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  1. Learn about what meakness means and why child of God should have this character quality. Read Bible dictionary definitions and verses.

  2. May 15, 2012 · Meekness begins when we put our trust in God. Then, because we trust him, we commit our way to him. We roll onto him our anxieties, our frustrations, our plans, our relationships, our jobs, our health. And then we wait patiently for the Lord.

  3. Meekness (praótes) in the NT is a natural virtue, a Christian grace, and one of thefruits of the spirit” . Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle (meek) and lowly in heart” ( Matt 11:29 ).

  4. Jan 26, 2024 · Explore the transformative power of meekness as revealed in Matthew 5:4. Uncover the biblical definition of meekness, its significance in the life of a believer, and practical steps to cultivate this often misunderstood trait.

  5. Jan 14, 2024 · Meekness in the Bible refers to exhibiting gentleness, humility, and patience when dealing with others (Galatians 5:23). A meek person does not insist on their own way or become angry when offended. Rather, they are willing to yield and submit to others, while maintaining inner strength and courage (1 Peter 3:15-16).

  6. mek'-nes (`anawah; praotes, prautes): "Meekness" in the Old Testament (`anawah, `anwah) is from `anaw, "suffering," "oppressed," "afflicted," denoting the spirit produced under such experiences. The word is sometimes translated "poor" ( Job 24:4, the Revised Version margin "meek"; Amos 8:4 ); "humble" ( Psalm 9:12, 18, the Revised Version ...

  7. Nov 26, 2023 · Meekness, as defined in the Bible, is a powerful and transformative virtue. It is not about weakness or passivity, but about embodying humility, gentleness, and trust in God. Through understanding the etymology of meekness, we uncover its true meaning and discover its richness in both Hebrew and Greek.

  8. Jesus’ powerfully comforting words were said in meekness, where He says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28). Our yoke may be hard and our burden heavy, but Jesus says that “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt 11:30).

  9. Mar 18, 2024 · The Bible consistently portrays meekness as a divine quality, one that is highly esteemed. In Psalms and Proverbs, meekness is associated with wisdom, guidance, and protection. The meek in the Bible are promised joy, peace, and an inheritance of the earth.

  10. Learn what Meekness means and it's Biblical definition including verses and verse references on the topic of Meekness using Bakers Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Online.

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