made his legs paralyzed. They would continue to fight over little things, but would unintentionally show small signs of affection and attraction for the next few episodes. He deems her the official leader of the team in Food Fright, which annoys their new teammate Courtney, and Heather takes the role without any issue. She would be shocked at Alejandro's irritation with her behavior in Moon Madness, calling her "typical", which she soon vent about in the confessional. When the extremely rare Blue Harvest Moon appears, Heather becomes her polar opposite, a bubbly, kind, and happy-go-lucky person who hugs the animals and cares about everyone. Her sudden change in personality creeps her teammates. However, it turns out that she is only pretending to be under the effects of the moon in order to play with Alejandro's mind. Once the moon returns to normal, Heather stops her act and returns to her usual mean self.

    Upon seeing that Gwen easily bonded with their new teammate, Cameron, Heather realizes that she and Alejandro are the odd ones out, and offers him to join a temporary alliance in No One Eggspects the Spanish Opposition, which he agrees to. This, however, turns out to be it's actually just a ploy to gain his trust and to get him eliminated since she still does not trust him. As the challenge proceeds, she convinces her team to vote him off, lying that he is trying to vote off either Scott or Cameron. At one point, Heather discovers the McLean-Brand Chris Head and hid it behind a rock until the challenge is over. After the challenge ends, Heather soon returns to get her idol, only to find out that it is gone and immediately accuse Chris for stealing it. Regardless, Heather believes with everyone's help, Alejandro's elimination is guaranteed. However, Alejandro not only reveals to her that his legs had recovered long ago, he is the one who took the Idol. Since Alejandro is immune, his sole vote against Heather is the only one that counts, devastating Heather. As Heather is placed into the Flush of Shame, Alejandro suggest that they should resume their relationship but Heather rejects him and push him off the giant toilet before she is flushed. The exclusive clip shows that Heather ended up in the Yukon and was attacked by a polar bear, after she ends up being stuck to a pole similar to Bridgette. In the exclusive clip of The Obsta-Kill Kourse, recently-eliminated Alejandro also ended up at the Yukon and is reunited with Heather. Still angry at him, Heather slaps him across the face, but the two quickly reconciled and leave together on a snowmobile.

    Heather makes a brief cameo in A Hole Lot of Trouble alongside Alejandro and Jasmine, competing against Izzy, Cody, Courtney, and Lightning inside Izzy's imagination.

    Total Drama Island

    •1x01 - Not So Happy Campers—Part 1 •1x02 - Not So Happy Campers—Part 2 •1x03 - The Big Sleep •1x04 - Dodgebrawl •1x05 - Not Quite Famous •1x06 - The Sucky Outdoors •1x07 - Phobia Factor (no lines) •1x08 - Up the Creek •1x09 - Paintball Deer Hunter •1x10 - If You Can't Take the Heat... •1x11 - Who Can You Trust? •1x12 - Basic Straining •1x13 - X-Treme Torture •1x14 - Brunch of Disgustingness •1x15 - No Pain, No Game •1x16 - Search and Do Not Destroy •1x17 - Hide and Be Sneaky •1x18 - That's Off the Chain! •1x19 - Hook, Line, and Screamer •1x20 - Wawanakwa Gone Wild! •1x21 - Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon •1x22 - Haute Camp-ture (no lines) •1x23 - Camp Castaways •1x24 - Are We There Yeti? •1x25 - I Triple Dog Dare You! •1x26 - The Very Last Episode, Really! •1x27 - Total Drama, Drama, Drama, Drama Island

    Total Drama Action

    •2x01 - Monster Cash •2x02 - Alien Resurr-eggtion •2x03 - Riot on Set •2x04 - Beach Blanket Bogus •2x05 - 3:10 to Crazytown •2x07 - The Chefshank Redemption •2x08 - One Flu Over the Cuckoos •2x09 - The Sand Witch Project •2x10 - Masters of Disasters •2x11 - Full Metal Drama •2x12 - The Aftermath: II (video) •2x13 - Ocean's Eight—or Nine •2x14 - One Million Bucks, B.C. •2x15 - Million Dollar Babies •2x18 - The Aftermath: III •2x23 - 2008: A Space Owen (mentioned) •2x25 - Mutiny on the Soundstage (no lines) •2x26 - The Aftermath: IV •2x27 - Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special

    Total Drama World Tour

    •3x01 - Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 1 •3x02 - Walk Like an Egyptian—Part 2 •3x03 - Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan •3x04 - Anything Yukon Do, I Can Do Better •3x05 - Broadway, Baby! •3x06 - Aftermath: Bridgette Over Troubled Water (video) •3x07 - Slap Slap Revolution •3x08 - The Am-AH-Zon Race •3x09 - Can't Help Falling in Louvre •3x10 - Newf Kids on the Rock •3x11 - Jamaica Me Sweat •3x12 - Aftermath: Revenge of the Telethon (video) •3x13 - I See London... •3x14 - Greece's Pieces •3x15 - The EX-Files •3x16 - Picnic at Hanging Dork •3x17 - Sweden Sour •3x19 - Niagara Brawls •3x20 - Chinese Fake-Out •3x21 - African Lying Safari •3x22 - Rapa Phooey! •3x23 - Awwwwww, Drumheller •3x24 - Hawaiian Style (video) •3x25 - Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles •3x26 - Hawaiian Punch

    • 3 min
  3. Aug 23, 2010 · All copyright goes to Australian Broadcasting,Teletoon,CartoonNetwork,and Fresh TV

    • 13 min
    • 361.3K
    • tdwtHQEPISODES
  4. Heather is a major antagonist in the Canadian animated Total Drama franchise. She is a Canadian girl who joins Total Drama upon its first season's premiere, bent on winning the million dollars prize like every contestant.

  5. Heather going into the Drama rama universe through that portal was even incorporated into a fan fiction 😅.

  6. People also ask

  7. Episode 15- The Ex-Files. (Disclaimer) Chris- This episode of Total Drama may contain Extreme Stunts, Language, and Sexual Innuendos performed by Animated characters that may be unsuitable for some viewers. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.

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