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  1. Aug 4, 2023 · Paul Ekman’s widely accepted theory of basic emotions and their expressions proposes that we have six basic emotions: sadness, happiness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust. You can explore the Atlas of Emotions interactive website — which is supported by the Dalai Lama.

  2. Sadness is a low-activation (low-energy) negative emotion that we often feel in response to things like rejection or loss. A list of sadness related emotions include: lonely

  3. Milan & Kay Yerkovich . Copyright © 2004 Milan & Kay Yerkovich C: Marriage / Feelings Word List Revised.doc . SOUL WORDS . A Feelings Word List . HAPPY, cheerful ...

    • When You're Feeling Amorous
    • When You're Feeling Angry
    • When You're Feeling Confused
    • When Your Back Is to the Wall
    • When You're Scared
    • When You're Happy
    • When You're Hurt
    • When You're Lonely
    • When You Feel Loved
    • When You're Overwhelmed

    When you are feeling interested in sex or intimacy, it can be helpful to have some words for feelings that will help your partner get the message. For example, if your partner is immersed in a television show or book, you might not be sure how to express your interest and initiate intimacy while they are otherwise occupied.

    When you're looking for a word to tell your spouse that you'd like to head into the bedroom, to the sofa, or even to the hammock, you might say that you're feeling:





    When you are upset about something, whether it's something your partner has done or feelings directed toward someone else, it can be difficult to get your point across in the heat of the moment. In such situations, being direct can often be the most effective. For example, you might simply say, "I am really upset about this!"

    The term "anger" covers a wide scale. You might be:

    •Aggravated or agitated


    •Distressed or disturbed


    There are plenty of times you might feel confused about your relationship. Your partner might do something that you don't know how to interpret or make a comment that isn't clear.

    Rather than allow this confusion to build or lead to erroneous conclusions, let your partner know that you aren't sure what they mean and ask for clarification.

    Did she just say what you think she said? Did she mean it the way it sounded? You're probably:




    Feeling as if you are being attacked during an argument can be particularly difficult to cope with. For example, if your partner suddenly accuses you of failing to do something around the house, you might be left feeling upset or overwhelmed.

    When you're accused of some wrongdoing, whether deservedly or not, you'll probably feel:




    In these moments, it may be helpful to acknowledge what they are feeling while also describing how you are feeling as well. For example, you might say, "I can see that you are upset but I'm feeling cornered right now."

    Whether you are scared of a specific situation or experiencing a more general worry, letting your partner know what you are feeling can be a way to get the support you need.

    Like anger, fright is an emotion that comes in a variety of degrees. You might feel mildly:





    Letting your partner know when you're happy can also be important for strengthening your relationship. Not only will they feel pleased with your happiness, but it can also be a way of providing feedback about something they have done to help cause your happiness.

    When things are going well and your spouse has just said or done something to light up your world, you might say you feel:





    Word to Express Hurt

    You might feel abused, belittled, berated, betrayed, bitter, broken, cheated, condemned, deceived, degraded, humiliated, inadequate, inferior, insignificant, insulted, mistreated, persecuted, rejected, robbed, scorned, small, squashed, stifled, tormented, tortured, or wounded. Consider saying something like, "When you said that it made me feel very small" or "I feel like my trust has been betrayed."

    You can feel lonely in a roomful of people or when you're sitting beside your spouse. It's why you feel lonely in this situation and what happened to cause your feeling that matters.

    Maybe you feel:





    There are times when you may also want to express how loved your partner helps you feel. For example, if they do something thoughtful that shows how well they know you and how much they think of you, you may want to find words for what you are feeling.

    Hopefully, your spouse makes you feel:





    Feeling overwhelmed can be good or bad. On the bright side, something your partner has done may cause you to feel:






  4. Oct 16, 2011 · Profound sadness, as it relates to love, can be triggered by an observation, event, a remembrance that your love is unrequited, or an acknowledgment that the object of your affection is...

  5. The text explores a variety of topics used to define love, including attraction, relationship satisfaction, emotional, and ethical considerations. The author takes a rational, logical, analytic, and scrutinizing look at experiences and other forms of literature on the subject of love.

  6. If you or anyone you know is feeling suicidal, free and confidential help is available. In the U.S., you can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). For other countries, the International Association for Suicide Prevention has a list of crisis and suicide prevention centers throughout the world.