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  1. Jun 10, 2021 · This event drew the queen, who loved her people so very much, to the streets. During this riot, the Queen was hit by a fatal rock, and she wasn't able to recover from the blow. Her death caused Anduins father to fall into a depression, which Onyxia exploited.

  2. 3 days ago · Description. Ansurek... that worm, that witless, gutless little-- < Y'tekhi growls under their breath, struggling to maintain their composure.> If this is what's become of Neferess, we must free her. She is still our queen.

    • Overview
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    Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

    Garona Halforcen is a half-orc half-draenei, though most (including herself) believed she was half-human until the truth was revealed to her. She is an assassin and was an emissary of the Horde during the first invasion of Azeroth, and was the reluctant murderer of King Llane Wrynn. Later on, she joined her son and the other members of the New Council of Tirisfal in their battle against the Twilight's Hammer cult.

    Birth and early life

    The events that would result in the birth of Garona were partially orchestrated by Gul'dan. He approached the Bladewind clan as a representative of the Shadowmoon clan and convinced them that the draenei were responsible for the red pox and elemental woes the orcs were suffering. The orcs all respected the Shadowmoon, tensions already ran high between the Bladewind clan and the draenei, and the Bladewind had no reason to question Gul'dan. Eager to change their fortunes, they formed raiding parties and began attacking draenei caravans in greater numbers than they had in the past. They killed dozens of draenei and captured even more. Among the prisoners was the draenei Leran, the sister of Vindicator Maraad. Draenei scouts reported the Bladewind sacrificing their prisoners in gruesome rituals to appease the elements and Maraad urged the draenei to save the prisoners, his sister included. He led the assault on the Bladewind, but by the time they arrived, Leran and the others were dead. Before their death, Garona would be born to a Bladewind warrior and Leran. The result was a child that, as it would be discovered later, looked surprisingly human. Garona would be raised in barracks with her father's people. She was not the first half-breed in the clan, but she was one of the few who survived past childhood. Years of abuse turned her into a ferocious fighter, and apart from natural physical strength she also possessed keen intellect and a gift with languages. She mastered the draenei language from the captives and her clan often used her as an interpreter. After the destruction of the Bladewind village by vengeful draenei, Garona fled into the wilds of Terokkar Forest. As she worked her way east she ran into the Shadow Council and Gul'dan.

    Blade of the Shadow Council

    This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories. As it was the early days of the Horde, Gul'dan took Garona under his care. As a half-orc, half-draenei outcast, Garona had found survival to be brutally difficult. She had learned quickly how to avoid unwinnable fights, and how to quietly kill relentless pursuers. Gul'dan bound her mind to his will and began to secretly train her in the art of assassination. She did not fully understand his intentions, but she grew to resent his cruelty. Still, she obeyed. Survival demanded nothing less. Gul'dan had her magically aged and tortured. Having also traveled throughout Draenor, Garona was well-versed in the culture of the orcs. She quickly became the chief interpreter of the Shadow Council and Gul'dan's personal spy and assassin. Due to her mixed blood, she would be hated by the bigger orcs for being different. Their judgments of her being "ugly and deformed" would become her own for years to come. Maraad, however, would not care that Garona was half-orc. Having learned that his sister had borne a child, he began to search for his niece that would stretch on for many years. Garona proved to be skilled with almost any weapon she held, but Gul'dan was not satisfied. His grip on the Horde was still tenuous; assassinating his enemies could backfire if the involvement of his Shadow Council became known. He needed weapons that would allow Garona to kill for him with impunity. Thus he turned to his master Kil'jaeden for guidance and following his strict instructions, made a request to Warchief Blackhand. The Blackrock orc was intrigued, for the warlock had asked for two daggers created from a mysterious type of ore that no orc had ever seen before, and he wanted them imbued with a power that would only reveal itself when the time was right. Blackhand agreed to make the weapons himself in his foundry. As Blackhand quenched the blades, he felt a terrible, dark presence fill them with unspeakable might. This was no Elemental Fury-it was the raw hatred of Kil'jaeden sinking deep within the daggers. Blackhand could feel untamed agony radiating from the weapons. He named them  [Anguish] and  [Sorrow], for he knew they would never be satisfied unless there were drinking the blood of new victims. Gul'dan was delighted with the daggers' power. Not only were they brimming with the dark presence of a Burning Legion lord, but they also were imbued with the means to control the will of the one who wielded them. To test the weapons' potential, Gul'dan handed them to Garona and gave her a simple command. She obeyed instantly. An unfortunate Shadow Council acolyte had no chance to defend himself before she tore open his throat with one slash. It was not a pleasant death. But it was fast, quiet, and efficient. When the orc took his last breath, the wound that killed him became irregular. Nobody would be able to tell whether he had died to a knife, an axe, or a spear. Gul'dan saw the possibilities immediately. A mysterious death could be used to sow confusion and redirect suspicion wherever he pleased. In time Chieftain Zagrel of the Whiteclaw Clan would call upon the clans to end the war with the draenei and focus their attention on shamanic rituals under the belief that only through dedicated worship and adherence to old traditions could the orcs regain their relationship with the elements. Gul'dan fearing that Zagrel could eventually win the support of orcs who questioned the Horde, such as Durotan and his Frostwolves sent Garona to strike the Whiteclaw chieftain down. Garona silently slipped into the Whiteclaws' encampment and stabbed Zagrel through the heart. None of his clan would ever know she'd been there. After their leader's untimely death, inner turmoil gripped the clan as Zagrel's brothers and sons fought for the title of chieftain. The Whiteclaws would endure, but would never be as strong as they had once been. As the Horde waged war on the draenei, Gul'dan dispatched Garona with care and precision. Influential orcs who expressed doubt or dissent were often found dead shortly after a skirmish with draenei forces. The wounds did not look as if they had come from orcish weapons, so Gul'dan was never suspected. Nor was Garona. As a half-breed, she lived beneath the notice of most orcs, and those who noticed her saw only a servant of Gul'dan, held on a tight leash. Her quiet work aided the Horde in securing victory against the draenei, and then her blades helped maintain control in the war's aftermath. Life on Draenor withered due to the presence of fel magic, but tensions within the Horde stayed manageable. Whenever they didn't, Gul'dan gave the command, and Garona obeyed. For many years, Garona was bound to the will of the Shadow Council. She obeyed them to survive; she killed on their behalf to appease them. She often dreamed of using these daggers to slay her masters, but when she woke, her ensorcelled mind buried those thoughts, keeping her loyal.

    Emissary to Medivh

    This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories. She was a member of one of the first raiding parties into Azeroth that fanned out across the Black Morass. The few human hunters and traders encountered were mostly killed, but a handful were captured. While the orcs neglected to question the humans at first because they couldn't understand their tongue, Garona had a talent for learning new languages and spent much of her time speaking with prisoners, learning human words in exchange for food and water. She did not ask things the captives might resist telling such as Stormwind's patrol routes, but did eventually find valuable information about the Guardian Medivh and Karazhan from a prisoner who cursed the orcs and said Stormwind's mage champion who annihilated an entire troll army would make quick work of them. Garona set out for Karazhan alone and was captured by Medivh the moment she stepped within sight of the tower. Though Garona believed she would be killed, Medivh did not harm her because she had no information he needed and was a curiosity, having not seen her during his visits to Draenor. Medivh sympathized with how Garona was an outcast and was impressed with her intelligence, having already spoken the human tongue fairly well. He taught her new words and phrases she quickly picked up on. Seeing Garona was no threat and that she had no love for the Horde due to Gul'dan's cruelty, Medivh decided it was more valuable to have an ally (or even a friend) among the orcs than another spirit haunting his home. Medivh freed Garona and extended an invitation for her to return to Karazhan whenever she liked. When Garona returned to the Black Morass, she discovered Gul'dan had seen everything through her eyes, recognizing what she had not: that Medivh was the mysterious stranger who led the orcs to Azeroth. He ordered Garona to dig up information in Karazhan, hoping to discover the location of the Tomb of Sargeras. At some point, Garona, having gained some information about magic, was kidnapped in the Northshire Abbey but soon rescued by the Horde. The abbey was destroyed. While her party was wiped out, she was spared and sent back to relay a message to the warlock Gul'dan. Gul'dan ordered Garona to find the sorcerer Medivh and keep an eye on him. After a period of time, she returned and met with the Magus on many occasions. Eventually, she was granted the title of Emissary and sent to Karazhan. It was there that she met Khadgar, Medivh's apprentice (and observer from Dalaran). Khadgar was, at first, furious at her presence, but the Magus demanded Khadgar treat her with respect. A trust was formed between the two when a bizarre demon appeared in the library of the great tower, and both had to utilize their skills together to defeat it. Garona and Khadgar continually criticized each other's race while defending their own. Eventually, Garona mentioned to Khadgar that the orcs had been arriving on Azeroth via a gateway known as the Dark Portal. Garona also began to respect Magus Medivh a great deal, and because of that respect, she started to debate her true loyalties. Stating that the "Old Man" had told her everything she wanted to know, despite knowing full well that she was a spy, she felt that she could never break that trust. She even made the comment that the bond of trust made her feel more 'human' and that she felt Medivh had a grand dream to bring something better to this world. It may have been around this time that Medivh fathered Garona's son, Med'an. As Garona's relationship with high profile humans began to develop, Garona would see humans as a potential means of escaping Gul'dan.

    This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

    • A Vision of Twilight

    • The Eyes Have It

    • Eye Spy

    • Just You and Garona

    • Dark Assassins

    Twilight Highlands

    •Backstab — Inflicts 150% damage to an enemy, but only if attacking from behind.

    •Deadly Poison — Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy every 3 seconds for 15 sec.

    •Evasion — Increases the caster's chance to dodge by 35%.

    •Eviscerate — Finishing move that causes damage.

    •Shadowstep — Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy.

    Garona's "non-orcish" heritage has been very much disputed over the years. Some believed her to be part human (i.e. half-human) as she originally claimed. Medivh and Khadgar believed that the human part was actually a near-human race from Draenor, and not the same race of humans from Azeroth. Others have suggested she is part draenei (i.e. half-draenei) which has been confirmed.

    Initially, it was believed (even by Garona herself) that she was of half-orc and half-human heritage, as she claimed in the Warcraft I manual and in The Last Guardian. In the manual, Garona specifically states she is "...of both Orc and Human lineage". Garona also mentions that she was forced through the portal along with laborers into Azeroth from Draenor, meaning that she was born on Draenor.

    Even Medivh, the Explorers' League, many orcs and humans, and others thought that she was half-orc and half-human. Humans tended to focus on her orc parts, and orcs focused on her human parts. To orcs, she had human hands, too pale, too weak, and too ugly.

    It was ultimately revealed that Gul'dan was aware of her true parentage but lied to Garona and made her believe she was half-human so she could more easily infiltrate the court of King Llane Wrynn.

    As mentioned before, Garona herself had no reason to not believe Gul'dan's lies, until she met her pure-blooded draenei uncle Maraad. When he revealed her heritage to her, Garona could not believe him until he pressed her memory. It was only then that Garona realized that he was telling her the truth. When she spoke to Med'an a few minutes later, she also told him of their draenei heritage to his surprise, showing that she had fully accepted this revelation to be true.

    Before her full race identity was revealed in the comic, this issue was brought up on the official forums where the former community manager Caydiem claimed that Garona was in fact half-orc and half-draenei. As the uncorrupted draenei in the The Burning Crusade expansion had not yet been revealed, Caydiem made this plausible by stating that the draenei seen so far in the game had been mutated as Draenor was torn apart by portals and through their portal travels.

    With the recent revelation of the appearances of the true draenei and their eredar-like forms — it was hard to believe that Garona was half-draenei since she lacked their cranial features, leg structure, presence of a tail, and hooves — her prowess as an assassin makes it unlikely she is "half-uncorrupted" draenei. However, in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, there is a half-orc half-draenei blademaster in Nagrand — Lantresor of the Blade, leader of the Boulderfist ogres — who reuses Rend Blackhand's orc model lacking draenei features and human features. Although Lantresor's model may just be using an orc model due to the lack of a true half-draenei model in-game (in the same way that half-elves are represented by elven models in game), Garona looks like him, without draenei features.

    In the World of Warcraft (Wildstorm comic), she is portrayed, similar to her older renditions, with dominant orcish features. Her only draenei features are the eye glows (not white, however, but purple) and the structure of her forehead. She also mentions to Maraad that her feet are "almost like hooves." Horns and the tail are missing, although it is possible that they have been physically removed or simply are rudimentary and hidden under her clothes and hair. Her leg structure has nothing in common with the draenei's though. Her son Med'an, even with only having 1/4 draenei genes, has more draenei features than she does.

    Warcraft III

    This section concerns content related to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos or its expansion The Frozen Throne. In early release information related to Warcraft III, including private demonstrations to the media, it was mentioned that Garona was intended to play a major role in the main campaign, likening her importance to that of Thrall himself. On April 27, 2000, interviewed Rob Pardo about the game. In an interview conducted by IGN, Garona was mentioned as a playable hero unit, but by the game's release in 2002, she was strangely missing.

    World of Warcraft

    The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages. During the World of Warcraft beta, she was seen in Ravenholdt Manor, the guild of assassins, with the title of "Grand Master of the Assassin's League" and affiliated with the Ravenholdt faction. She was removed before the game's release, but has since reappeared in Wrath of the Lich King in a flashback and in Cataclysm in person.

    Other appearances

    Garona also appears as a hero unit in Warcraft I: Garona (Warcraft I).

    Last Guardian

    This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories. •"The fact that I am of both Orc and Human lineage, combined with the skills and schooling I have acquired from my journeys, has elevated me to the position I now hold." •"Never better. Needed a little exercise. This whelp was kind enough to oblige." •"Yes, surprisingly, I can read..." •"Human languages are a bit...wordy." •"Let's just say I've been having a problem with divided loyalties." •"I'm going to kill him. He treated me well, and listened when I talked, and I'm going to kill him. No." •"In your histories, there are continual justifications for all manner of hellish actions. Claims of nobility and heritage and honor to cover up every bit of genocide, assassination, and massacre. At least the Horde is honest in their naked lust for power." •"Human or orc... An orc would say that it's a human hand - too slender to be really useful, not enough muscle to hold an ax or bash a skull in properly - too pale, too weak, and too ugly. You see the parts of me that are orcish. My orcish superiors, and all other orcs, see the parts of me that are human. I am both, and neither, and considered an inferior being by both sides." •"He made me feel human. And I haven't felt human in a long, long time." •"I feared, but survived. And I found my half-breed life gave me insight on these humans."

    •Malyfous Darkhammer, a member of the Thorium Brotherhood, noted that the  [Breastplate of Bloodthirst] was originally created for Garona, and became her trademark, as she owns the only one ever made. He then offered adventurers a replica of the breastplate, given a certain amount of materials.

    •[Garona's Signet Ring] is a drop from The Curator in Karazhan, where Garona stayed during her time as an emissary.

    •Yogg-Saron, whose role in certain events on Azeroth including Llane's assassination is unclear, drops  [Garona's Guise] and  [Kingsbane].

    •The Tier 9 Horde rogue set is named Garona's Battlegear.

  3. Sep 26, 2019 · Although it likely didn't turn out the way she had intended, the conclusion of the Patch 8.2.5 War Campaign both forced an advancement of her plans and let slip her true feelings: she cares nothing for the Alliance, the Horde, or even her own Forsaken, her only care is mastery of her own fate.

    • Perculia
  4. He was unable to reach a settlement between the Stonemasons who rebuilt Stormwind and the House of Nobles, which led to a riot in which his wife Queen Tiffin was killed. While on a diplomatic mission to Theramore, Varian was abducted by the Defias Brotherhood, formerly the Stonemasons, and went missing.

  5. Development. Sylvanas' character model in World of Warcraft was originally a light-skinned Night Elf. This was changed as the character was to feature in a major role in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

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