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  1. Jul 30, 2024 · Netflix has amassed a large library of live-action anime and manga adaptations. Here’s a rundown of each series and movie on the list, from worst to best.

    • Daniel Dockery
  2. Nov 27, 2023 · Onmyoji is a historical, fantasy, and supernatural anime perfect for BL lovers. It features two attractive male protagonists, Abe Seimei and Minamoto Hiromasa, as they team up to fight evil...

  3. Anime Based on Manga | Netflix Official Site

    • Neon Genesis Evangelion. Neon Genesis Evangelion is a mecha anime wherein romance is not the main focus, but the show does have an LGBTQ+ fanbase, and it features queer themes, including a sadly brief romance between two male characters.
    • Devilman Crybaby. Based on Go Nagai's 70s cult classic manga Devilman, Netflix's Devilman Crybaby is a horror anime that remains quite faithful to the source material's queer subtext.
    • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a unique adventure anime with colorful and characteristic imagery, some LGBTQ+ relationships, and an overall focus on gender-nonconforming expression.
    • Tiger & Bunny. Tiger & Bunny is an action and comedy anime that features Kotetsu Kaburagi and Barnaby Brooks. The former is a veteran of fighting crime with a deep interest in helping others, while the latter is only in the hero business because of the popularity he hopes to gain.
    • No.6
    • Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance
    • Hyperventilation
    • Sasaki and Miyano
    • Spiritpact
    • Hitorijime My Hero
    • Heaven’s Official Blessing
    • Given
    • Yuri!!! on Ice
    • Banana Fish

    Advertised as more of a sci-fi series than a BL, No.6 is a fantasy anime inspired by Atsuko Asano’s work by the same name. It depicts the story of two boys whose fates get tangled in a chain of tragic events. This dystopian teen anime shows an entirely different world from the one we live in after a World War nearly wipes out humanity. Due to its t...

    Junjo Romantica: Pure Romance was one of the first long BL anime series released that explicitly portrayed the story it was inspired from. Becoming a cult-classic beloved BL, Junjo Romanticais adapted from the manga by Shungiku Nakamura and is known for containing all the cliché but beloved tropes often found in the genre. The story follows the liv...

    The short six-episode-long BL anime Hyperventilation is a great way to get introduced to the world of Korean anime. Usually inspired by Japanese manga, Hyperventilationdefied the norm by popularizing an anime adapted from the Korean manhwa by Bboong Bbang Kyu. This breathtaking love story, despite its short running time, wraps up the narrative beau...

    Sasaki and Miyanois a BL anime series depicting the blossoming feelings between two high school students in a sweet and loving coming-of-age story. Adapted from the Shō Harusono manga of the same name, this anime portrays incredibly endearing characters who find an unlikely friendship and bond over a mutual interest: BL manga. In this short anime, ...

    Belonging to the world of Chinese anime, Spiritpact is one of those series that is just overwhelmingly underrated. In a fantasy world where spirits, demons, and ghosts exist, Spiritpact introduces the story of You Keika, a young man living in poverty, who after a series of unfortunate events, passes away in a freaky accident. He, later on, discover...

    Hitorijime My Hero is one of the most adored BL anime of all time. This story — although frowned upon by some due to the age gap between the main characters — quickly became a staple title in the world of BL anime for its incredible animation, voice acting, and unique plot. Adapted from the Memeco Arii manga of the same name, this series follows th...

    The Chinese anime Heaven’s Official Blessings tells an immersive tale filled with beautifully animated fantasy worlds, where demons, spirits, and Gods co-exist. Inspired by Chinese Mythology and Buddhism, this anime is a one-of-a-kind story that shows an unconventional bond between a Ghost King and a scrap-collecting God — however, it does come wit...

    Given is one of the most recent anime to completely shift the narrative in BL animation. With the popularization of the genre in recent years, the quality of BL series has been clearly noticeable, with Givenbeing the prime example. With a gorgeous and flowing animation, the musical series depicts a tragic, albeit comedic, relationship between two c...

    The gold standard for BL anime is definitely Yuri!!! On Ice, an original BL series. This anime is the one that got everyone hooked on the genre since its release in 2016. It is animated by MAPPA, the studio responsible for some of the most popular animated series in Japan, including Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen. This pinnacle series follows t...

    Unlike other BL anime, Banana Fishis not a love story, nor is it portrayed as one. This series, inspired by the classic manga by Akimi Yoshida, is a tragic action story that introduces Ash, a runaway teenager in the streets of New York who was raised by an infamous Godfather of the Mafia, and Eiji Okumura, a Japanese photographer reporting on Ameri...

    • November 20, 1998
  4. Aug 31, 2014 · These BL manga and webtoons feature protagonists who have been summoned, transported, reincarnated, or have transmigrated to another world.

  5. Jul 6, 2023 · Looking for the best anime on Netflix? We list the top anime series and TV shows to stream on the service, including Cowboy Bebop, Pokémon, Inuyasha, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and more.