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  1. May 27, 2024 · Knives hold symbolic significance in various passages of the Bible, representing sacrifice, liberation, and the consequences of wickedness. These verses shed light on the powerful meaning of knives in biblical contexts. One notable instance is the story of Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14).

  2. Deuteronomy 14:1-2. “You are the sons of the Lord your God; you shall not cut yourselves nor shave your forehead for the sake of the dead. For you are a holy people to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His own possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.

    • Does The Bible Mention Knives?
    • Bible Verses About Knives
    • 4 Symbolic Meanings of Knives in The Bible
    • What Is The Biblical Meaning of Dreaming About Knives?
    • Spiritual Meanings of Knives in A Dream
    • Reasons Why You Keep Dreaming About Knives
    • Symbolic Meaning of Knives in Literature and Other Cultures

    Yes, the Bible mentions knives in different passages in the Old Testament. For example, in Genesis 22:6–10, Abraham wanted to use a knife when sacrificing his son Isaac to the Lord. Exodus 4:25and Joshua 5:2–3suggest that the Israelites used knives during circumcision. The Bible also mentions knives figuratively in Proverbs 30:14, when King Solomon...

    These are some of the Bible verses about knives: 1. Genesis 22:10 – Abraham was about to slay his son using a knifeto sacrifice him as a burnt offering to the Lord. 2. Exodus 4:25 – the Bible suggests that God was about to kill Moses for failing to circumcise his son. Zipporah, Moses’ wife, used a flint knifeto circumcise their son, and she touched...

    Christians can perceive the following symbolic meanings of knives in the Bible; First, the Bible suggests that knives symbolize God’s judgment against the wicked. This symbolism is drawn from Isaiah 18:5, where the prophet Isaiah warned that the Lord would destroy the harvest of the Cushites using pruning knives. He prophesied that just as the peop...

    Dreaming about murdering someone with a knife

    A dream about murdering someone with a knife can communicate a desire for you to alienate yourself from a person who impacts your life negatively. In John 15:1–2, Jesus Christ warns that the branches that don’t bear any fruit in him will be cut off by his father. Here, the branches that don’t bear any fruit refer to the wicked, who don’t add any value to his ministry. In Judges 3:21, Ehod killed the king of Moab with a dagger to deliver the Israelites from their forced servitude to the Moabit...

    Dreaming about blood on the knife

    In the book of Leviticus, blood and knives are associated with sacrifices that the Israelites offered to God. While dictating the rules about burnt offerings, God instructed the Israelites to slaughter the sacrificial bull before him, and then Aaron’s sons would splash the blood against the sides of the altar at the entrance to the tent meetings (Leviticus 1:5). InLeviticus 8:15, Moses carried out the Lord’s commands by slaughtering a bull before God and consecrating the altar with its blood....

    Dreaming about getting stabbed by a knife

    We are all familiar with the phrase “stabbed in the back,” which means to be deceived or betrayed by someone close to you. We can apply this meaning when interpreting the biblical meaning of dreaming about getting stabbed by a knife, which can be a warning about betrayal or deception from someone close to you. The Bible has several cases of betrayal. For example, Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus (Matthew 26:47–49), Jacob betrayed his brother Esau (Genesis 27:14–29), Absalom betrayed his father D...

    The spiritual meanings of knives in a dream varies depending on one’s personal experiences and beliefs. 1. A knife is a tool that is usually used to cut off unwanted pieces and give objects new shapes. Therefore, seeing a knife in a dream can convey a need for spiritual change or transformation. It can be a call for you to cut off old aspects of yo...

    If you keep dreaming about knives, it could be an indication that the dream is trying to convey a message to you, but you have not yet perceived it. It could be a call for you to rethink your ways, a warning about impending danger, or a comforting message of spiritual strength during challenging times. Until you perceive the message and apply it to...


    There are various works of literature that ascribe different symbolic meanings to knives. For example, in the first scene of the second act of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, the dagger that Macbeth uses to kill King Duncan symbolizes his greed, his loss of morality, and the violent path on which he has embarked. In The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the knife is depicted as a symbol of survival since the protagonist needs to use it to defend and protect herself in the face of unpredictable danger.

    Native American Symbolism

    The Native Americans used knives made of sharpened stone, copper, iron, and steel. When used in combat, the knives symbolized power, strength, and protection. Skillful wielding of knives afforded one some degree of survival in an otherwise harsh and unpredictable environment. The Native Americans also used knives to make crafts, which in this context, symbolized creativity and transformation.

    Norse Symbolism

    The symbolic meaning of knives in Norse culture also depends on how the Vikings used them. For example, archaeological findings show that the Vikings buried their fallen soldiers with their earthly weapons, including knives. In such cases, the knives symbolized earthly social status, military prowess, and belief in the afterlife. The Vikings also used bigger, machete-like knives called seaxes, which symbolized the Vikings’ power and ruthlessness in battle.

  3. The word for “pen-knife” is used generally for any sharp instrument of iron—for a razor (Ezekiel 5:1), and for a sword (Isaiah 7:20). Here it is the knife which was used to shape the reed, or calamus, used in writing.

  4. Jun 15, 2021 · The Bible describes gluttony as a path towards self-destruction. Paul wrote to the Church at Philippi by saying of enemies of the cross, “Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things” ( Philippians 3:19 ).

  5. Sep 20, 2023 · Key Takeaways. Knives symbolize sacrifice and trust in God’s plan, as seen in the story of Abraham and Isaac. Knives are associated with religious rituals and symbolize separation and sanctification. Knives can represent judgment and punishment in biblical narratives, such as the story of Ehud.

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  7. What does the Bible say about knives? Here are 33 Bible verses about knives from the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible (King James Version), sorted from most to least relevant.

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