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  1. Republicans across the country are fighting to make voting safe and secure in the 2024 elections. Join Protect The Vote to bring election integrity to your state.

  2. HELP US FIGHT FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY IN TEXAS. Secure elections are the cornerstone of American democracy. Your help is critical to ensure the election is fair and honest. Republican Poll Watchers and Workers are needed in Texas for Election Integrity Operations during the 2024 election season.

  3. Texas Election Protection is a coalition of organizations and volunteers. Together, we make up the largest non-partisan voter protection effort, working together to ensure the rights of all voters in Texas are upheld.

  4. We empower voters with critical information about how to exercise their freedom to vote, send nonpartisan poll monitors to voting sites across Texas, and file litigation when necessary to remove barriers to the ballot box.

  5. Every election year, we mobilize volunteers to help our fellow Texans navigate the voting process and cast their votes without obstruction, confusion, or intimidation. Our nonpartisan voter protection program seeks to ensure every eligible voter who wants to vote can do so, and every vote is counted accurately.

  6. Texas Election Protection is a coalition of organizations and volunteers. Together, we make up the largest non-partisan voter protection effort, working together to uphold the freedom to vote and equal access to the ballot box for all eligible voters in Texas.

  7. View important announcements from the Texas election integrity team.

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