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  1. Jun 15, 2022 · Jesus was political. But his kingdom is much different than any earthly kingdom. Today Jesus is regularly drug into political debates and his message is modified to fit the agenda of modern politics. In doing so we’ve weakened Jesus’ message and misrepresented what he was about.

  2. Jesus absolutely refused to get into the politics between the Jewish leaders and the Romans. It meant His death. But all He did was make it clear to all, including to us today, that Jesus’ Kingdom is from another place .

  3. The mixing of politics with religion has proven detrimental to the cause of Christ. Segments of the Christian community call us to be a voice in what the government does. How does one reconcile Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 5, 6, & 7 with the political system of America today?

  4. Oct 22, 2019 · Because we know the big picture, we know that Jesus forgave his accusers, overcame sin and death and ultimately triumphed over the forces of darkness that sought to bring him down. But it wasn’t some incidental, sideline issue that Jesus called out their corruption and injustice throughout his ministry.

  5. Dec 24, 2021 · Whether one believes Jesus was on the right or the left generally depends on where one stands on the political spectrum. A recent study in the U.S. found that, when it comes to politics, man creates God in his own image rather than the other way around.

    • Jacopo Barigazzi
  6. Mar 16, 2016 · It may surprise us to know there was political diversity among Jesus’s disciples. Included in the 12 are Simon, a zealot, and Matthew, a tax collector. Interestingly, Matthew the tax collector emphasizes this difference more than any of the other Gospel writers (Matt. 10:3–4).

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  8. Jesus shifted his disciples away from remaining exclusively preoccupied with the existing what of politics to an increasing commitment to his distinctive how of politics. This how of politics begins with the spiritual values that Jesus taught, including love, forgiveness, mercy, justice, truth, and two more values The After Party will ...

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