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      • The historic Christian understanding of the person of Christ is that He is one person who possesses two natures: a divine nature and a human nature. Each nature retains its unique properties, and the two natures remain distinct, though inseparably united in Christ's person. › learn › devotionals
  1. 10 This is so God’s multi-faceted wisdom may now be made known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavens. 11 This is according to His eternal purpose accomplished in the Messiah, Jesus our Lord. 12 In Him we have boldness and confident access through faith in Him.[a] Read full chapter.

  2. 1 day ago · In 1 John 2:18, you find a clear mention of the Antichrist with the warning that “many antichrists have arisen,” suggesting a broader spectrum of opposition to Christ throughout history. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 describes the “man of sin” who opposes and exalts himself above God, indicating a future revelation of the Antichrist.

    • Seven Elements of Christian Unity
    • There Is One Body
    • One Spirit
    • One Hope
    • One Lord
    • One Faith
    • One Baptism
    • One God and Father of All

    As stated above, in Ephesians 4:1-3, Paul taught us to look to our own heart first so that we can develop certain attitudes of the heart that create peace among other Christians. Now, in Ephesians 4:4-6, we learn that as we seek to live in peace with other Christians, we should focus on seven key truths that all Christians have in common. When we f...

    This is the first element. One body.Paul means that there is one body of believers. One body of Christ. All people throughout time and around the world who are truly Christians are part of the body. The picture of a body is one of Paul’s favorite ways to describe the church. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul goes into great detail to describe the body of C...

    Of course, this is the Holy Spirit who lives in each one of us. It is an error to say that some have the Spirit and others don’t. We all have the Spirit within us, and it is the same Spirit the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit within each of us strives to get us all to live in unity with each other. When we fail, it is because we are walking according ...

    The third element for unity is one hope. The hope of every Christian is Jesus Christ who is in heaven. He has promised us that simply by believing in him for eternal life, He will bring us to heaven to spend eternity with him. Now most of us think of hope as a sort of “wishful thinking.” We tend to think of it as an uncertainty. But really, hope ca...

    This refers specifically to Jesus Christ. Paul choice of the term, Lord, shows us that Jesus Christ is God, and therefore, our Master. Now think about it. If we all have the same Lord, the same Master, we will not be getting orders from our Master to be in disagreement with each other. His commands will not contradict or cause disunity among his se...

    All Christians have received eternal life in only one way: through faith. We’ve all entered through the narrow door of faith. This means that faith makes Christianity a level playing field. There are not some people who are Christians because they were really good people, and others who are Christians because they were born into a Christian family....

    The baptism Paul is talking about here is the baptism of the Spirit; not water baptism. It is not something we are to pray for or something that happens to us after our conversion. When you become a Christian by believing in Jesus for eternal life, one of the first things that happens to you is the Holy Spirit comes in and lives with in you, and in...

    Paul says God is above all, and through all, and in you all.Paul has been mentioning the essentials. He’s mentioned that we all one body, through one faith and one baptism. We have one Lord, who is Jesus Christ and one Spirit, who is the Holy Spirit. He now includes the final member of the Trinity, one God and Father of all. In Old Testament times,...

  3. Jul 31, 2021 · In the first place, many people believe that “world” means all people without exception. In other words, when John 3:16 says that God loves the world, it means that He loves every person, head for head, equally.

  4. 23 hours ago · Jesus seems to have an aversion to the kind of us-and-them boundary setting of his disciples. That kind of behavior only serves to limit what is intended to be wide open and available to all. Getting between someone and their relationship to Jesus is precisely the opposite of what it means to be a disciple. It’s causing another to stumble.

  5. Oct 24, 2019 · God has many different names in the Old Testament. Each title exemplified his distinctiveness and his power. Similarly, Jesus Christ has parallel titles in the New Testament, which reveal his many facets. Let's look at 7 names of God that match who Jesus was called.

  6. What was the chief cornerstone in ancient architecture, and what does the Bible mean when it says that Jesus is 'the chief cornerstone that the builders have rejected'?

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