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  1. Sep 2, 2009 · The relationship of violence and the sacred clouds the histories of every tradition and has fascinated some of the keenest theorists of religion. Visions of destruction are ubiquitous in religious symbols, mythology, and rituals, and the histories of most religions have left a trail of blood.

  2. Apr 11, 2019 · A year before William James published his classic treatise on consciousness and the four features of transcendent experiences, Bucke — whom James references — outlines the characteristics of cosmic consciousness, at the heart of which he places the Eastern concept of “Brahmic Splendor,” also reflected in Dante’s transhumanized state ...

  3. Jan 7, 2013 · The material and spiritual benefits of a cosmic war are many. By endowing warfare with what Mark Juergensmeyer calls a sense of “transcendent moralism” and “ritual intensity,” cosmic war both sacralizes and legitimizes acts of violence (Juergensmeyer 2003: 149).

  4. Abstract: Violence in the name of God is a complex phenomenon and oversim-plification further jeopardizes peace because it obscures many of the causal factors. This paper categorizes three hundred scholarly claimed causes of reli-gious violence and then offers thirteen guidelines for navigating the complicated

  5. Discovered early in this century, cosmic rays provided the first hints that the Universe is not a quiescent collection of stars and planets, but, rather, the scene of violent events in which particles are accel erated to relativistic energies.

  6. Jul 23, 2020 · Anaximander taught everything is generated from the apeiron: a timeless, neutral substance, encompassing the universe and constantly transforming into competing transient opposites, but with measure to preserve the cosmic justice—without absolute dominance by either opposite.

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  8. The cosmic perspective finds beauty in the images of planets, moons, stars, and nebulae but also celebrates the laws of physics that shape them. The cosmic perspective enables us to see beyond our circumstances, allowing us to transcend the primal search for food, shelter, and sex.

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