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  1. What Does a Reactive Hepatitis A Antibody Test Mean? A reactive hepatitis A antibody test means that your body has produced antibodies in response to the hepatitis A virus. This can indicate that you have been infected with the virus in the past, or that you have received the hepatitis A vaccine.

  2. Hep A Ab, Total refers to the total antibody test for Hepatitis A virus (HAV). This test measures the overall level of antibodies, including both IgM and IgG antibodies, produced by the body in response to HAV infection or vaccination.

  3. Normal results are negative or nonreactive, meaning that you don't have the hepatitis A antibodies in your blood. If your test is positive or reactive, it may mean: You have an active HAV infection. You have had an HAV infection in the past. You have gotten the hepatitis A vaccine.

  4. Aug 27, 2022 · Hepatitis A symptoms typically appear a few weeks after you've had the virus. But not everyone with hepatitis A develops symptoms. If you do, symptoms can include: Unusual tiredness and weakness; Sudden nausea and vomiting and diarrhea; Abdominal pain or discomfort, especially on the upper right side beneath your lower ribs, which is over your ...

  5. Aug 27, 2022 · Hepatitis A treatment usually focuses on keeping comfortable and controlling symptoms. You may need to: Rest. Many people with hepatitis A feel tired and sick and have less energy. Get adequate food and liquid. Eat a balanced healthy diet. Nausea can make it difficult to eat.

  6. It's critical to identify hepatitis A cases early to prevent symptomatic illness and transmission. Administering PEP to contacts of patients diagnosed with hepatitis A within 2 weeks of exposure is highly effective in preventing HAV infection.

  7. Interpretation of hepatitis A laboratory results. *Ingestion of high levels of biotin can significantly interfere with certain commonly used biotinylated immunoassays, such as those used to detect anti-HAV, and cause false-positive or false-negative laboratory test results.

  8. Feb 1, 2024 · The diagnosis of acute HAV infection should be suspected in patients with abrupt onset of prodromal symptoms (nausea, anorexia, fever, malaise, or abdominal pain) and jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferase levels, particularly in the setting of known risk factors for hepatitis A transmission ( table 1) [ 41 ].

  9. Causes for Rejection. Non-EDTA plasma specimen; PST gel-barrier tube; grossly hemolyzed specimens.

  10. Sep 27, 2019 · Selected resources for health care providers on hepatitis A, from the VA National Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease website.

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