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  1. Apr 10, 2005 · Distinguishing what is real or imaginary is impossible. It’s another dimension like the Twilight Zone. That is only one reason governments don’t talk about extraterrestrials; they don’t know what they are and have zero ability to defend against them.

  2. A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

  3. Aug 7, 2009 · I really can't absorb the inter-dimensional concept since it's way out there. But at the same time, the concepts of aliens are already way out there. How can anyone begin to even explain or visualize this. Secondly, I can't think of much real evidence per say of such events.

  4. Oct 27, 2010 · extra 1. More than or beyond what is usual, normal, expected, or necessary. * Terrestrial being, a being that originates from the planet Earth itself(see also: Terran, Tellurian) by definition sound like the challenge going on in Amerika right now.

  5. Mar 31, 2010 · Yes there's no direct proof aliens and ufos are real. But there's indirect proof. Which is alot more proof than there is for "they don't exist" So why can't you ignorant ones open your mind? Just a wee bit. Maybe for like five minutes. It's not as scary as it seems. See what it's like. If you don't like what you see, you can close your mind.

  6. May 10, 2016 · My own research over the years has also led me to believe that recessive traits came from extraterrestrials. Lets take a look. Genes come in versions known as alleles. There are dominant alleles and recessive alleles and ear lobe attachment is thought to be a recessive trait.

  7. Feb 19, 2010 · If this video is real all I have to say is WOW! It claims it was filmed by Armstrong on the moon in 1969. There are structures on the moon at the time and they look old and abandoned.

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