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    • Yale University. New Haven, CT• Rating 4.02 out of 5 1,042 reviews. Alum: What I love most about Yale is the world-class academics and incredible community of professors and students.
    • Stanford University. Stanford, CA• Rating 4.1 out of 5 1,274 reviews. Sophomore: My experience at Stanford University was incredibly enriching and transformative.
    • Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cambridge, MA• Rating 4.16 out of 5 661 reviews. Freshman: There was rigorous schedule but overall they provided an amazing and conducive learning environment which contributed to the student overall’s success.
    • Harvard University. Cambridge, MA• Rating 4.14 out of 5 842 reviews. Freshman: Great experience at Harvard so far! The people you meet are truly the best part, students and professors....
  1. College Search. Choose one of the options below to filter colleges by location. Explore your academic journey. There are many different types of institutions that offer a range of programs and degrees. Many colleges offer programs for special interests. Some private colleges are connected to a religion.

  2. Explore more than 1,800 colleges with the U.S. News College search tool. Browse our school profiles and narrow down your results until you find the colleges that are right for you.

  3. Search for colleges that you can get into. Discover your ideal college match with CollegeSimply's data-driven search features. Make the most of our in-depth rankings and student reviews as you create your 2024 college list. With over 3,500 U.S. schools at your fingertips, our interactive tools allow you to filter, sort, compare, and even map ...

  4. College Board is a non-profit organization that clears a path for all students to own their future through the AP Program, SAT Suite, BigFuture, and more. College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools

  5. Student Search Service ™ is a program offered by the College Board, a nonprofit organization that administers standardized tests like the SAT. This free service helps to connect students with educational and scholarship opportunities that match their interests and preferences. Students who are contacted by colleges through Student Search ...

  6. Oct 3, 2023 · In-state tuition averages about $12,485, while nonresidents pay over $36,000 per year. 2. Franklin University. Another top Columbus institution, Franklin University is a private institution that dates back to 1902. Largely an online school, Franklin is a popular option for working professionals and nontraditional students.

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