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  2. Our SPIRITUAL EYE EXAM Resource Center is designed to help people see Biblical Truths, examine their Spiritual Eyesight, and assess Spiritual Blindness.

  3. Mar 27, 2018 · Spiritual Vision” begins with believing and putting your full trust in Jesus (i.e., the Bible tells us that until a person repents of their sins and places their trust in Jesus they remain spiritually blind).

  4. Aug 28, 2023 · Throughout the Bible, we see how spiritual eyes play a vital role in understanding God’s plan and purpose for our lives. From the prophetic visions of Daniel to the spiritual enlightenment experienced by the Apostle Paul, we can see how God uses spiritual eyes to convey His message.

  5. Jan 21, 2024 · While physical eyes are essential for survival, spiritual eyes enable you to see beyond the physical realm and tap into the spiritual realm. Developing spiritual eyes requires faith and a deep connection with God, while physical eyes are a natural way of perceiving things.

    • In Those Days, Everyone Did What Was Right in Their Own eyes.
    • If You Woke Up Blind Today – It Would Have Freaked You Out!
    • How Is Your Spiritual Eye Sight?

    Did you notice it does not say – everyone did what was “wrong”in their own eyes. They were sincerely trying to do right – but if you read all of the book of Judges – you saw how violent and dark this book of the Bible was. They missed the mark and they didn’t even know they were missing it. They thought what they were doing was right! Their right –...

    The darkness would have required immediate help. Jesus said – our eyes are like lamps. If our spiritual eyes are bad, we will be filled with darkness. But Jesus came as the light of the world! We must let his light shine into every nook and cranny of our lives.

    Has darkness clouded your vision in certain areas of your life? Has a difficult circumstance in your life led you to be tempted to do what is right in your own eyes, rather than in God’s eyes. Turn to God in His Word and let Him enlighten you. Do not trust your physical eyes alone – they may lead you astray. Remember that sin is not far from us – w...

  6. Spiritual eyesight gives an advantage to Christians to see in the heavenly realm what unbelievers cannot see. We look at the world with our natural eyes, but with our spiritual eyes, we look at the Kingdom of God!

  7. Aug 29, 2023 · Spiritual eyesight is the ability to perceive beyond the physical world and tap into a higher consciousness. Developing spiritual eyesight involves various techniques and practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and connecting with nature.

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