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    • Connect With Culture. Many churches preach about popular movies or other media over the summer. Pick a type of media (such as movies, music, books, or TV shows) or mix it up with a combination of popular media.
    • Summer Baggage. This four-week series uncovers some of the heaviest baggage we carry and invites us to exchange it for the peace Jesus offers. We learn that our luggage is often filled with emotions we might be unaware we feel, but God invites us to release the burdens and trust him to restore our brokenness and help us experience the freedom he offers.
    • Topic from Scripture. What does God say about fear? Faithfulness? Grace? Let this summer be wrapped around a Biblical theme. For example, this summer could be the “Summer of Faithfulness” where you lead your congregation through an explanation of God’s past faithfulness in Scripture, His present faithfulness, and His future faithfulness to us.
    • Summer Love. Far too often, when we talk about “Summer Love,” there is the imagery of a fleeting love that can be lost at any moment. God’s love and his producing of that very love in our lives for others is far better and deeper than the alternatives typically presented.
    • Sermon Series #1- Summer Baggage
    • Sermon Series #2- God on Film
    • Sermon Series #3- Summer Stories
    • Sermon Series #4- Summer Love
    • Sermon Series #5- Staycation
    • Sermon Series #6- The Power of Parenting: Father’s Day Version
    • Sermon Series #7- Cool: Searching For Fashionable Christianity
    • Sermon Series #8- Downtime: Practicing Silence and Solitude
    • Sermon Series #9- The Invite: Steps Toward Evangelism
    • Sermon Series #10- to The Ends of The Earth

    Summer is often a time when people are in transition- schedules are in flux, and they’re more likely to be moving, changing schools, and changing jobs. These transitions lead to introspection. That’s where Summer Baggage comes in. If we’re not careful, we’ll carry baggage like bitterness and unforgiveness into every new season. This series wrestles...

    God on Film uses classic films from the last couple of decades as the illustrations to teach all about how we are part of God’s story, and how He’s telling a story that we get to be part of. This series is an attention-grabber, easy one to encourage people to invite their friends & family to experience.

    This series is a all about lessons we learned when we were kids, that we might’ve forgotten as adults. You’ll revisit classic Sunday School Bible stories and lessons, which is great for those nostalgic summer months.

    In our world, it’s easy to be noncommittal. We go from person to person, creating superficial relationships and friendships. Summer love contrasts our culture’s view of love with the steadfast love of God, which doesn’t come and go as the seasons pass. God never lets you go or forgets about you, whatever season you’re in.

    We don’t have to go across the world to serve others- we can and should, but this sermon series is about serving the people around us. Great for the summer, it’s an opportunity to reconvene as a church, to re-center on loving God and others.

    This is a stand-alone message (part one happened on Mother’s Day!) on the importance of fathers and our Heavenly Father. As fathers, we should reflect our Heavenly Father, but we’re going to mess up. Even at our best moments, we are just a tiny reflection of the goodness of God. You can also choose the Father’s Day graphic bundle.

    It can be really easy to think that in order to reach people that we have to be like them. But truly cool/authentic Christianity, according to the Bible, is a faith where we love God and we love other people. Style isn’t as important as substance.

    It’s important to schedule time where we put down our device and unplug in order to practice spiritual disciplines. That’s what this sermon series is about. The Bible talks about silence and solitude, about the importance of meditating on the Word of God. In fact, Jesus practiced these disciplines! We need to take time to do this during the summer ...

    There are so many things we can do to help reach the people around us for God. We need to serve and love them, and create opportunities and space to listen to them. But we also need to invite them to church, and this series will help your people do that- in a way that doesn’t just invite them to a service but welcomes them into the community. If yo...

    Summer is a great time to preach through a book of the Bible, and this one on Acts is a great choice- it’s about evangelism and community.

  1. May 13, 2024 · Explore our top 5 Summer Sermon Series for a vibrant church season. Dive into themes of faith, renewal, and growth with series like 'Summer in the Psalms' and 'The Dog Days of Summer'. Perfect for engaging your congregation in a spiritually enriching summer.

  2. We have a pair of preachers - moving back and forth between what is Jesus saying (one sermon) and how do we apply what Jesus is saying (next sermon)—Geoff Kohler. Kingdom - Jesus' words on the KOG—Brian Boone. Either a series on the Lord's Prayer or on the 12 steps of discipleship—Bill Dodge.

    • Prove It: The Book of 1 John. We all know the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” But how often do you challenge your church to reflect on whether their actions line up with their faith?
    • None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God. Humans think of God according to their limited experience, yet God is infinite in experience and power.
    • Downfall: The Book of Obadiah. Pride is a corrupted sense of one’s own accomplishments. How often do you see people in society bragging about their wonderful life without giving credit to the Lord for their bounty?
    • What’s The Point? Often, new believers fall into old habits and patterns of living after coming to know Christ as Lord and Savior. How do you challenge new believers and anyone slipping from faith to push deeper into relationship with the Lord?
  3. Jun 4, 2008 · Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, and Josephthese are the superstars in our summer blockbusters. Fortunately for preachers, there is no dearth of commentary on these texts to help us interpret them for our congregations.

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  5. At Igniter, we want to help you prepare gatherings that will strengthen, encourage, and challenge your congregation, so we've provided 5 summer sermon series ideas that we hope will inspire you as you plan for the summer.

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