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  1. Rogue: Assassin. You focus your training on the grim art of death. Those who adhere to this archetype are diverse: hired killers, spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed priests trained to exterminate the enemies of their deity.

  2. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Monster - Assassin - Assassinate. During its first turn, the assassin has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn.

  3. Shortsword: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

  4. May 6, 2023 · Assassin Features. Bonus Proficiencies: Both tool kits are fantastic and open up wonderful options for the Rogue. Assassinate: To make this work, you really want to go first in combat for that free Advantage. Maximize your Dexterity as soon as possible, and consider the Alert feat.

  5. Aug 22, 2022 · A master linguist, forger of documents, and peerless killer, the Assassin makes for a classic DnD subclass. Let’s dive into the world of the 5e Assassin.

  6. Jan 22, 2023 · A guide to the Assassin Rogue Subclass in DnD 5e including abilities, strengths, weaknesses, assassinate, poisons, and how to build one step by step.

  7. Dec 7, 2019 · Assassin Features. Rogues trained in the art of assassination are renowned for the ability to deal massive damage to unsuspecting foesbut that’s not the only trick they have up their sleeves. The rogue gains access to four subclass features, but many of them skew late.

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