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  1. May 30, 2023 · The assumption that true love can only be between two people at one time is one of the contributing factors. Most people have loved one person at a time with all of their hearts, albeit...

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  3. Mar 22, 2008 · It is possible to love and be intimate with more than one person at a time. Loving two people at the same time poses some psychological concerns and can generate emotional dissonance.

  4. May 16, 2010 · Can we truly love two people at once, or will we unavoidably be abandoning one love for another? And if indeed we can love two people at once, are we shortchanging one or both of them by...

    • Overview
    • Evaluating Your Feelings
    • Navigating Your Current Relationship
    • Choosing One Person
    • Establishing a Polyamorous Relationship

    While many people revel in the idea of a single soul mate, it's possible to feel love for two people at the same time. This can be confusing, especially if you are presently in a relationship. If you find you're in love with two people, evaluate your feelings. Think about your love for each person, and your personal feelings regarding monogamy. If ...

    Look into any differences between how you love each person.

    If you find yourself in love with two people, these people may be meeting different emotional needs. Identifying the different reasons you love each person can help you figure out how to move forward.

    What do you get from each person? Your current boyfriend or girlfriend may bring you stability, but your love for them may feel like friendship love. You may have passion for another person that's missing from your current relationship.

    If you're experiencing two different types of love, there are ways to navigate this. At the beginning of a relationship, you may be more passionate about someone. If you're feeling passion for someone new, you can limit your contact with that person to conversation, for example. You can learn new things about someone and allow yourself to experience the emotional infatuation of a romance while staying physically faithful to your current partner.

    Consider whether you're having an emotional affair.

    If you're currently in a relationship, loving two people can pose problems. If you and your partner have not agreed to an open relationship, being in love with another person can constitute an emotional affair. This can cause feelings of pain and betrayal for your current partner. Look for any signs you're having an emotional affair.

    You may feel the need to justify your behavior due to latent guilt. You may, for example, need to reassure yourself constantly you and this person are "just friends" or think of justifications for spending time with this person.

    You may also feel the need to cover your tracks. If you're hiding something from your partner, you may be doing something wrong. You may, for example,

    or lie to your partner about spending time with the other person.

    Do you obsessively think or daydream about this person? Do you feel excitement when you know you get to see this person? If so, that's definitely a sign it's emotional infidelity.

    If you're not currently involved with someone monogamously, you may be dating two people at once. You may have feelings of love for both people, but want a monogamous relationship. Figure out which party to choose. There are several factors you can use to decide who is best for you.

    Compatible romantic partners have similar goals and values. Choose the person whose goals more closely align with yours. You and this person should have similar moral values, and want similar things for the future.

    Think about how much each person influences you. In a romantic relationship, you are heavily influenced by another person. You'll find yourself adopting their tastes and interests. If you find one person influences your personality more, that person may be right for you.

    You should also consider your feelings for someone. People tend to feel more infatuated with compatible romantic matches. You may find yourself putting one person on more of pedestal. You may play up one person's good qualities slightly more.

    Polyamorous people are open to having multiple romantic relationships at once, as long as all parties consent to this kind of romance. Many people find they are polyamorous, and try to date people who are okay with open or semi-open relationships.

    People who are polyamorous do not feel monogamy is necessary to a happy and fulfilling relationship. Polyamory is not a choice. A lot of it depends on your emotional comfort level and your feelings about love and romance. If you're able to be in love with two people at the same time, you may be polyamorous.

    There are many ways to figure out if you're polyamorous. Look back on your relationships. Are you able to be fulfilled by a single person, or do you frequently find yourself craving love and sex outside of your relationship? If it's the latter, you may be polyamorous. If you feel capable of being in love with and committed to two people at once, you may be polyamorous.

    There is some stigma against polyamory, but work to shut that out. Remember, when it comes to relationships, one size does not fit all. If you are polyamorous, you should feel comfortable exploring your feelings on the subject without feeling guilt.

    • Consider how you really feel. First off, you need to figure out how you really feel about these two people. If you think you’ve in love with them, you need to work out how that is manifesting.
    • Question how genuine your feelings are. Feelings are confusing, and they can appear for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes, they’re genuine and reflective of what’s really going on.
    • Figure out what type of love you are feeling. We all love different people in different ways, whether it’s a friend, family member, or romantic partner.
    • Consider who you are most compatible with. Think about who you are most compatible with and how things could work on a practical level. Think about what you want the relationship to look like, and who your best match is.
  5. Jul 22, 2019 · Learn how to navigate the possibility of loving two people at the same time, whether you're open to non-monogamy or not. Find out the benefits and challenges of polyamory, and how to communicate your needs with your partners.

  6. Aug 19, 2024 · Can you be in love with two people? It is possible to be in love with or have feelings for more than one person, and it may even be a common occurrence. If you’re in this situation, it may be helpful to decipher which person you have stronger feelings for and decide how to proceed from there.

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