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  1. Aug 6, 2024 · When it comes to the death penalty, proponents of the sanctity of life argue that taking a human life, even in response to a crime, undermines this principle. They assert that even the worst offenders retain their God-given dignity and should be allowed the chance for repentance and redemption.

  2. The death penalty does execute a number of innocent people each year—about 4% of those executed are innocent. (Jesus himself was a victim of an innocent man being wrongly killed at the hand of capital punishment.) The death penalty is essentially useless in deterring violent crime.

  3. May 2, 2014 · Are Claiborne and Mother Teresa right? Would Jesus Christ oppose the death penalty if he were present today? According to a recent Barna poll, most Americans think so. Only five percent of ...

  4. Sep 14, 2023 · Death is the penalty for sin because God Himself is averse to anything at enmity with Him. He is an enemy of sin; He must punish the sinner, and we are all sinners. We are created in God’s image ( Genesis 1:16 ), and as His image-bearers, Christians have a standard to follow.

  5. Jun 24, 2014 · HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL (HDS): How do you understand the assertion, articulated by Christians like Dr. Mohler, that “God affirmed the death penalty for murder as he made his affirmation of human dignity clear” in the Bible?

    • Harvardgazette
  6. Jul 6, 2016 · The Death Penalty in the Life and Death of Jesus DARRIN W. SNYDER BELOUSEK * Abstract: This paper aims to contribute to a distinctively Christian view of capital punishment within a peace church perspective. The present essay builds from the previous work of Mennonite-Anabaptist writers on this

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  8. Sep 24, 2017 · These verses teach about Jesus as the substitute for us, who pays the penalty for our sins. The Doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement argues that 1) Jesus died as the substitute in our place (He died for us), and secondly, that He died to pay the penalty for our sins.