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  1. CS224W expects you to have decent knowledge in deep learning and all graph neural network techniques build on top of “typical” deep learning approaches. CS 246 Mining Massive Datasets also deals with interconnected data.

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  2. Introduction to Knowledge Graphs. Knowledge Graph completion. Path Queries. Conjunctive Queries. Query2Box: Reasoning with Box Embeddings. Publicly available KGs: § FreeBase, Wikidata, Dbpedia, YAGO, NELL, etc. ¡ Common characteristics: Massive: millions of nodes and edges. Incomplete: many true edges are missing.

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  3. We are going to cover various topics in Machine Learning and Representation Learning for graph structured data: Traditional methods: Graphlets, Graph Kernels. Methods for node embeddings: DeepWalk, Node2Vec. Graph Neural Networks: GCN, GraphSAGE, GAT, Theory of GNNs. Knowledge graphs and reasoning: TransE, BetaE.

  4. A Knowledge Graph is a data set that is: structured(in the form of a specific data structure) normalised(consisting of small units, such as vertices and edges)

  5. · class · cs224wcs224w.stanford

    We are going to explore Machine Learning and Representation Learning for graph data: Walk, Node2VecGraph Neural Networks: GCN, G. Graph Transformers. Knowledge graphs and reasoning: TransE, BetaE. Generative models for graphs: GraphRNN. Graphs in 3D: Molecules.

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  6. May 10, 2021 · Knowledge graphs have started to play a central role in representing the information extracted using natural language processing and computer vision. Domain knowledge expressed in KGs is being input into machine learning models to produce better predictions.

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  8. Mar 4, 2020 · We explain how knowledge can be represented and extracted using a combination of deductive and inductive techniques. We summarise methods for the creation, enrichment, quality assessment, refinement, and publication of knowledge graphs.

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