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  1. Sep 21, 2016 · A remarkable character study, “All Our Yesterdays” earns its reputation as one of the greatest Star Trek episodes ever made. Exceptionally worth praising are Spock’s intimate exchanges with Zarabeth, which serve to challenge common perceptions of Leonard Nimoy’s character as a cold, insensitive computer devoid of warmth or personality.

  2. Dec 30, 2009 · All Our Yesterdays is my favorite episode of the orginal Star Trek; for so many reasons, a lot of them already mentioned in this thread. I know, there are some flaws in the logic of this episode. The reverting of Spock's behaviour is quite dubious, for one thing.

  3. The penultimate episode of TOS, All Our Yesterdays sees Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to the planet Sarpeidon, whose star is about to go nova. They discover signs of an advanced civilisation, but find only one inhabitant, a librarian named Atoz (Ian Wolfe).

  4. 3.5 stars for "All our Yesterdays" -- the penultimate TOS episode is a winner. May not be considered one of the Star Trek classics but there's plenty to like about this especially that Spock/McCoy bond and how they go through the time portal together and return together.

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    A star shines with a reddish glow, and will soon destroy the planet orbiting it, Sarpeidon, in a supernova. Captain Kirk plans to go with a landing party to warn the inhabitants that their sun (the star Beta Niobe) is about to destroy their planet. Kirk materializes with Doctor McCoy and Spock in a room. They find the building is empty except for Mr. Atoz, a librarian in this library. They soon meet several of his replicas.

    Act One

    Atoz tells the USS Enterprise's landing party that the inhabitants knew about the impending supernova, and took refuge by traveling into the planet's past, using a time portal called the atavachron. Kirk and McCoy are intrigued by the library and start exploring the small discs which archive the planet's past. Kirk is viewing a disc of an era of horse-drawn carriages, when people wore the style that resembles 17th century England on Earth. McCoy is viewing one detailing the Sarpeidon Ice Age....

    Act Two

    Kirk goes to the wall from which he had emerged and is able to talk to McCoy and Spock, but cannot get to them. When Kirk is arrested by the authorities for aiding a thief, McCoy and Spock ask him what is going on, and the authorities can also hear the voices. The woman then betrays Kirk and denounces him as a witch, claiming that he and the "spirits" made her steal against her will. Kirk is forcefully taken away. Meanwhile, Spock and McCoy try to find shelter while stuck in Sarpedion's ice a...

    "A library serves no purpose unless someone is using it." 1. - Atoz, to Kirk "You're a very agile man, Mister Atoz! Just how many of you are there?" 1. - Kirk, after encountering another Atoz "We're in a wilderness of arctic characteristics." "He means it's cold!" 1. - Spock and McCoy, talking to Kirk through the atavachron portal "Away! Away, spir...

    Production timeline

    1. Story outline by Jean Lisette Aroeste, titled "A Handful of Dust", 23 September 1968 2. Revised story outline, 27 October 1968 3. First draft teleplay, titled "All Our Yesterdays", 18 November 1968 4. Second draft teleplay, 26 November 1968 5. Final draft teleplay by Arthur Singer, 12 December 1968 6. Revised Final draft telepay by Fred Freiberger, 17 December 1968 7. Additional page revisions by Freiberger, 18 December 1968 8. Filmed: 20 December 1968 – 30 December 1968 8.1. Day 1 – 20 De...

    Syndication cuts

    During the syndication run of Star Trek, no official syndication cuts were made to this episode. However, several local television stations would often edit extended bits of dialogue in order to allow for more commercial breaks. This included: 1. Atoz expressing regret at Kirk wanting to know about "recent history", stating that there was no great demand for such information. 2. A longer scene where the lawman identifies Kirk as the "Mort's henchman" 3. The Magistrate cautioning the Mort that...

    Story and script

    1. Story outline, "A Handful of Dust" 23 September 1968, had Spock and McCoy trapped in a desert wasteland, with McCoy dying from the desert heat when the pair was captured by misshapen humanoids, and there was no Zarabeth. Kirk was trapped in a period which resembled San Francisco's Barbary Coast, but returns to the library with another time traveler. At the end the time traveler who helped Kirk destroys the time portal. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy flee the building and it ages to a hollowed ruin...


    1. William Shatner as Kirk

    Also starring

    1. Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock 2. DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy

    Guest star

    1. Mariette Hartley as Zarabeth

    • 24 min
  5. An interesting character piece with a plot that doesn’t quite hang together, as well as something of a callback to City On The Edge Of Tomorrow only with Spock as the focus, All Our Yesterdays features a range of engaging performances and intriguing ideas, yet didn’t quite thrill me the way it seems to do others.

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  7. "All Our Yesterdays" is the twenty-third and penultimate episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by Jean Lisette Aroeste and directed by Marvin J. Chomsky , it was first broadcast March 14, 1969.

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