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  1. Sep 23, 2022 · Dry eyes occur when your tears are inadequate or unstable, leading to inflammation and damage of the eye's surface. Learn about the common causes, such as aging, hormonal changes, medications, allergies and eyelid problems, and how to prevent and treat dry eyes.

    • Aging. Even though anyone can have dry eye, this condition becomes more common the older you get. Dry eye tends to affect people over the age of 50 because tear production declines with age.
    • Medication. Tears are composed of oil, water, and mucus. Certain medications, however, can reduce mucus production and contribute to chronic dry eye. These include antihistamines, antidepressants, diuretics, and beta-blockers used to treat hypertension.
    • Computer use. Some people who work on a computer experience eyestrain and tension headaches. In addition to these issues, staring at a computer often can also affect your tears and lead to dry eye.
    • Laser surgery. Some people begin to experience dry eye after laser vision correction surgery. This procedure cuts some of the nerves in the cornea, causing the eyes to produce fewer tears.
  2. May 12, 2022 · Dry eyes can be caused by aging, medications, diseases, or environmental factors. Learn about the symptoms, diagnosis, and options for artificial tears, plugs, lipiflow, and medications.

  3. May 22, 2024 · Dry eye is when your eyes do not produce enough tears or the right type of tears. Learn about the common causes of dry eye, such as age, diseases, medicines, and environmental factors, and how to diagnose and treat it.

  4. Nov 28, 2022 · Dry eye is a condition that affects your tear film, the three layers of tears that cover and protect your eyes. Learn about the types, causes, risk factors and treatments of dry eye disease from Cleveland Clinic.

  5. Nov 15, 2023 · Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when your eyes don’t make enough tears or your tears don’t work correctly. Learn about the risk factors, tests, and treatments for dry eye from the National Eye Institute.

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  7. Sep 23, 2022 · Treatment. For most people with occasional or mild dry eye symptoms, it's enough to regularly use nonprescription eye drops, also called artificial tears. If your symptoms are persistent and more serious, you have other options. What you do depends on what's causing your dry eyes.

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