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  1. Identify the roles of the four types of word parts used in forming medical terms. Use your knowledge of word parts to analyze unfamiliar medical terms. Describe the steps in locating a term in a medical dictionary. Define the commonly used word roots, combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes introduced in this chapter.

  2. The purpose of this document is to outline and describe the philosophy and structure of Harvard University’s Clinical Psychology Program and to provide students with information about the courses, research, and clinical training required to earn a Ph.D. degree in clinical psychology.

  3. By incorporating effective clinical words, you can provide a comprehensive description of the patient's symptoms, emotions, cognitive functioning, etc. in each of the four sections of the most commonly used SOAP note template. Let's explore some examples of how this be achieved.

  4. interpret. In this short workbook you will find basic medical terminology, anatomy vocabulary, common medical procedures and basic cancer terminology. Components of Medical Words What is Medical Terminology? The words, or terms that make up the language of medicine are referred to as the terminology of the medical field, or Medical Terminology ...

    • Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
    • What is Medical Terminology?
    • Origin of medical terminology
    • Medical procedures and equipment
    • What is a root word?
    • Combining vowels
    • Example
    • What is a suffix?
    • Suffix
    • Meaning
    • Suffixes with similar meanings:
    • Example
    • What is a prefix?
    • Prefix
    • Meaning
    • Example
    • Example
    • Eponyms
    • Acronyms
    • Abbreviations and symbols
    • Common pathology tests
    • Strategies for tackling new words
    • Departments/Sections in a hospital
    • Use Checklists where appropriate
    • Standard checklists might include:
    • For example, and opening procedure checklist could include tasks such as:
    • Interpret and adhere to the policies and procedures of the workplace
    • Policies
    • Procedures
    • Procedures include, but are not limited to:
    • Accessing policies and procedures
    • Seek Clarification when necessary
    • Look up the word in a medical dictionary
    • Carry Out routine tasks
    • Ordering
    • Receiving goods
    • Invoicing
    • Notifications
    • Quotes
    • Surgery
    • Use appropriate medical terminology in oral and written communication
    • Written communication
    • Completing documents
    • Drug names
    • Verification
    • The major systems of the human body
    • The digestive system
    • The primary function of the digestive system
    • Main organs of the digestive system:
    • Common procedures specific to the digestive system or the GI tract:
    • The cardiovascular system
    • The primary functions of the cardiovascular system is the:
    • Common procedures specific to the cardiovascular system:
    • Integumentary system
    • The primary function of the integumentary system:
    • Main organs of the integumentary system:
    • Common root words relating to the skin:
    • Common procedures specific to the skin: Excision: Removal of a skin lesion
    • The nervous system
    • The primary function of the nervous system:
    • Major organs of the nervous system:
    • Common procedures used to diagnose conditions of the nervous system:
    • The urinary system
    • The primary function of the urinary system:
    • Common procedures relating to the urinary system:
    • Micro-Specimen of urine (MSU): urine test sent to laboratory
    • Dialysis:
    • The respiratory system
    • The primary function of the respiratory system:
    • The main organs of the respiratory system are the:
    • Common procedures relating to the respiratory System
    • The male reproductive system
    • The primary functions of the male reproductive system is:
    • The main organs of the male reproductive system are:
    • Common conditions or procedures related to the male reproductive system:
    • The female reproductive system
    • The primary functions of the female reproductive system:
    • The main organs of the female reproductive system:
    • Common procedures relating to the female reproductive system:
    • The musculoskeletal system
    • The main function of the muscular system:
    • The main function of the skeletal system:
    • Common procedures associated with muscles and bones:
    • Common conditions associated with the musculoskeletal system:
    • The endocrine system
    • The primary function of the endocrine system:
    • The main glands that make up the endocrine system:
    • Common clinical procedures associated with the endocrine system:
    • Meaning
    • Type I Diabetes (IDDM) Insulin dependent diabetic
    • Type II Diabetes (NIDDM) Non-insulin dependent diabetic
    • Gestational Diabetes
    • The lymphatic system
    • The primary function of the lymphatic system:
    • The lymphatic system consists of:
    • Common definitions associated with the lymphatic system are:
    • Common conditions associated with the lymphatic system
    • Common conditions associated with the immune system
    • Some conditions caused by an overactive immune system are:
    • Three common autoimmune diseases are:
    • Sensory system
    • The major function of the sensory system:
    • Common conditions associated with the sensory system:
    • The Ear
    • The Eye
    • The Nose
    • Structure of the nose
    • Common conditions affecting the nose:

    The information set out in this workbook is intended for education and training only. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in these materials. The producers of this material accept no liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained within or for any loss or damage whats...

    There are a number of professions who use specific words and terms to describe events and situations that occur within their field. Lawyers are renowned for using language that most of us would find difficult to interpret, medical terminologies are universal to the healthcare or medical industry. It's their very own language and it helps them under...

    The majority of medical words are based on Latin and Greek origin e.g. the Greek word for kidney is ‘nephro.” The Latin word for kidney is ‘ren.’

    Medical procedures fall into two broad categories: diagnostic and surgical. Diagnostic procedures are preformed for the purpose of determining the cause of an illness. Surgical procedures are operations performed to treat a medical problem after the diagnosis has been established. The type of medicine a Practice is involved with and/or the the ...

    The root of a word is the part that contains the essential meaning of the word. Very often the root of the word relates to a body part. Therefore if you have a good knowledge of root words then you at least have an understanding of which area of the body the word or term relates to. In the word pericarditis the root word ‘card’ describes the heart....

    Sometimes medical terms have more than one root word. An example of this is the word leucocyte. The root words are ‘leuc’ meaning white and ‘cyte’ meaning a cell. To join these two words together the vowel ‘o’ was used to ensure a smoother flow with pronunciation. The letter ‘o’ is the most common vowel used when two or more words are joined. How...

    rhin nose naso nose crani skull aural ear ot ear trache trachea cervic neck ophthalm eye oral mouth dent teeth steth chest mast breast mamma breast laparo abdomen cost ribs carp wrist chiro hand pod foot encephal cerebr derm dorsi abdomin/o aden/o aort/o bio bronch/i cardi/o cerebell/o cerebr/i cholecyst/o col/o cost/o cyan/o cysti, dipl/o enter/o...

    A suffix can be a letter or letters placed at the end of a word that also adds more meaning. In medical words the suffix often describes, a condition procedure or a disease process. In the word pericarditis the suffix denotes inflammation and therefore describes the inflammatory disease process occurring in the heart. Common Suffixes

    oscopy ostomy otomy para pepsia phagia pnoea rrhagia statis uria algia centesis continence cytosis

    visual examination of internal cavity using a scope creation of an artificial opening process of cutting into to bear, live birth digestion eating or swallowing breathing burst forth, excessive flow stop or control urination, urine pain surgical puncture using a needle to aspirate to stop fluid condition of cells drome run, running ism state of or ...

    The following suffixes all mean ‘relating to’ and form common endings for many medical words. Suffixes referring to medical procedures Suffixes

    electrocardiogram an instrument that records electrocardiograph ostomy surgical opening oscopy looking at/examining ectomy removal of otomy surgical incision plasty repair colostomy colonoscopy tonsillectomy osteotomy rhinoplasty

    A prefix is a letter or group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to add further meaning to the word. For example in the word pericarditis the prefix ‘peri’ meaning surrounding helps to identify where the inflammation is in relation to the heart. Common Prefixes

    A-Bi- Dys- Endo Epi Hemi Hydro Pan Para Peri Sub Trans

    without or lack of two difficult, painful, uncomfortable within on, over, upon half water all abnormal around below, under through, across, beyond

    asymptomatic biceps dyspnoea endocardium epidermis hemiplegia hydrocephalus pandemic paracentesis pericardium sublingual transient

    glaucoma leucocyte erythrocyte melanoma cirrhosis cyanosis The following prefixes denote speed: Prefix Meaning Example brady slow bradycardia tachy fast tachycardia

    Not all medical terms can be broken down easily into basic word parts. Medical eponyms are terms used in medicine which are named after people (and occasionally places or things. For instance, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease.

    An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phrase or title. Most acronyms are expressed in uppercase letters, but not always. For example, laser stands for (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) There are many acronyms in medical terminology and it is essential to know ...

    Care should be taken with the use and interpretation of abbreviations and symbols as there is often more than one meaning to an abbreviation. The following examples are generally widely accepted. Abbreviation/Symbol

    LFT – (Liver function tests) are a group of blood tests that measure some enzymes, proteins and substances that are produced or excreted by the liver. FBC – (Full blood count) is a common test that is used to diagnose a wide range of illnesses, infections and diseases. It may indicate anaemia, infection or some blood cancers such as leukaemia. Fe B...

    Some medical words can be quite difficult to learn so medical administrative and support staff need to learn some methods of dealing with unfamiliar words so they can use the words appropriately, and spell and pronounce them correctly. There are strategies staff can use to help them become familiar with medical terminology that will be used in the ...

    Medical administrative staff must be familiar with the names of the hospitals, types of institutions their organisation deals with and the areas of medicine available or procedures associated with them. They might need to use this information when preparing correspondence, taking and sending messages, maintaining a patient’s file, drawing up invoic...

    Most workplaces have recording systems applicable to messages, instructions, incoming and outgoing information. Medical Administrative staff will receive training from their supervisors in how these systems operate and how they should use them. Many of the recording tasks they undertake will relate to financial, legal, statutory, or audit requireme...

    End of day financial reconciliation, Opening and closing procedures, Incoming and outgoing mail, Stock ordering

    Turn on lights Turn on computer equipment, printers and photocopier Top up paper supply in printers and photocopiers Process messages from answering service Unlock front door Water plants Put newspaper in lunchroom Unlock file room Recording instructions and creating a checklist to record and monitor tasks enables individual practice staff to clari...

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

    Because of its prominent position, the nose is especially vulnerable to injury, including fractures and nosebleeds.

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    • 60
  5. Mar 18, 2022 · Medical Terminology for Healthcare Professions is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that focuses on breaking down, pronouncing, and learning the meaning of medical terms within the context of anatomy and physiology.

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  7. viii Medical Terminology For Dummies, 2nd Edition Chapter 4: Acronyms, Eponyms, Homonyms, Multiples, and Plurals — Oh My! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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