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  1. The doctrine of necessity is the basis on which extraordinary actions by administrative authority, which are designed to restore order or uphold fundamental constitutional principles, are considered to be lawful even if such an action contravenes established constitution, laws, norms, or conventions. The maxim on which the doctrine is based ...

  2. Jun 29, 2019 · Government ethics applies to the processes, behavior, and policy of governments and the public officials who serve in elected or appointed positions. The role of government and its officials is to serve the public interest with ethical awareness and ethical actions.

    • Public service is a public trust, requiring you to place loyalty to the Constitution, the laws, and ethical principles above private gain.
    • You shall not hold financial interests that conflict with the conscientious performance of duty.
    • You shall not engage in financial transactions using non-public Government information or allow improper use of such information to further any private interest.
    • You shall not, except pursuant to such reasonable exceptions as are provided by regulation, solicit or accept any gift or other item of monetary value from any person or entity seeking official action from, doing business with, or conducting activities regulated by your agency, or whose interests may be substantially affected by the performance or nonperformance of your duties.
  3. Jul 18, 2018 · Integrity is about the “ethics of behavior;” ethics of governance and ethics theory concern all aspects, including the ethics of policy content and the consequences for society (outcome). What types of behavior in governance are in conflict with those moral values and norms?

    • L. W. J. C. Huberts
    • 2018
  4. Nov 19, 2015 · I argue that law can serve morally important purposes, even when it’s unenforced or under enforced. Law can be morally binding on us quite apart from the effect that any sanctions have.

  5. Sep 22, 2016 · Necessity can be viewed as a complex set of institutional decisions over where and in what manner to regulate military force. There are many principles in the philosopher’s toolbox, and many rules in the lawyer’s toolbox; decisions need to be made about where and how to concentrate one’s regulatory efforts.

  6. The most extensive work on higher standards deals with the rules governing public office, usually referred to as government ethics (Madsen and Shafritz 1992). The main issues center on the regulation of CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, revolving doors, lobbying, nepotism, outside income, and WHISTLEBLOWING.

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