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  1. Edible Fish - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Fish Head and Bellies Stewed in Miso and Tamarind
    Fish head recipes are indigenous to Southeast Asian cuisine as there are many variations across the region. In the Philippines, the dish is called "Sinigang sa Miso" (Stewed Fish Head and Salmon Bellies in Miso and Tamarind). Asians use all edible parts of the big fish so whenever available, people may add fish liver, fish roe, fish stomachs etc that came with the fish to the stew. The collagen you will get from the dish is worth like big dabs of deep penetrating moisturizers/wrinkle prevention cream. It is a low carb, no-guilt food and you also get genuine fish oil and a dose of omega 3 ... enjoy!
    Fruity Fish Snack
    Enjoy creating edible food art with your kids!
    Fried Porgies
    Porgy, also referred to as scup or bream, is a medium-fatty, firm-fleshed white fish with a mild flavor and edible skin. It takes very well to battering and frying, as in this recipe. If you can't find porgy, any medium-size, firm-fleshed white fish will work in this delicious recipe (skinned if desired). Buttermilk helps the cornmeal coating stick to the fish and keeps the fish moist, while seafood seasoning adds a nice kick. Ask your fishmonger to clean the fish and remove the heads and fins.
    Thai Noodle Soup
    Thai Noodle Soup With Egg Noodles, Water, Lemon Grass, Fish Sauce, Sliced Mushrooms, Shredded Carrots, Green Onions, Fresh Cilantro, Celtic Salt, Curry Paste, Tom Yum Paste, Limes Juice
    Grilled Frozen Salmon in Grape Leaves
    Food Network
    Grape leaves are the secret to grilling salmon from frozen. They keep the fish from sticking to the grill -- plus, they're edible. Other bonuses of this quick method: The marinade freezes in place on the frozen fillets, making them easy to wrap and infusing them with flavor on the grill. And the half-cooked pieces stay firm so they're easy to turn. Round out the meal with rice and a salad.
    Tempura-Battered Smelt
    The classic Acadian way to cook smelt is to fry them. I put a twist on that tradition by frying them in this light tempura batter my husband and I use for shrimp. I serve this with heads on because, like anchovies, these fish are so small everything is edible. But you can remove heads and internal organs if desired.
    Baked Porgy
    Baked what? Pronounced like “Porgy” from “Porgy and Bess,” this mild, flaky white-fleshed fish (also known as scup) is long-underrated. Delicious, nutritious, easy to make, and affordable, Porgy is similar to tilapia (both are mild-tasting white fish) but sweeter. So say goodbye to lobster, salmon, shrimp, and tuna and all the other popular kids. Get adventurous and try something new. ## An Underappreciated Fish You hardly ever see porgy on an American restaurant’s menu — specials maybe, but not on the actual menu. It may not have the pedigree of an American red snapper or black grouper, but chefs say it’s got the same quality. It’s not the prettiest fish you’ve ever seen, but it’s fabulous when cooked, whether sautéed or baked whole. So why does Porgy get such a bad rap? Perhaps because it’s used as bait for bigger fish — labeled as nothing more than “by-catch” by some — and its name doesn't sound particularly classy. But if you’ve ever tried fresh grilled porgy, you know why seafood fans from England to Japan are crazy about this fish. ## The Goodness of Porgy Called sea bream in Europe, Porgy is among the most plentiful, sustainable fish on the New York and Northeastern Atlantic Coast. Porgy is sweet and medium-fatty, has edible skin that gets nice and crispy, and is more affordable than other white fish varieties that are similar in flavor, such as red snapper. Argentina is the world’s major red porgy producer and sells frozen fish to markets in Europe, where the fish is highly regarded. Uruguay and Brazil also have commercial red porgy fisheries. ## Versatility Porgy is a versatile fish and its mild flavor absorbs spices well, although a simple sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper and kosher salt will suffice. Porgy fillets and steaks can be stuffed and baked. Whole fish are good cooked on the grill or oven roasted; these methods soften the bones and allow the meat to slide off them more easily. Porgies can have tough, hard-to-scale-skin. It’s easiest to have the fish scaled before buying. ## Types of Porgy **Red porgy** have white, tender meat with a large flake and mild, sweet, but satisfying flavor, though its numerous small bones make it hard to fillet. ** Sheepshead porgy** have always been highly regarded in the American South, where they are usually pan-fried. The fat-bodied **Northern porgy** has firm, flaky flesh, though it is quite bony. The plump, golden-silver **Jolthead porgy**, in the Gulf of Mexico, is delicious and beautiful. ## Other Ways to Prepare Porgy **Greek-style:** Simply pan-fried with sea salt and pepper, extra virgin olive oil, red onions, garlic, white wine, lemon juice, oregano, rosemary, and butter. **Grilled:** Serve whole grilled porgy over a bed of corn salad tossed in garlicky buttermilk dressing: a perfect summer meal! **Samke Harra (Lebanese Spiced Fish):** Porgy with a classic Lebanese sauce of onions, walnuts, chopped cilantro, and chili. **Stuffed Porgy:** Fill porgy fillets with capers, olives, and fresh herbs. Wrap the fillets in parchment or aluminum foil, bake for half an hour, then serve with lemon slices.
    Goi Cuon (Vietnamese Cold Spring Rolls)
    Goi Cuon (vietnamese Cold Spring Rolls) With Rice Paper, Cooked Chicken, Shrimp, Cilantro Leaves, Fresh Mint Leaves, Lettuce, Cucumber, Bean Sprout, Vermicelli Rice Noodles, Hoisin Sauce, Peanuts, Nuoc Nam, Fish Sauce
    Thai Avacado Noodle Bowl
    Thai Avacado Noodle Bowl With Tamarind, Lime Leaves, Juice, Limes, Shrimp Paste, Dashi, Palm Sugar, Fish Sauce, Chinese Egg Noodles, Vegetable Stock, Orchid, Banana Blossom, Rounds, Peanuts, Chili, Seed, Basil, Tofu