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  1. Apr 24, 2021 · Kennan contended that the Marxist rhetoric and, essentially, conspiracy theories about the goals of the Western capitalist nations, constituted what was deep down a neurosis originating in a...

  2. In and of itself, political warfare did not define U.S. strategy in the early Cold War, nor did Kennan's musings on the approach prevent uncoordinated policy planning and implementation - of both overt and covert tools - as he had 8. In his biographical establishment of Kennan as an "iconoclast," Walter Hixson sets out

  3. Despite all the criticisms and the various policy defeats that Kennan suffered in the early 1950’s, containment in the more general sense of blocking the expansion of Soviet influence remained the basic strategy of the United States throughout the cold war.

  4. Apr 24, 2021 · Kennan’s Containment Strategy: A Consensus on What Not to Do. American foreign policy elites have adopted a partial myth about containment in order to worship at the altar of grand...

  5. While Kennan’s ‘containment’ policy had won general acceptance, Kennan was uncomfortable, as the Cold War ratcheted up, with Washington’s growing emphasis on military means. As Kennan’s views came to seem more and more unrealistic and out of touch, they created frictions….

  6. The extension of the containment strategy beyond strategic areas, the rejection of Program A, along with the continued division of Europe and the more militarized tone of the containment strategy stopped Kennan from implementing a coherent containment strategy.

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  8. Abstract. Kennan’s abrupt transition from career diplomat to Cold War strategist grew out of more than just an “outrageous encumberment of the telegraphic process.”1 By the time the “long telegram” had won him the reputation of being the government’s foremost Soviet expert, there was already in his writing and thinking a depth of ...

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