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  1. Your appearance at work sends many messages about how you view the environment, how much respect you have for yourself and your work, what groups you identify with, and where you think you belong within the organization. Making just a few adjustments to your appearance may lead to more and better opportunities. The following suggestions and

    • 785KB
    • 6
    • Conceptualization and Methodology
    • Strengths
    • Limitations
    • Conclusion
    • Interaction of Oppressed and Privileged Statuses
    • Conclusion
    • Conclusion
    • Discussion
    • Impact of physical attractiveness on gendered interactions. Our drive to form romantic
    • Synthesis

    In this theoretical investigation, I explore level of physical attractiveness as a characteristic that privileges people who are more attractive and oppresses those who are less attractive. I discuss the concept of privilege, societal standards of physical attractiveness, and the ways in which people who are more physically attractive are treated a...

    I would like to give a GIANT thank you to: Mary Beth Averill – Thank you for your ongoing support and guidance this year. I feel so lucky to have had you as a thesis advisor. Mom and Dad – You guys are rock stars. Thank you for always being there for me and listening to me talk about privilege for hours on end. Susie Kroll and Caroline Schnell ...

    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the benefits of physical attractiveness and to establish physical attractiveness as a characteristic that privileges people in our society, much like being White or being male provides people with unearned advantages. In Chapter III, I explore the phenomenon by presenting literature on privilege, standards o...

    The use of theories I chose provides a strong theoretical analysis of attractiveness privilege. Because intersectionality focuses on the experience of individuals and conflict theory looks at societal structures that contribute to inequality, the application of these two theories provides a well-rounded exploration of the privileges of being physic...

    The use of any theoretical perspective will lend itself to certain biases, so I took steps to eliminate bias from my study as much as possible. First, many articles and studies explore how physical appearance impacts how a person is treated and perceived, so reviewing every study performed in this area is beyond the scope of this thesis project. Wh...

    The theories I have chosen to examine attractiveness privilege provide a detailed and balanced exploration of this phenomenon. However, before we begin to apply theory to attractiveness privilege, we need to explore the phenomenon itself. In the following chapter, I address what privilege is and who is privileged in our society. Then, I construct a...

    Intersectionality is also a helpful lens for understanding how areas of oppression may interact with areas of privilege. McIntosh (2012) explained that we all experience both privilege and oppression in various areas of our lives: As I conceive it, there is a hypothetical horizontal line of social justice, parallel to the floor or the ground. Below...

    As discussed in the previous chapter, physical attractiveness functions as an area of privilege in our society. However, privilege and oppression based on level of physical attractiveness do not occur in isolation from other areas of privilege and oppression. In Chapter VI, I discuss how physical attractiveness interacts with race, gender, social c...

    The economic structure of the United States undoubtedly privileges some and oppresses others. Furthermore, capitalism perpetuates privilege and oppression because those with more power have the ability to structure society to benefit themselves. While this idea is obviously true for privilege based on social class, I believe it may also be true for...

    This final chapter brings together all of the ideas and information discussed in the previous chapters. First, I apply intersectionality and conflict theory to attractiveness privilege to provide a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. Then, I discuss the importance for people working within the field of social work to recognize physical attracti...

    relationships may influence the impact of physical attractiveness on social interactions. For example, McColl and Truong (2013) explored how gender and physical attractiveness influenced customer evaluations of online salespeople in sales conducted via web-video. They found that when the customer and the salesperson were of different genders, parti...

    Physical attractiveness is a characteristic that privileges some and oppresses others, much like the more commonly recognized areas of privilege, such as gender and race. Like other types of privilege, it overlaps with and is influenced by other characteristics that lead to privilege or oppression. Additionally, attractiveness privilege is perpetua...

    • Kelsey P. Yonce
    • 2014
  2. appearance discrimination primarily towards women who are judged based upon their respective physical appearance, especially in the workforce. In this discussion we dress and how it relates to focus on appearance. Next, we present an overview on ethical aspects on lookism and the workplace.

    • Alyssa Dana Dana Adomaitis, Rachel Raskin, Diana Saiki
    • 2017
  3. Dec 20, 2012 · In this article, we review evidence linking physical appearance to occupational success and evaluate the hypothesis that appearance based biases are consistent with predictions based on evolutionary theories of coalition formation and leadership choice.

    • Anthony C. Little, S. Craig Roberts
    • 2012
  4. Introduction. This paper is a legal, ethical, and practical examination of appearance discrimination in employment. “Appearance,” however, is a broad legal and practical aspect, encompassing not only looks, but also dress and grooming standards in the workplace.

    • 195KB
    • 37
  5. We propose to go beyond visible sources of stigma and expand the focus to other physical (e.g. physical appearance, age, childbearing age), emotional (e.g. mental health) and societal (e.g...

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  7. INTRODUCTION. Physical beauty elicits benefits that are more than skin deep. In every aspect of our lives we are reminded that appearance matters. Evidence suggests that society tends to attribute to those who are physically attractive the added qualities of sociability, friendliness, and competence.'.

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