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    Gazette - Maldives' official public record. ގަވާއިދު ނަންބަރު: 82-އާރ/2024 (ގަވާއިދު ނަންބަރު 145-އާރ/2021، ޤާނޫނު ނަންބަރު 5/2009، އެއްގަމު ދަތުރުފަތުރުގެ ޤާނޫނުގެ ދަށުން ފުލުހުންގެ ބެލުމުގެ ދަށަށް ގެނެވޭ އެއްގަމު އުޅަނދާބެހޭ ގަވާއިދަށް 2 ...

  2. › gazetteGazette

    Gazette - Maldives' official public record. ޤާނޫނު ނަންބަރު: 17/2024 (ޤާނޫނު ނަންބަރު 7/2010، ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އިދާރީ ދާއިރާތައް ލާމަރުކަޒީ އުޞޫލުން ހިންގުމުގެ ޤާނޫނަށް 13 ވަނަ އިޞްލާޙު ގެނައުމުގެ ޤާނޫނު)

  3. Gazette - Maldives' official public record. ... Allied Insurance Company of the Maldives Pvt. Ltd. . 2 hours ago Assistant Manager - Reporting & Assurance. Date: 09 September 2024 Deadline: 16 September 2024 15:30 read more.. ...

  4. The Gazette of Maldives. Volume: 50 No: 37 Date: 29 Jumada Al-Akhir 1442 – 11 February 2021 Thursday. Regulation Number: 2021/R-23. Water and Sewerage Services regulation.

  5. Objective 3. The objective of this Regulation is to establish and implement a mechanism and to establish regulatory framework for the sustainable usage of the available water resources by preservation, protection and development of the resources in order to achieve its benefits to the fullest. Enforcement Authority 4.

  6. › v2 › wp-contentThe Gazette of Maldives

    The objective of this Regulation is to establish and implement policies to provide sustainable water and sewerage services in the inhabited islands by setting a maximum tariff. Enforcement of the Regulation. 4. The Regulation will be enforced by Utility Regulatory Authority.

  7. President ratifies first amendment to Juvenile Justice Act. The Edition brings you the most comprehensive English News in the Maldives via original and timely updates on breaking news, politics, business, sports and lifestyle from across the country and South East Asia.

  8. Maldives. "This report documents how the government of President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has used decrees and broad, vaguely worded laws to silence dissent and intimidate, arbitrarily arrest, and imprison critics.

  9. The Edition brings you the most comprehensive English News in the Maldives via original and timely updates on breaking news, politics, business, sports and lifestyle from across the country and South East Asia.

  10. › gazette › 7081Gazette

    Gazette - Maldives' official public record. ގަވާއިދު ނަންބަރު: 83-އާރ/2024 (އިންސްޓްޓިއުޓް އޮފް ޗާޓަރޑް އެކައުންޓެންޓް އޮފް މޯލްޑިވްސްގެ ދަރިވަރުންގެ ގަވާއިދު)

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