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  1. Sep 19, 2004 · I see three points to make about the church as the body of Christ and two applications to our situation today. The first point is that the unity of the body of Christ is created in Jesus Christ. Second, individuality is valued in Christ. Third, God’s grace sustains all ministry in Christ.

  2. Jan 4, 2022 · Answer. The physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus is foundational to Christian doctrine and our hope of heaven. Because Jesus rose from the dead with a physical body, every Christian has the guarantee of his own bodily resurrection (John 5:21, 28; Romans 8:23).

  3. Jun 18, 2024 · If you come to the Christian Scriptures with questions about your own body, one of the first surprises will be how much the New Testament talks about the physical body of Jesus Christ (Romans 7:4; 1 Corinthians 10:16; 11:24, 27, 29). His human body is the turning point in the story of our bodies.

    • Jesus Became Flesh in Order to Defeat Death
    • Jesus Became Flesh to Identify with Our Human Frailties
    • Jesus Became Flesh to Fulfill The Demands of God’s Laws For Humanity
    • Jesus Became Flesh to Fulfill Prophecy
    • Jesus Became Flesh to Offer His Body as A Sacrifice
    • Jesus Became Flesh to Show Us The Way to Live
    • Is It Important to Believe That Jesus Was Fully God, and Fully Man?

    God is Spirit (John 4:24) and cannot die. Yet, according to God’s law, the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Since all men sin (Romans 3:23), all men are destined to die. In fact, before salvation, all men are already spiritually dead (Ephesians 2:1), and the moment we are born, the countdown to our physical death begins. Death is the enemy that...

    Jesus understands what we think and feel because He was human just as we are. He was born as a baby and grew up as a child just like we did (Luke 2:7,40,52). He experienced hunger and thirst and grew tired from walking (John 4). He felt things deeply; He experienced times that were troubling to His soul and spirit (Matthew 26:38, John 11:33-35). He...

    Humans with a sinful nature could never keep the Law; our flesh is too weak, yet God demands the Law to be fulfilled. Jesus became flesh to fulfill the Law in our place. Jesus kept the Law perfectly; He was without sin. He died an innocent man, not guilty of any crime or trespass, and therefore, was the perfect, sinless sacrifice, whose blood was a...

    The Old Testament prophecies spoke of a Messiah to come – a ruler who would descend from King David’s lineage and rule forever. Jesus had to come as a human baby, from the tribe of Judah to fulfill those prophecies. It’s been estimated there are more than 300 Messianic prophecies in Scripture that Jesus fulfilled when He became flesh and dwelt amon...

    If the blood of goats and bulls could take away sin, there would have been no need for Jesus to come as a man. But animal sacrifices were never intended to bring salvation; they were simply a picture, a means of obedience that allowed God to overlook sin until the perfect sacrifice of His Son was complete. Jesus had to have a human body; His perfec...

    When Jesus came as a man, He gave us a perfect example to follow. Scripture tells us much about the words He used, His attitudes toward life, the world, sin, and His love and compassion for all people. He demonstrated how to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and our neighbor as ourselves. He showed us how to live sacrificially,...

    It’s the difference between faith and apostasy. Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Ascent/PKS Media Inc. Author Sheila Alewine is a pastor’s wife, mother, and grandmother of five. She and her husband lead Around The Corner Ministries, which serves to equip Christ-followers to share the gospel where they live, work and play. She has written seven devotiona...

  4. Dec 8, 2016 · Jesus is both “truly God and truly man, of a reasonable soul and body” (Chalcedon, AD 451). Having a “true human body,” Jesus was born, he grew, he thirsted, he hungered, he wept, he slept, he sweated, he bled, and he died.

  5. Sep 3, 2020 · This early statement (451 A.D.) set forth a biblical definition of the incarnation of Jesus Christand answers our question of how Jesus could be fully God and fully man. Let’s examine the main truth in this powerful statement that summarizes the biblical teaching on the incarnation.

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  7. How does fulfilled Bible prophecies (those about Christ and those he gave) provide evidence for Christs deity and also the validity of Scripture? Why is the virgin birth important? Roughly, how many Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in Christ’s first coming?

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