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  1. How To Make Chopped Steak In The Oven Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Best Barbecued Meat and Homemade Barbecue Sauce
    Food Network
    All types of meat can be barbecued, but the various cuts have to be treated differently. For instance, thin steaks, pork chops and chicken legs cook in a very different way from a whole leg of lamb, pork ribs or a large chicken. If you were to cook them all the same way, the larger cuts would end up nicely cooked on the outside but raw in the middle. Here I'm going to show you how to barbecue larger cuts of meat so they're flavored and moist in the middle and golden and crisp on the outside every time. The thing to remember is to cook the meat through in the oven first, without coloring it, to make it lovely and juicy, then finish it off on the barbecue, basting the meat with the marinade and cooking juices. PS This recipe makes enough marinade for 1 of the types of meat listed in the ingredients. However, I love to do three different types of meat at the same time - if you want to do that, make three times the amount of marinade.
    Grilled Tandoori Cauliflower Wraps
    Food Network
    If Maneet Chauhan could grill only one thing for the rest of her life, it wouldn’t be steak or chicken — it would be cauliflower. “Our diet is predominantly vegetarian at home because that’s how my husband and I grew up,” says the chef and Tournament of Champions star. “So cauliflower is a staple.” Although a tandoor is the best way to get that great charred flavor on vegetables (the cylindrical clay ovens get super hot), you don’t need one for this dish. Maneet mimics the flavor of tandoori dishes by using a yogurt-based marinade, then she matches the oven’s signature char by cranking her grill to the highest temperature. Try the recipe, and don’t skip the homemade naan. “It’s a version of what we serve in my restaurants,” Maneet says. “I make it at home all the time!”