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  1. Apr 8, 2023 · Have you cracked an egg and seen a light yellow, deeper yellow, or even orange color? The color of the yolk can be different for various reasons. Of course when you crack an egg open and the color of the yolk isn't what you're used to—it can make you wonder if it's still safe to eat.

  2. Wondering what a bad egg yolk color is? We have an egg yolk color chart to help you compare. Plus, a ton of information packed onto this page for you!

  3. Sep 24, 2018 · The color of egg yolks can range from pale yellow to deep orange. We break down eggs-actly why that happens, and what color means for flavor and nutrition. We’ve all seen the rainbow of colors eggshells come in, but did you know that egg yolks come in a variety of shades as well?

  4. Jan 25, 2024 · Egg yolk colors vary based on the chicken. Here's what to know about how a chicken's diet influences the egg's composition.

  5. Mar 11, 2023 · Egg yolks can vary in colour from almost white through pale yellow to deep orange, depending on the diet and health of the hens that lay them. The colour comes from a natural pigment called xanthophylls, which is found in the feed that hens consume.

  6. Jul 12, 2017 · The color of an egg’s yolk depends on the grain that the chicken is fed, according to Shareably. Plus, it can also reveal clues as to the chicken’s diet—both the type of food they eat as well as the diversity. We can thank a pigment found in plants called xanthophylls for the variance in yolk color.

  7. Feb 5, 2015 · You’ve probably seen or eaten a “farm-fresh” egg, with a gorgeous orange yolk, and wondered why it looks so different from standard grocery store eggs. Does that orange yolk mean it was a free-range egg or that there’s something special about it? Does it make it more nutritious than regular eggs?

  8. Ever wonder why your egg yolk is a different shade of yellow or orange? This is what the colors mean. Now you'll know what to eggs-pect when you crack open an egg.

  9. Nov 2, 2018 · Egg yolks vary wildly in color ― from soft yellow to dark orange, even red ― and our color preference often varies depending on where we’re from. But what does the color tell us about the quality and nutrition of our eggs?

  10. Aug 22, 2023 · Understand the factors that influence egg yolk color and what it can tell you about the egg's nutritional content.

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