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  1. May 28, 2021 · Fan art can also be a vehicle for honing or developing one's craft. Levine explains that fan art allows people to “practice skills within a known universe. There are people who really want to ...

  2. Feb 18, 2020 · Lindner explained Allen’s condition as an escape from overwhelming mental anguish rooted in childhood trauma. But Lindner, himself a science fiction fan, remarked also on the seductive ...

    • Gavin Miller
    • Charlotte Ahlin
    • Looking up the real science behind the fake science. Science fiction (or speculative fiction, if you're going to be like that about it) is all about the possibilities that lie within our own universe.
    • Worrying about advances in technology. Is it just me, or is the news sounding more and more like the prologue to a sci-fi novel these days? The true sci-fi reader sees a headline about facial recognition iPhones or the rise of sex robots and starts to feel a little uneasy...
    • Correcting people on the differences between sci-fi and fantasy. When you're a sci-fi fan, it's hard not to feel a little defensive. A lot of people look down on sci-fi as silly stories about aliens with rubber foreheads (and to that I say...
    • Trying to get your non-sci-fi friends into sci-fi. This might be a bit of an annoying habit, but it does pay off every once in a while. A lot of people don't like to read sci-fi, and that's fine...
  3. Sep 8, 2018 · Historian Yuval Noah Harari believes sci-fi has the power to shape public opinion. The Geek's Guide to the Galaxy is a podcast hosted by author David Barr Kirtley and produced by Lightspeed ...

  4. In the great new sci-fi books and movies of the last 10 years, authors and storytellers have imagined the future in new ways. Editors from Tor, Orbit, Asimov’s Science Fiction, and more weigh in ...

  5. Jun 5, 2018 · Science fiction and fantasy have been argued to be part of a mutable continuum of speculative genre fiction (Rieder, 2010).Since Darko Suvin’s (1979) landmark study Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre, it is now common in science fiction studies to use the term science fiction to refer to any speculative fiction—whether it might otherwise be ...

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  7. Oct 19, 2023 · Fan fiction existed long before the internet made the practice wildly popular. Writing fan fiction allows fans to exercise their imagination by transforming a “world” they already love, meet and collaborate with other fans, and develop an emotional connection with the fiction they read. Potterheads around the world will tell you how ...

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