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  1. Domeric Bolton was a member of House Bolton, the sole trueborn son of Lord Roose Bolton and Lady Bethany Bolton, and heir to the Dreadfort.

  2. Domeric Bolton was the first trueborn son and heir of Lord Roose Bolton, the Lord of the Dreadfort. He was a harpist and very well-read. As a young man, he "fell ill", died, and was buried underneath the Dreadfort.

  3. Domeric Bolton is dead, assassinated by Ramsay — or so we are told. Mostly by Lord Roose, who never misses an opportunity to degrade his bastard or accuse him of this murder. Even when Ramsay is believed dead, Bolton insults his memory.

  4. When Domeric Bolton, Roose's accomplished son and heir, learned that he had a bastard half brother, he rode up the Weeping Water to befriend Ramsay Snow. According to Lord Bolton, Domeric was then poisoned by Ramsay. [22]

  5. Domeric Bolton, the heir of Lord Roose Bolton, died at the Dreadfort after visiting his baseborn brother, Ramsay Snow, along the Weeping Water. Maester Uthor called it a sickness of the bowels, but Roose blamed poison. Lord Bolton subsequently brought Ramsay to live at the Dreadfort.

  6. Sep 27, 2017 · Because he was never mentioned on the show, you might be unaware that Ramsay actually had an older half-brother—Lord Roose Bolton's first trueborn son, Domeric.

  7. Apr 1, 2014 · So Domeric Bolton was Roose Bolton's only trueborn son before he died (probably poisoned by Ramsay). The wiki describes him as quiet but accomplished. He was well read in history, played the harp and was an excellent horseman and jouster.

  8. Domeric Bolton was a member of House Bolton, the sole trueborn son of Lord Roose Bolton and Lady Bethany Bolton née Ryswell, and heir to The Dreadfort. Domeric was like his father in the sense that he is quiet, thoughtful and hard to read. But other than that, there are not many more similarities between the two. Domeric is a kind lad who cares for those around him, he has grown close to ...

  9. Oct 2, 2020 · Theories about the death of Domeric Bolton (as seen here in this thread from 5 months ago) seem to fall into one of two camps: We accept Roose Bolton's statement that Ramsay poisoned his brother, who was not only a legitimate heir but also appears to have been mentally stable (the bare minimum for a Bolton heir)

  10. Roose had Domeric serve as a page to Bethany's sister, Lady Barbrey Dustin, in Barrowton and as a squire to Lord Horton Redfort at the Redfort. Roose had Reek, a servant at the Dreadfort who always smelled terrible, whipped for stealing Bethany's perfume in an attempt to mask his stench.

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