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  1. L’imparfait (the imperfect) is a French past tense. It describes states and actions that were ongoing or repeated in the past. The imperfect can correspond to the English simple past tense, but also to structures such as used to and would.

  2. Imparfait. They say practice makes perfect, so how can one of the most common French past tenses be imperfect? In grammatical terms, "perfect" means "complete," so the French imperfect tense is used to describe an incomplete or ongoing action or state of being.

  3. Apr 20, 2021 · L’imparfait is the French version of the “past progressive” or “past continuous” tense: “ was [verb]+-ing ” etc. For instance: Je pensais à toi. = I was thinking about you. → Here the verb “ penser ” (= to think) is in l’imparfait. It makes “ Je pensais. ” = I was thinking. This is the gist of it.

  4. Quest-ce que limparfait ? L’imparfait exprime et décrit des faits et actions dans le passé en soulignant le déroulement ou la répétition de ceux-ci. C’est le temps du récit, en premier lieu dans la langue écrite.

  5. L’imparfait is a form of past tense in French mainly used to describe continuous actions, repetitive actions, or existing states. In this section we’ll cover some of the contexts where we’ll use imparfait French rather than the passé composé, with plenty of examples.

  6. The imperfect ( l'imparfait) expresses or describes continued, repeated, habitual actions or incomplete actions, situations, or events in the past. The imperfect describes what was going on at an indefinite time in the past or what used to happen.

  7. Sep 8, 2019 · The French imperfect (imparfait) is a descriptive past tense that indicates an ongoing state of being or a repeated or incomplete action. The beginning and end of the state of being or action are not indicated, and the imperfect is very often translated in English as "was" or "was ___-ing."

  8. Dec 12, 2023 · À travers différents exemples, cet article vous éclaire sur la conjugaison de limparfait : dans quelles circonstances employer l’imparfait de l’indicatif et comment se forme-t-il ? Quand utiliser l’imparfait ?

  9. Oct 27, 2021 · Learn what is l'imparfait or the French imperfect tense, when to use it, how to conjugate it, and master all its specificities.

  10. Mar 24, 2023 · L'imparfait is the imperfect tense of the indicative mood. It expresses actions which were happening, repeated, or habits in the past. The imparfait is (more or less) equivalent to the English past continuous, though sometimes it's better translated by the simple past. For example.

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