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  1. Dec 3, 2023 · When hive-minds meet humans, they fall in love with the fact that you're not interacting with a swarm. Each human is different and independent. It's like a friend that keeps on giving. And certain hiveminds like certain humans, so if you befriend one, you have a big species as your friend now.

  2. What is "humans are space orcs" and why are so many people so passonate about it? The humans are space orcs trope is the writing trope involving aliens and humans, however unlike normal writing tropes, the humans are VASTLY different and superior the aliens.

  3. Most humans are aware of their “space-orc” reputation among other species. As a result, there is an unspoken understanding among humans that they will defend the actions of other humans as perfectly ordinary (no matter how batshit insane they are), purely to fuck with any xenos around them.

  4. Dec 2, 2021 · short. To the species across the galaxy, the new kids on the block are a species of omnivorous predatory apes calling themselves "humans." Coming from a Class IV deathworld, they quickly built up a reputation for being able to survive in environments that would easily kill other species.

  5. If you want a book about humans being one of the physically strongest species in the galaxy, here it is! It starts with first contact, and is currently 61 chapters in and ongoing.

  6. Apr 29, 2022 · Humans have made contact with an alien on it's ship and it's basically nothing like us. It's massive, lives hundreds of thousands of years, reproduces by asexual cloning and creates living technology out of thin air by reciting mathematical theory.

  7. Mar 19, 2020 · Throughout the known universe, humans have the reputation of being absolutely impossible. They come from an impossible planet, consume impossible substances, and survive impossible circumstances. There is only one agreed upon fact about humans.

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