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  1. Test your typing speed and keystroke per hour with this online tool. Learn how to improve your data entry skills and earn more money working from home.

  2. Improve your data entry skills with practice tests and drills scored in kph (keystrokes per hour). Prepare for data entry exams like CritiCall or ProveIt with various topics and formats.

  3. Take a 60-second timed challenge to test your data entry skills and get statistics on your accuracy and speed. Learn how to type fast and avoid mistakes with tips and practice tests on Gonna Type website.

  4. Improve your typing speed and accuracy with over 100 different tests and drills. Prepare for pre-employment data entry exams like ProveIt or CritiCall with realistic scenarios and topics.

  5. Test your speed and accuracy with 10 key data entry tests using numbers and symbols. Learn how to qualify for data entry jobs with 9,000 KPH and 98% accuracy.

  6. Test your typing speed and accuracy with a one-minute online test that measures words and characters per minute. Learn how to improve your typing skills, compare your results with others, and find out the best keyboard layout and typing techniques.

  7. Learn how to improve your data entry skills and pass the tests with these tips and practice lessons. Find out what data entry tests measure and how to prepare for them.

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