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  1. The Agile Manifesto was published on February 11, 2001. Scrum embodies agile principles by enabling teams to adapt quickly to changes (in market requirements, conditions, new regulations, etc.), prioritize customer feedback, and deliver work in manageable increments. Scrum is considered agile because of the agile principles and values it ...

  2. › learning-series › what-is-scrumWhat is Scrum? |

    Scrum is an empirical process, where decisions are based on observation, experience and experimentation. Scrum has three pillars: transparency, inspection and adaptation. This supports the concept of working iteratively. Think of Empiricism as working through small experiments, learning from that work and adapting both what you are doing and ...

  3. Scrum is an agile project management framework that helps teams structure and manage their work through a set of values, principles, and practices. Much like a rugby team (where it gets its name) training for the big game, scrum encourages teams to learn through experiences, self-organize while working on a problem, and reflect on their wins ...

  4. Scrum is an agile framework that helps teams structure their work into short development cycles called sprints. Scrum teams commit to shipping work at the end of each sprint and adopt practices and a team structure that helps them achieve this cadence. Scrum takes the agile principles one step further, creating structure that helps teams live ...

  5. › docs › scrumguideThe Scrum Guide

    implement Scrum theory. Scrum is built upon by the collective intelligence of the people using it. Rather than provide people with detailed instructions, the rules of Scrum guide their relationships and interactions. Various processes, techniques and methods can be employed within the framework. Scrum wraps

  6. Scrum is an agile team collaboration framework commonly used in software development and other industries. Scrum prescribes for teams to break work into goals to be completed within time-boxed iterations, called sprints. Each sprint is no longer than one month and commonly lasts two weeks. The scrum team assesses progress in time-boxed, stand ...

  7. Yes, Scrum can harmonize with diverse methodologies like Scrumban through careful development process integration and adaptation. Atlassian's Jira is designed to support all agile methodologies. With a robust project management feature set and custom workflows, software teams and business teams can build their tool to match real-world practices ...

  8. Oct 8, 2020 · Scrum is a framework that was created as a part of the Agile methodology. It was made to help teams address complex problems within a project. The Scrum method was created to improve productivity within the team and deliver products that deliver the highest value to the consumer in a creative manner. The Agile Scrum Methodology is focused on ...

  9. Feb 2, 2024 · Agile methodology is a project management framework that breaks projects down into several dynamic phases, commonly known as sprints. In this article, get a high-level overview of Agile project management, plus a few common frameworks to choose the right one for your team. Scrum, Kanban, waterfall, Agile.

  10. Jun 24, 2024 · Agile Scrum methodology is good for businesses that must finish specific projects quickly. Agile Scrum methodology is a project management system that relies on incremental development. Each ...

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