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  1. What Are The Best Mini Sandwiches For Kids Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Super Simple Sausage Sliders
    Ah it is baseball season again and warm weather. What best to go with the season than outdoor grilling, super fast and simple recipes, and a fun sandwich. Instead of the regular bun and big hamburger, go for a slider, smaller, cuter, and just plain fun. A bit of the twist is that this is a sausage slider and very versatile one at that.Change the condiments and toppings and you could have breakfast instead of lunch or dinner. This is a fun entrée for adults and kids alike. Use the smaller biscuits and have mini-mini sausage sliders and use as an appie. Just have fun and let me know the combinations you make from this versatile and easily adaptable recipe. Have fun. Invented recipe for RSC#16.