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  1. How To Boil Mussels Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Seafood (Crab, Shrimp and Lobster) Boil and How to Open and Eat
    This was fun. This is our 5th summer having this. Of course it 's always different! This year my DS 's Lydia brought the lobster, and Theresa brought the Dungeness crabs as well as regular crabs. This is made in those outdoor boiler-fryers. But I won 't stop you from making it on your stove top. We covered the table with plastic tablecloths then covered it with brown paper (paper used for wrapping packages). And of course you can cut down the recipe. Just leave the first 8 ingredients as is then add whatever and amount of seafood you 'd like. Don 't forget the bibs or aprons and nutcrackers, hammers, small mallets, nut picks and paper towels. Oh an empty large foil pan or a trash can for discarding the shells. Don't forget plenty of beer! Crawfish and mussels would be great in this too. Check out the step X step demo of this