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  1. Apr 6, 2017 · First, at least 16 Senators sign a cloture motion (also called a cloture petition) that states: “We, the undersigned Senators, in accordance with the provisions of Rule XXII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move to bring to a close the debate upon [the matter in question].”

  2. Motion to Invoke Cloture: Motion to Proceed to H.R. 815. This was a vote on “cloture” in the Senate, which means to end debate so that an up-or-down vote can be taken. A vote in favor is a vote to end debate and move to a vote on the issue itself, while a vote against is a vote to prolong debate or to filibuster.

  3. Oct 16, 2019 · The majority leader may attempt to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed but may still be faced with a filibuster against the underlying measure. Since 1959, the rules of the Senate have allowed cloture to be invoked on the motion to proceed regardless of the type of underlying measure.7

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  4. Apr 7, 2017 · Table 1 summarizes a hypothetical example for a typical bill. In this example, a motion to proceed to the bill’s consideration is made on a Monday (Day 1). If a filibuster on that motion is begun or is anticipated, proponents of the motion and the bill can present a cloture motion on the same day.

  5. Jul 14, 2020 · The rule requires three-fifths of senators duly chosen and sworn (typically 60) to vote to invoke cloture (i.e., end debate). By extension, it also empowers 41 senators to perpetuate debate by voting not to invoke cloture.

  6. Jan 11, 2013 · cloture process include the establishment of new precedents on amending the rules, changes in the threshold necessary to invoke cloture, reductions in the time costs associated with certain cloture-related actions, and new or additional restrictions on debate in certain circumstances.

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  8. Cloture, or Rule XXII, is a procedure that allows the Senate to vote to limit debate and end a filibuster. Sixteen senators must present a motion to end debate. A vote on the motion is usually held the second day of session after the motion is made.

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