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  1. Oct 30, 2006 · The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review (2006) assessed a wide range of evidence on the impacts of climate change and on the economic costs.

    • Comments on The Economics of Climate Change:The Stern Review
    • Rt Hon Tony Blair MP, UK Prime Minister
    • Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer
    • James Mirrlees, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1996
    • Amartya Sen, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1998
    • Joseph Stiglitz, recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 2001
    • Robert M. Solow , recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economics, 1987
    • Paul Wolfowitz, President of the World Bank
    • Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University and Special Advisor to UN Secretary General
    • Claude Mandil, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency
    • Adair Turner, Former Director of UK Confederation of British Industry and Economic Advisor to the Sustainable Development Commission
    • Cameron Hepburn, Elizabeth Wordsworth Junior Research Fellow in Economics, Oxford University
    • USA Today
    • The Guardian
    • The New York Times
    • The Times
    • Chicago Tribune
    • The Daily Telegraph
    • Acknowledgements
    • Introduction
    • Summary of Conclusions

    Cabinet Office – HM Treasury There is now clear scientific evidence that emissions from economic activity, partic-ularly the burning of fossil fuels for energy, are causing changes to the Earth’s cli-mate. A sound understanding of the economics of climate change is needed in order to underpin an effective global response to this challenge. The Ster...

    ‘Nicholas Stern’s review will be seen as a landmark in the struggle against climate change. It gives a stark warning, but also offers hope. It proves comprehensively that tackling climate change is a pro-growth strategy. The economic benefits of strong early action easily outweigh the costs. The framework for action laid out by the Review is both a...

    ‘The Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change is the most comprehensive analysis yet, not only of the challenges, but also of the opportunities from climate change. Stern makes clear that climate change is a global challenge that demands a global solution. Above all, environmental policy is economic policy. It is my hope that this Review is ...

    ‘The Stern Review shows us, with utmost clarity, while allowing fully for all the uncertainties, what global warming is going to mean; and what can and should be done to reduce it. It provides numbers for the economic impact, and for the neces-sary economic policies. It deserves the widest circulation. I wish it the greatest pos-sible impact. Gover...

    ‘The stark prospects of climate change and its mounting economic and human costs are clearly brought out in this searching investigation. What is particularly striking is the identification of ways and means of sharply minimizing these penal-ties through acting right now, rather than waiting for our lives to be overrun by rap-idly advancing adversi...

    ‘The Stern Review of The Economics of Climate Change provides the most thorough and rigorous analysis to date of the costs and risks of climate change, and the costs and risks of reducing emissions. It makes clear that the question is not whether we can afford to act, but whether we can afford not to act. ... And it provides a compre-hensive agenda...

    ‘ ... the world is waiting for a calm, reasonable, carefully argued approach to climate change: Nick Stern and his team have produced one.’

    ‘I very much welcome The Stern Review, which provides a much needed critical economic analysis of the issues associated with climate change ...’

    ‘The Stern Review of The Economics of Climate Change is a vital step forward in securing an effective global policy on climate change. Led by one of the world’s top economists, the Stern Review shows convincingly that the benefits of early global action to mitigate climate change will be far lower than the costs. The report estab-lishes realistic g...

    ‘The Economics of Climate Change sends a very important and timely message: that the benefits of strong, early action on climate change outweigh the costs. ... Congratulations to Sir Nick Stern and his team for producing a landmark review which I have no doubt will strengthen the political will to change of governments around the world.’

    ‘The scientific evidence of global warming is overwhelming but some commenta-tors and lobby groups have continued to oppose offsetting actions on economic and competitiveness grounds. This comprehensive and authoritative report demol-ishes their arguments, explaining clearly the complex economics of climate change. It makes plain that we can cut em...

    ‘When the history of the world’s response to climate change is written, the Stern Review will be recognized as a turning point. ... Sir Nicholas and his team have pro-vided important intellectual leadership as humanity engages with its greatest chal-lenge. ... While the details will be debated, the main thrust of the report is clear and compelling ...

    ‘Pay now to fix global warming or risk a worldwide economic depression later ... The [Stern] report moves economic discussion of how humanity should deal with global warming to center stage ...’

    ‘The overwhelming message of ... [the] Stern review on the economics of climate change is that it is now time to move on from arguing about statistics to taking dras-tic action at an international level. ... Even if Stern is only half right then ... the con-sequence of doing nothing is still so dreadful that it ought not to be contemplated.’

    ‘[The report’s] basic point seems unassailable: failure to act now will exact much greater penalties later on ... If people and industries are made to pay heavily for the privilege, they will inevitable be driven to develop cleaner fuels, cars and factories...’

    ‘The Stern review makes two invaluable contributions. The first is that it recasts envi-ronmentalism as economics ... Stern’s second serious contribution is to provide a formula for durable environmentalism, one which binds business and government.’

    ‘The [Stern] report argues that environmentalism and economic growth can go hand in hand in the battle against global warming ... The report by Sir Nicholas Stern, a senior government economist, represents a huge contrast to the U.S. gov-ernment’s wait-and-see policies.’

    ‘... a comprehensive overview of the threat posed by climate change – and how we should respond to it. ... Sir Nicholas Stern spells out a bleak vision of a future gripped by violent storms, rising sea-levels, crippling droughts and economic chaos unless urgent action is taken to tackle global warming. ... a heavyweight review ... Sir Nicholas Ster...

    ‘Future generations may come to regard the apocalyptic report by Sir Nicholas Stern ... as the turning point in combating global warming, or as the missed opportu-nity. ... what Sir Nicholas Stern has done with his report on the economics of climate change is remarkable; he has ripped up the last excuse for inaction. ... one wouldn’t want to exagge...

    The team was led by Siobhan Peters. Team members included Vicki Bakhshi, Alex Bowen, Catherine Cameron, Sebastian Catovsky, Di Crane, Sophie Cruickshank, Simon Dietz, Nicola Edmondson, Su-Lin Garbett, Lorraine Hamid, Gideon Hoffman, Daniel Ingram, Ben Jones, Nicola Patmore, Helene Radcliffe, Raj Sathiyarajah, Michelle Stock, Chris Taylor, Tamsin Ve...

    The economics of climate change is shaped by the science. That is what dictates the structure of the economic analysis and policies; therefore we start with the science. Human-induced climate change is caused by the emissions of car-bon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (GHGs) that have accumu-lated in the atmosphere mainly over the past 100 years...

    There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we take strong action now. The scientific evidence is now overwhelming: climate change is a serious global threat, and it demands an urgent global response. This Review has assessed a wide range of evidence on the impacts of climate change and on the economic costs, and has used a...

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  2. A time for action on climate change and a time for change in economics . Nicholas Stern London School of Economics October 2021. 1. 1. Purpose and plan The address was, and this paper is, about the analysis of policy towards immense risks, the management of which necessitates rapid and fundamental change in our economies. The focus is on

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  3. Oct 26, 2021 · During the presentation Lord Stern looks back on the 15 years since the publication of the Stern Review and looks forward to what he describes as the 21st century growth story. He also argues that the challenges posed by climate change require a rethink in our approach to economics.

  4. The Economics of Climate Change by Nicholas Stern. Published in volume 98, issue 2, pages 1-37 of American Economic Review, May 2008

  5. Apr 26, 2022 · Economist Lord Nicholas Stern discusses why traditional economics fail to capture the magnitude of threat presented by climate change, and how the discipline must adapt.

  6. It was understandable that early analyses of responses to climate change involved the application of standard workhorses of economics- simple exogenous growth theory – to a problem new to economists, by assuming marginal perturbations for climate change and increasing marginal costs of action.

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