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  1. Alex MacQueen. Agni Scott. Sarah Woodward. Charles Dale. Crew 2. Roberto Bangura. Director. Julia Gilbert. Writer. An inheritance dispute turns toxic when the eldest son trieds to split up his ancient family estate.

  2. Dec 4, 2023 · The Devil's Work: Directed by Roberto Bangura. With Neil Dudgeon, Nick Hendrix, Fiona Dolman, Annette Badland. The death of an ancient estate's patriarch leads to rivalry and murder when his rebellious son plans to sell it off, outraging his siblings.

    • (332)
    • Crime, Drama, Mystery
    • Roberto Bangura
    • 2023-12-04
  3. "Midsomer Murders" The Devil's Work (TV Episode 2023) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

    • Overview
    • Synopsis
    • Plot, Part 1
    • Plot, Part 2
    • Plot, Part 3
    • Plot, Part 4
    • Plot Denouement
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    The Devil's Work is the first episode of the twenty fourth series of the popular ITV crime drama Midsomer Murders.

    The death of an ancient estate's patriarch leads to rivalry and murder when his rebellious son plans to sell it off, outraging his siblings.

    At the chapel on Stourwick Estate, hymns are being sung for the funeral of Henry Shirewell. Francis Shirewel gets up to speak in the absence of his elder brother, Lucian.

    In his pottery studio, Lucian Shirewell drinks from his flask and works with clay on a statue. Mozart's "Dies Irae" is playing in the background.  Jordana Linsbury watches him from somewhere above.  Lucian gets up and strides to the chapel. As Francis is speaking, Lucian says “You were always such a brilliant liar, Francis.”  Lucian approaches the coffin and shakes it to make sure “he's actually dead.”  Ursula Shirewell gives Lucian a rose and tells him, “It's not too late to make your peace, Lucian.”  Lucian stabs the stem of the rose into the top of the coffin, “May you rot in Hell!,” he yells. The crowd gasps.

    At the Barnaby home, DCI John Barnaby walks in to find his wife, Sarah Barnaby, measuring Betty Barnaby for a costume.  (Betty would be about 10 by now.) “Betty's class are having an Elizabethan day. They've got to go in costume,” says Sarah.  Betty has her heart set on Queen Elizabeth’s attire.  Barnaby says, “I see one tiny flaw in your plan.  You can't sew.”  Sarah replies, “Well, I've always liked a challenge. That's why I married you.”

    At Stourwick Estate, the family comes together to meet with the lawyer, Justin Inkerman.  Jordana tries to come in as well. Francis says No, the meeting is for family only. Jordana says “She's not family, referring to Sadie Rowcroft.  Sadie says, “As good as.”  Justin Inkerman encourages the family members to come into the meeting room.  Lucian says to Jordana, “I do apologize for my family's appalling rudeness. I can assure you, it will never happen again.” The family goes into the meeting room and closes the door. Jordana looks around the outer room and gloats. “I’m going to enjoy living here,” she says. Sadie smirks. “You do know we still sleep together? Jordana replies, “Lucian's a free spirit. And you're just a fleeting amusement. Circumstances alter cases, so...” She rubs her belly. “Oh, no wine for me.”

    In the meeting room, Francis is sitting in Lucian’s chair. Lucian indicates that he must move to a different place. Francis moves to a chair beside his wife, Davina Shirewell.

    Elsewhere, Lila Blundell remonstrates her husband Gideon Blundell, who didn’t attend the services for Henry Shirewell that morning. “You should have been there, Gideon.”  Gideon says, “I’ve never been a hypocrite. I'm not going to start now.”  Lila replies, “Tenants of the estate are expected to pay their respects.”  Gideon says, “Got none to pay. Do you think old man Shirewell would have come to my funeral? Where's Caleb? We got fencing to do.”

    MURDER 1: As Caleb is walking home he hears a twig snap. He asks who is there. Cue creepy music. There is rustling. In the foreground, a body lies on the ground under a totem pole.

    Winter reports to Barnaby, “Victim's Jordana Linsbury, Lucian Shirewell's latest muse. The gardener found her on his way to work, Fleur says, “It looks like she tried to pull herself up on one of the guide ropes supporting the totem pole. It came away and the pole fell, striking her right temple. She died somewhere between 11 pm and 2 am. The victim displays signs of carbon monoxide poisoning. Cherry red lips, peripheral cyanosis, retinal hemorrhages. A tox report should give us some answers. Oh, and this was on a table beside the bed.” Fleur passes them a plastic bag with the pregnancy test in it.

    Francis comes up and reports that Lucian and Jordana had a row yesterday afternoon just after 1:00. Francis says he felt sorry for Jordana. “They all think they're going to be the one to change him. Of course, it invariably ends like this.  The man's a psycho…(Lucian) borderline lunatic. Not his fault, I suppose. Insanity runs in the family on our mother's side. But if there's one thing he does care about, it's his own personal freedom, and he will do anything... and I mean protect it.”

    Barnaby interviews Lucian in his studio. Lucian says, “When bad things happen, work is my only salvation. My mother taught me of the joy of creativity, its power to take you from the darkness into the light. But Jordana's accident is something I can never come to terms with.” Barnaby says they think it could have been murder. Lucian admits, “My family didn't like her living in the yard, and they can be pretty extreme, but murder? Even they have their limits. Barnaby, “Did she have any other enemies?” “Sadie saw her as a rival, my former assistant and lover of over 20 years.” Barnaby, “So Miss Linsbury was just one of your lovers?” Lucian says, “I don't believe in monogamy, Inspector, but that doesn't diminish the love I have for Sadie. She just has difficulty controlling her jealousy at times. Barnaby, “Maybe she had good reason. Did Sadie know that Ms. Linsbury was pregnant?” Lucian says, “I've never wanted children, Inspector, and I told her I never would.” Lucian tells Barnaby he was at the Inn with Sadie last night. She works there.

    Back at the station, Winter tells Barnaby that Forensics reported the stove in the yurt hasn’t been used for months, so there's no obvious source of the carbon monoxide. Also Tech pulled images from Ms. Linsbury's phone of the dead raven and the doll in the scarf. Apparently Jordana told Ursula Shirewell that she felt unsafe, that she thought someone was stalking her. Lucian Shirewell told her not to call police. He thought it was just someone playing games and named Sadie as chief suspect. Caleb Blundell claimed he saw Ms. Rowcroft close to the scene at about 11:20 p.m. He lives at the farm and works part time for Lucian.  Lucian admitted that he and Ms. Linsbury had argued earlier in the day and that he ever wanted children. Ms. Linsbury wasn't happy about it, which correlates with Francis Shirewell's statement. Winter says perhaps Sadie feared Lucian would change his mind once the baby was born. Barnaby says, “Never underestimate the destructive power of jealousy, Winter.

    At the lab, Fleur reports the autopy findings.  “This case takes me right back to Pablo. Peruvian potter with the hands of a god, immortalized my breasts in porcelain, sold them to a Saudi prince for a small fortune.” Fleur chuckles and shows a photo to Winter.  “Truly magnificent. I think you'll agree.” Winter looks embarrassed.  Fleur continues, “The victim's blood contains high levels of both carbon monoxide and hydrogen fluoride, a gas produced when certain clays and glazes are fired in a kiln.” Barnaby says, “Lucian Shirewell said there was a firing last night.” Fleur says, “Carbon monoxide starves the body of oxygen. At high enough concentrations, the victim suffocates.”  Jordana managed to make it outside by which time, the damage had already been done. Before she died, she'd have experienced weakness, dizziness, disorientation.  In a state of confusion, she crawled out of the yurt, destabilized the totem pole in an effort to get to her feet, and died. Barnaby mentions that Sadie Rowcroft was Lucian's studio assistant back in the day, so she'd be aware of the toxic gases produced in a kiln. How were the gases delivered to the yurt? Fleur says, “Don't ask me. That's your job. But there is one more thing. Jordana Linsbury wasn't pregnant. In fact, her medical notes reveal she had a condition that made her infertile. She faked the pregnancy test with a felt tip pen.

    MURDER 2: At the Stourwick Estate, Davina goes to look for Francis and finds him sitting in a chair with a mask on his face, blood dripping. She screams.

    The detectives show up to the crime scene. Fleur points out, “Not a pretty sight, gentlemen, but better than it was. We found this plunged into his eye with such force, it fractured his skull.” She shows Barnaby a tool in a bag. Barnaby says, “I saw Lucian using a similar tool in his studio. So what was the actual cause of death?”  Fleur says, “It's not entirely straightforward, but looking at the lesion across his throat, I'd say someone's surprised him from behind and garroted him with a medium-gauge wire, such as one would use in cheese..” Winter says, “or clay.”

    Fleur continues, “The victim lost consciousness, giving the perpetrator time to pose him at the table, place the ceramic face over his, and plunge the blade into his brain. Classic Gothic horror.” Barnaby says, “Sir Francis Shirewell's death was carefully staged. Why?” Fleur suggests, “Some kind of punishment? It's a pretty humiliating way to go.”  Barnaby asks, “Who found the body?” Winter replies, “His wife. She's waiting for us.”

    The detectives go to talk to Davina. She says, “Of course it's Lucian.”  Winter asks, “Do you have any evidence of that, Mrs. Shirewell?”  Davina says, “He threatened Francis in the cellars...became very aggressive. It was clear he meant to do him harm.” Barnaby asks, “Were there any other witnesses to this?” Davina says, “Sadly, no,” and wipes her nose. Ursula pipes up, “I... I was there too.” Davina says, “Were you? You were spying on us?”  Ursula says, “I heard voices in the cellar. I came down to see what was going on. When Francis and Lucian fight, it can get very intense. I was too much of a coward to reveal myself.”  Winter asks, “What were they fighting about?” Ursula says, “Lucian found out that Francis was going to appeal the will on the grounds of Lucian's mental instability. His behavior was to bear this out.” Barnaby asks, “In what way?” Ursula says, “He threatened Francis physically, then let him go, but he said this wasn't the end of it...that he'd show him what true madness looked like.”  Davina says, “Lucian murdered his father then poor Jordana, and now Francis. Well, you better watch your back, Ursula. He'll be coming for you next.” Winter’s phone chimes. There’s been a development.

    Fleur has found a hose in the river and is dragging it out as the detectives arrive.  Barnaby says, “I thought uniform checked out this area.”  Winter replies, “The hose wasn't visible until the water level dropped.”  Barnaby says, “Looks like you're wrangling a giant eel.”  Fleur says, “Makes a change from wrangling the deceased.”  Barnaby says, “Glad we're keeping you on your toes.”  Winter remarks, “Those must weigh a ton. You'd need a transport to get them this far from the scene.”

    Fleur says, “We found distinctive tire marks by the weir. Excellent disposal point, one would think. The river was in spate that night due to recent heavy rainfall.” Barnaby asks, “So what happened?” Fleur says, “Got snagged in this tree only 200 meters downstream. Terrific bad luck.” Barnaby asks, “What are the chances of recovering any DNA evidence?” Fleur says, “Slim to zero. DNA and water aren't the best of friends, but we'll give it a go.”

    MURDER 3: Caleb places a call and says he can meet someone after he does the first firing. He sets the pot in the kiln and someone slams the door on him and locks him in. Caleb yells and pounds on the door.

    The next morning, Winter goes to pick up Barnaby. Barnaby asks if Winter has ever tried whelk and periwinkle stew? Barnaby says, “It lingers in a most unpleasant way.” Winter says, “Not the best time to be sharing a car with you then, sir?” Barnaby says, “For which I can only apologize in advance.”  

    Sorrel tells the detectives that Caleb called asked her to meet him by the oak tree, but he never arrived. She tried to call him, but he didn’t pick up. Before she went home, Sorrel saw Lucien hurrying across the back fields in the silver suit toward Stourwick Hall.

    The detectives go to talk to Lucian. He says Caleb was going to do the first firing. He takes the detectives to where he keeps the suit. He also notices that the dial on the kiln was set high, which Caleb would never do. Lucian was never out in the suit.

    Barnaby wonders if someone was waiting for Caleb, someone he didn't realize was here until it was too late? Winter says, “That's too horrible, sir.” Fleur, who has been examining the kiln, says, “It's a rather genius plan, if true. A kiln like this burns at temperatures similar to a crematorium furnace, between 1,000 and 1500 degrees celsius. So if he ended up inside, we'd struggle to prove it. I will be sifting through the ashes for any bone fragments, but burning at that intensity would make any DNA identification almost impossible.”

    Back at the police station, Winter tells Barnaby that tech managed to retrieve Caleb Blundell's mobile data, mainly calls from Sorrel Watkins and his parents. Barnaby says, “According to Ms. Watkins, Lucian Shirewell is lying, but if my hunch is right and Caleb Blundell ended up in that kiln, then why would Lucian want him dead? Caleb was his protege.

    In the chapel, Lucian is looking at the plaque for his mother and Ursula walks in. Lucian says, “I haven't felt this much pain since Mummy died. Being told you've lost your son on the anniversary of her death, it's almost too much to bear. The son I never knew I wanted.” Ursula suggests a toast to Caleb and their mother’s memory. She and Lucian go down to the wine cellar.

    At the Barnaby home, Sarah sees a drawing of Betty’s in which there is a picture of the second priest hole. Sarah looks up a photo online. Betty says the “lady” told her it was a secret. Sarah calls Barnaby and sends a photo of the room. The picture shows Ursula Shirewell's bedroom.  Barnaby says, "How did she get out without being seen?" Winter points out a door that is usually bolted from the other side, which is unlocked. Winter spies a half door that the detectives go into.

    In the room above the wine cellar, Ursula pours wine into glasses. Ursula says, “This is one of the last bottles of her favorite Chablis. Seems rather appropriate. To poor, sweet Caleb and darling Mummy. May they rest in peace.” Lucian says, “I failed both of them.” Ursula says, “You were a child when Mummy died. I should have protected you, loved you, been the older sister you needed. But I was too weak. You'll never know how much I regret it.”

    In Ursula’s room behind the fireplace, Winter finds the stolen artifacts from the chapel along with the suit from the kiln. Winter points to the painting of their mother- “Today is the anniversary of her mother's death.”

    Ursula tells Lucian that she was with their mother in the cellar the day she died. That must lead to the cellars. Ursula says, “She and father had been fighting. I knew this is where she came to escape, so I followed her. She was even more drunk than usual, screamed that she didn't want me anywhere near her, said that she never wanted me because I was a girl, that she could never love me. And in that moment, I felt such hatred. For her...And for you... Her firstborn son. Because you never had to fight for her love, but I knew I was better than you...better than all of you, and that my day would come. She couldn't find any more of her precious Chablis. I knew there was more in the cellar. She ordered me to fetch it. I told her to get it herself.” 

    Lucian says, “Mummy didn't fall down the stairs, did she?” Lucian goes to stand at the top of the stairs and Ursula pushes him down the stairs. Then she goes back to get a bottle to hit him with. The police meet her there.

    •Neil Dudgeon as DCI John Barnaby

    •Nick Hendrix as DS Jamie Winter

    •Fiona Dolman as Sarah Barnaby

    •Isabel Shaw as Betty Barnaby

    •Annette Badland as Fleur Perkins

    •Peter Serafinowicz as Lucian Shirewell

    Body Count

    Prior to the Episode In this episode

  4. Dec 5, 2023 · Midsomer Murders is a long-standing British crime-drama series from ITV that explores a series of murder cases that take place in the titular county spearheaded by the investigation of lead inspector John Barnaby (Neil Dudgeon). Every Main Actor & Character in Midsomer Murders Season 24 Neil Dudgeon - DCI John Barnaby Neil Dudgeon

  5. Midsomer Murders (TV Series 1997– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

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