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  1. Most Relevant Verses. Matthew 23:37. Verse Concepts. “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Luke 13:34. Verse Concepts.

  2. 13.3 leprosy: The word translated “leprosy” was used for many different kinds of skin diseases. 13.47-50 spot: The Hebrew word translated “spot” and “mildew” in verses 47-59 is the same one translated “leprosy” earlier in the chapter.

  3. Oct 3, 2016 · While the word chickens here could well point to the young chicks of regular chickens, the Greek word used in Matthew 23:37 for chickens is nossia, which can mean the young offspring of birds generally.

  4. Raw flesh is unclean, for it is a leprous disease. 16 But if the raw flesh recovers and turns white again, then he shall come to the priest, 17 and the priest shall examine him, and if the disease has turned white, then the priest shall pronounce the diseased person clean; he is clean.

    • Introduction61
    • Categories of Cleanness and uncleanness
    • A General Definition of Cleanness and uncleanness
    • Reasons For Cleanness Or uncleanness
    • Cleanness Or uncleanness in The Old Testament
    • Cleanness Or uncleanness in The New Testament
    • Conclusion

    Leviticus 11is dealing with the subject of cleanness and uncleanness—specifically, with the subject of clean and unclean foods. The word “clean” has a lot of different meanings today depending upon the context in which it is used. For example, in the operating room, things must be clean, and that has a very rigid, strict interpretation—to be as fre...

    Now let’s take a brief look at some of the details of chapter 11. Let me preface this by giving one word of caution. When we come to the animals named here, some of us agonize over not being able to pronounce them correctly, let alone understand what they are. But one of the scholars has pointed out that likely in no more than 40% of the creatures ...

    Now let’s talk now about cleanness and uncleanness just in terms of generalities. What are some of the things we can observe about cleanness and uncleanness as we find it in Leviticus 11? Other points will come as we get to different kinds of uncleanness, but let me touch on a few characteristics of cleanness and uncleanness. First, in chapter 11, ...

    God never tells Israel why something is clean or unclean. He never gives a reason for the definition of clean or unclean. For centuries, men have tried to give reasons for these definitions of clean and unclean, and Wenham’s commentary outlines four, which I think are worthy of mentioning. Why is one kind of food clean and another kind of food uncl...

    Now let’s look at cleanness and uncleanness in the Old Testament from a broader brush view. If we were to look at the words cleanness or uncleanness, we would discover that clean and unclean are found only in Genesis 7 and 8—with Noah. And it is only found with respect to those animals that were brought onto the ark. Remember there were seven of ea...

    When we come to the New Testament, we discover immediately that our Lord begins to talk in terms of clean and unclean, and particularly as the scribes and Pharisees are disputing with Him. In Mark 7, for example, they debate about whether Jesus and His disciples can come in from outside and then begin to eat dinner, and they have not ceremonially (...

    There are two primary motivations that we ought to evidence which the Old Testament saints also evidenced: (1) loving God and(2)loving man. If God’s distinctions between clean and unclean are arbitrary, then there are no good reasons for obeying Him other than that He is God. We have a choice to make. The decision is based not on whether something ...

  5. One of Jesus’s oddest metaphors had to do with chickens, an aching lament in Luke 14:34-35 (see also Matthew 23-37-38): We are small and helpless, reliant upon the strength of our heavenly ...

  6. There are consequences and they are very unpleasant. Let’s look into 2 Samuel 12-18 and learn what to expect When Your Chickens Come Home To Roost. I. THE PRINCIPLE DAVID ENCOUNTERED. A. In this dark episode David discovered a spiritual principle that holds true in every person’s life.